Climbing galaxias

Galaxias brevipinnis
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Actinopterygii
Order: Osmeriformes
Family: Galaxiidae
Subfamily: Galaxiinae
Genus: Galaxias
Species: G. brevipinnis
Binomial name
Galaxias brevipinnis
Günther, 1866

The Climbing galaxias or the Koaro (Galaxias brevipinnis), is a fish of the family Galaxiidae found in Australia, New Zealand and nearby islands. The name Climbing galaxias is used in Australia, and Koaro in New Zealand. Further vernacular names include Short-finned galaxias, Broad-finned galaxias, Cox's mountain galaxias, and Pieman galaxias.



The Climbing galaxias is unlikely to be confused with the other diadromous whitebait species because of its shape. It is elongate and slender, shaped almost like a tube. The sides and back are covered in a variable pattern of golden blotches and bands that gleam and glitter in the sun, making the Climbing galaxias a very attractive fish indeed.


These fish live a basically benthic lifestyle and in most respects behave like the common galaxias, a closely related galaxiid. They inhabit mainly clear streams, often deeply shaded and relatively fast-flowing, although it sometimes occurs in lakes, particularly in Tasmania. Climbing galaxias also have the ability to penetrate well inland in many river systems, and thus have a more widespread distribution than the other whitebait species.

A major distinguishing feature of this species is its ability to climb up very steep surfaces such as waterfalls, wet rocks and the sluices of hydro dams, and this gives rise to one of its common names. Even juveniles of the species are capable of climbing up and over the sides of buckets after being trapped in whitebait nets.

Climbing ability is not unique among galaxias species, but it reaches its greatest expression in the Climbing galaxias which have special features that enhance their climbing abilities. The downward orientation of their fins and the strong, backward-facing ridges on the front part of their fins possibly contribute to this ability.


G. brevipinnis eggs are believed to be washed downstream to the sea where the young live for about 6 months before returning to freshwater as part of the large mixed species schools known as whitebait. They were once part of a commercial whitebait fishery in Tasmania, but now fishing for them has been restricted to recreational anglers with significant restrictions on allowable tackle and methods. Land-locked populations have a similar lifestyle except that the young spend the first part of their life in inland lakes and backwaters etc.


These fish are generalised carnivores of invertebrates including aquatic and terrestrial insects, mayfly, caddisfly larvae, and amphipods.


Their distribution extends to coastal streams in southeastern Australia from Adelaide and Kangaroo Island in South Australia, through coastal Victoria including Wilsons Promontory, Tasmania, Flinders and King Islands and up the New South Wales coast to around Sydney, as well as New Zealand including the Chatham, Auckland and Campbell Islands.

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