KinetX, Inc. is a privately held Tempe, Arizona based engineering, technology, software development and business consulting firm specializing in aerospace systems. KinetX's main area of expertise is in the areas of satellite systems engineering, ground system software development and space systems operations.
Their Space Navigation and Flight Dynamics division provides mission navigation for the MESSENGER vehicle destined for Mercury and the New Horizons ten-year journey to Pluto and the Kuiper Belt.
KinetX, Inc. was founded in 1992, and was approached shortly thereafter by Motorola for assistance in developing and implementing the Iridium satellite network ground system. In early 1993 several members of KinetX began working on the systems engineering for the Iridium command and control system. KinetX later provided engineering support and software development for companies such as Lockheed, Boeing, Aerojet, Spectrum Astro (now part of General Dynamics C4 Systems) and TRW.