Khiwai is a village situated in the Sarurpur Khurd Mandal of Meerut District in Uttar Pradesh, India. It is located at a distance of 7.916 kilometres from the Mandal headquarters at Sarurpur Khurd, and is 26.16 kilometres from the district headquarters at Meerut. The population, according to the 2001 Census of India was 14,944 , and the village is largely Muslim, with the Muslim Rajputs forming an important element. [1]
Villages nearby include Kalina (2.3 km) , Hasanpur Razapur (3.6 km) , Kaithwari (4.1 km) , Narangpur (4.7 km) , Narangpur (4.7 km) , Mainaputhi (5.1 km) , and Kanauni (6.0 km). [2]