Kenneth D. Mackenzie

Kenneth D. Mackenzie - (1937) management consultant, business theorist on Organization theories, Organization design processual models, organizational leadership, multi-level research and the author of Organizational Hologram.

Received a BA in mathematics and a Ph.D. in Business Administration at University of California, Berkeley.

He is spending his career trying to overcome the handicap of excessive theoretical education. He was the Edmund P. Learned Distinguished Professor at the University of Kansas from January, 1972 to January, 2005.

He has taught at U.C. Berkeley, Carnegie-Mellon, University of Pennsylvania (Wharton), University of Waterloo, and KU. He has served on numerous editorial boards including Management Science, Organization science, International Journal of Organizational Analysis, Journal of Management Inquiry, and Human Systems Management.


EMAC Assessments, LLC

Mackenzie funds his research on organisational design by performing consulting services via EMAC Assessments, LLC.


He has published 19 books and over 100 articles.






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