Keiko (given name)

Pronunciation Keiko
Gender Female
Word/Name Japanese
Region of origin Japanese
Other names
Related names Kei

Keiko is a very popular female Japanese given name.


Possible meanings

As with many Japanese names, Keiko can be written using a number of different kanji. Some of the most common ways of writing Keiko (and the most representative meanings of the respective kanji) are:

The suffix ko (子) implies the name is female and the name is almost never given to males. Much less commonly, Keiko can also be written as 螢子, 輕子, or 軽子.

Notable people

Keikō (景行), with a long "o," is the name given to Emperor Keikō posthumously.

Fictional characters


See also


  1. ^ Kei - Meaning and origin of the name Kei