Karl Schwarzschild Observatory

The Karl-Schwarzschild-Observatorium (Karl Schwarzschild Observatory) is an astronomical observatory owned and operated by the institute of Thüringer Landessternwarte (Thuringian State Observatory) ’Karl Schwarzschild’ Tautenburg. In 1992 it was acquired by the state of Thuringia. It has the largest telescope in Germany and the largest Schmidt camera of the world (2 metres), which was produced by VEB Zeiss Jena (the branch of Zeiss located in Jena in what was then East Germany). It is located in Tautenburg, Germany (10 kilometres north-east of Jena), was founded in 1960 and named after the celebrated physicist Karl Schwarzschild.

On 5 April 2005 the observatory observed an exoplanet around the star HD 13189.

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See also

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