Kallhäll is a suburb in the greater Stockholm urban area. It is part of the Järfälla municipality. As of 2008, Kallhäll has a population of 13 000. Kallhäll is the home of classic football team Kallhälls FF, however currently residing in the 6th division. Among the sights of Kallhäll are the beautiful beach, Kallhällsbadet, as well as Pub Bänken and other cultural treasures.
Kallhäll expanded from being merely a couple of farmhouses to a small town in the early 20th century, when industrialist Erik Bolinder decided to move his Bolinders Mechanical Shops to Kallhäll from Kungsholmen in central Stockholm. Housing for employees was built, thus expanding Kallhäll. The Bolinder factory structures remain today, encircled by expensive, lake adjacent modern residences.
A second era of expansion took place in the 1960s when Kallhäll was included in the Swedish government's great effort to reduce the lack of dwellings, Miljonprogrammet (The Million Program). The tall, long, multiple-story buildings of the 1960s-70s dominate Kallhäll to this day.