
Kalapanaku'io'iomoa ruled as the 5th Alii Aimoku of Hawaiʻi island from 1255 to 1285. He was also known as Kalapana or Kalapaua.


David Malo claimed he was the son of Kanipahu and Alakauakoko. Up to this time the Pili-kaaiea family does not appear to have been so firmly seated in the sovereignty of Hawaiʻi island, but that occasional disturbances occurred with the ancient chief families of the island. it is related that a scion of one of those families named Kamaiole had revolted against Kanipahu, and, being successful, had driven him out of Hawaii. Kanipahu left his sons with some trusted friend in the secluded Waimanu Valley, Hāmākua district, and sought refuge for himself on the island of Molokaʻi, when, at Ka Lae, he lived as a simple commoner, doing his own work and carrying his own burdens. Years rolled on, and Kamaiole ruled Hawaiʻi island with such oppressiveness and severity that the people eventually became wearied and disgusted with his sway, and went to the head of the Paʻao family, the high priest of Hawaii, for advice and aid.

The priest sent messengers to Kanipahu on Molokai asking him to return to Hawaiʻi and resume the government. Kanipahu refused, as the legend says, because he was ashamed of the hump on his shoulders contracted during the many years of hard and toilsome labour that he had lived on Molokai, but he directed the messengers to go to Waimanu, where they would find his son Kalapana, on whom he devolved the war with Kamaiole and the government of Hawaiʻi island. On the receipt of this information from Kanipahu the high priest sent for Kalapana, who raised an army among the discontented and gave battle to the usurper at a place called ʻAnaehoʻomalu in Kekaha, in the North Kona district. Kamaiole was defeated and slain, and Kalapana was installed sovereign chief of Hawaiʻi island. Kanipahu remained on Molokaʻi, and died there.

We have the following scanty traditional information regarding Kalapana. The above-mentioned messengers returned from their visit to Kanipahu; they reported to Paao, the commands of Kanipahu. And when Paao had received the message, he went in search of Kalapana. On his arrival at Waimanu Valley, Paao inquired of Alaikauakoko, "Whereabouts in Waimanu lives the son of Kanipahu?" Alaikauakoko, however, kept Kalapana in hiding and would not reveal where he was, fearing that search was being made for him to kill him, and she replied to Paao, "Kanipahu has no son here." "He has a son," said Paao, "where is Alaikauakoko?" "I am Alaikauakoko," said the woman. Then Paao explained, "Kanipahu has advised me that his son, Kalapana, is here with you." Thereupon Alaikauakoko yielded and presented Kalapana to Paao. Then Paao took Kalapana away with him into the Kohala district, and there they lived secretly together; and they and the people sought for an opportunity to put Kamaiole to death.

By and by, when Kamaiole was about to voyage by canoe to Kona, they thought they saw their opportunity to kill him while he was boarding his canoe. The nature of this opportunity will be evident from the fact that it was a principle of royal etiquette in ancient times that the canoes bearing the royal party should tarry until the canoes of the people had started out to sea before the king's canoes left the beach. So the people and Kalapana secretly awaited the king's movements. Arriving at ʻAnaehoʻomalu, in Kekaha, Kona, they spent the night; and at daybreak the next day all the canoes started off, leaving those of Kamaiole behind. Thereupon Kalapana and his people set upon Kamaiole and put him to death, and the government passed to Kalapana. Kalapana was nicknamed Kuu Ioio Moa, after the expression used by his father, Kanipahu.

He was actually grandson of Kanipahu, his father being Kanaloa, a son of Kanipahu and his wife Hualani, a chiefess of Molokai and Oʻahu descent.


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Preceded by
Aliʻi Aimoku of Hawai‘i
Succeeded by