

Karbon14 2.0.0 screenshot
Developer(s) KDE
Stable release KOffice 2.3.3  (March 1, 2011; 11 months ago (2011-03-01)) [±]
Preview release Calligra 2.4 Beta 5  (December 15, 2011; 2 months ago (2011-12-15)[1]) [±]
Operating system Unix-like
Type Vector graphics editor
License GNU Lesser General Public License
Website www.calligra-suite.org/karbon/

Karbon14 (formerly Kontour, which was formerly KIllustrator) is a vector graphics editor. It is a component of Calligra Suite, an integrated graphic art and office suite by KDE. The name is a play on KDE and the radioactive isotope Carbon-14.

See also


  1. ^ http://www.calligra.org/news/calligra-suite-2-4-beta-5/