Jutsu (Naruto)

In the anime and manga series Naruto by Masashi Kishimoto, a jutsu (?, lit. "technique" or "skill") refers to the abilities ninja can use. The series occurs in a fictional universe in which different countries fight for power using ninja soldiers. The Naruto storyline follows a group of young ninja from the village of Konohagakure. In the series, ninja use jutsu by manipulating a form of energy known as chakra, a combination of the physical and mental energies in the body. Jutsu are classified into three categories: genjutsu, techniques that produce illusions; taijutsu, physical attacks that generally use only the body's physical energy; and ninjutsu, general techniques that do not fall into either of the other two categories.

Series creator Masashi Kishimoto developed the concept of jutsu to explain the supernatural feats ninja perform in the series, and also to provide an original image of ninja in manga.[1] The incorporation of jutsu into the series has received both praise and criticism from several anime and manga publications. T.H.E.M. Anime Reviews asserted that jutsu were the primary focus of Naruto and the source of its "highest accolades", but criticized the overly repetitive use of certain jutsu in fight scenes.[2] Anime News Network agreed with this sentiment, calling the fights "repetitive to a fault", but praised the visual presentation of jutsu in both the anime and manga.[3][4][5]


Creation and conception

The concept of jutsu was developed by Masashi Kishimoto in order to explain the superhuman feats that ninja performed in the series. Kishimoto's design for the ninja in Naruto was intended to dispel preconceived notions about ninja popularized by other manga and bring an original take to the presentation of ninja in manga. The use of hand seals was a substitute for the incantations for magic found in other sources, and was based on the motions of ninja in various role-playing games.[1] The hand seals are based upon the characters of the Chinese zodiac, which is a longstanding tradition in Japan, and Kishimoto used them specifically to draw upon that tradition.[6]

Although the concept of chakra is found in Indian mythology, Buddhism and other belief systems, in an interview, Kishimoto claimed that none of these influences were the basis for his use of chakra in Naruto. He further asserted that it was a term to apply a concrete definition to ninjas' ability to use jutsu in Naruto, and was comparable to the Force in Star Wars or magic points in role-playing games.[1]


Chakra (チャクラ chakura?) is the basic energy source necessary for ninja in Naruto to perform most jutsu. Ninja produce chakra through the combination of their two energies: the physical energy (身体エネルギー shintai enerugī?), drawn from the trillions of cells that make up the human body, and the mental energy (精神エネルギー seishin enerugī?), gained through experience and meditation.[7] Once created, chakra moves throughout the body in a manner similar to the circulatory system and is delivered to one of 361 chakra release points.[8] By performing a sequence composed of any of twelve different hand seals, chakra can then be manipulated to create supernatural effects, such as walking on water.[7]

During Part II of the series the concept of nature manipulation (性質変化 seishitsu henka?), altering the quality of chakra, is introduced. Nature manipulation allows ninja, following certain training, to convert their chakra into one of five elements: earth, water, fire, wind, and lightning.[9] Each element is stronger and weaker than another element; for example, fire is weak against water, but can easily counter and even gets stronger when used against a wind-based jutsu.[10] All ninja have a natural affinity for one of the five elements, allowing them to use jutsu of that type with greater ease. Ninja with an affinity for fire, for instance, will be able to breathe fire much sooner than they will be able to manipulate water.[9]

Skilled ninja can learn how to use other elements; ninja of the Jonin rank typically are able to manipulate at least two elements. Kakashi Hatake has been shown using three different elements in the Naruto manga and a fourth in the anime adaptation. Although these ninja can use their different elements separately with little effort, combining the two elements is impossible for ninja who do not have a genetic predisposition for it. Ninja with one of these genetic abilities can mix two specific elements to create an entirely new one. Haku, an antagonist introduced at the start of the series, can mix water and wind to create ice. Mokuton, a combination of earth and water unique to the First Hokage, Danzo and Yamato, allows the user to produce wood.[11]

Eight Gates

The Eight Gates (八門 Hachimon?, English anime: "The Eight Inner Gates") are eight specific points along the chakra circulatory system that limit the overall flow of chakra within a ninja's body. Although the gates make the ninja weaker in battle, they limit the body's functions to keep it from expiring too soon. Ninja that have learned to open these gates can surpass their own physical limits at the cost of various levels of damage to their own bodies. Each additional gate grants the user new levels of strength with additional injuries; by opening all eight gates the user will become invincible in battle, but their body will be so damaged in the process that they will die afterwards. Rock Lee is shown opening the first five gates during Part I of the series,[12] and his teacher, Might Guy, is seen activating the sixth and seventh during Part II.[13] In the Naruto Shippūden 2: Bonds movie, the villain Shinnou mentions opening the 8 gates when gaining the "perfect body" from his dark chakra transformation.

Jutsu types

Jutsu are divided into three categories: ninjutsu, genjutsu, and taijutsu. Ninjutsu also has two sub-categories: sealing jutsu and cursed seal jutsu, both of which are used to create seals for various purposes.[14] Senjutsu, a concept introduced in Part II of the series, uses three types of energy: the mental and physical energies of the shinobi and the energy of nature. By channeling the energy of nature, the senjutsu user can greatly increase the power of his or her other jutsu.[15] Kekkei genkai abilities are genetically inherited traits that allow the user to perform unique techniques.[14]

Jutsu are ranked in terms of how difficult they are to perform, an E-rank denoting basic techniques and an S-rank indicating jutsu that require years of practice to master. An S-rank jutsu is not necessarily more effective than an E-rank ability, as a jutsu's effectiveness is largely based on individual skill. In addition to the six letter ranks, jutsu can also receive one of two informal ranks. "Secret" (秘伝 hiden?) jutsu are passed down from generation to generation within a clan. These jutsu are not ranked because no one outside the clan knows how to perform them. "Forbidden techniques" (禁術 kinjutsu?), on the other hand, fall into one of the six main ranks, but are an exception because they are forbidden to learn or perform. A technique can be categorized as forbidden if it either causes great harm to the user, such as opening the Eight Gates, or if the techniques are dark or sinister in nature, such as those used by Orochimaru.[14]


Ninjutsu (忍術?, lit. "ninja techniques") is a vague term referring to almost any technique that uses chakra and allows the user to do something that they otherwise would be incapable of doing. Unlike genjutsu, which makes the opponent see illusions, the effects of ninjutsu are real. They vary greatly in purpose, with the simpler ninjutsu serving such tasks as transforming the user or allowing them to evade attacks. These techniques are often second-nature for experienced ninja, who can use them at will. More complex ninjutsu manipulate one's surroundings or utilize the elements, respectively serving such tasks as healing others or manipulating Fire,wind,lightning,earth or water.[14]


Genjutsu (幻術?, lit. "illusion techniques") are techniques that use the chakra in the victim's mind system to create illusions. The most commonly seen genjutsu in the series is the simple creation of phantasms – causing the targeted person(s) to hear, see, smell, taste or feel sensations that are not actually there in order to manipulate them. Most genjutsu affects the five senses, though other applications of genjutsu exist. Those under the influence of genjutsu either freeze in place or lose consciousness, depending on how capable they are in recognizing and defending against it. A genjutsu can be broken in one of three ways. The first is "genjutsu cancel" (幻術解 genjutsu kai?), a disruption of the victim's chakra flow either by themselves or their allies.[16] Pain that is not a result of the genjutsu, such as stabbing oneself, is a second method of countering genjutsu. Finally, if the caster of the genjutsu loses focus for whatever reason, the jutsu will end and the victim is freed.[17] In the Manga, "Tobi" wishes to cast a level 9 genjustu on everybody in the ninja world.


Taijutsu (体術?, lit. "body techniques" or "hand-to-hand combat") refers to any techniques involving the martial arts or the optimization of natural human abilities. Taijutsu is executed by directly accessing the user's physical and mental energies, relying on the stamina and strength gained through training. Because chakra does not need to be produced, taijutsu can typically be performed much faster than ninjutsu or genjutsu techniques. Rock Lee, and Might Guy are advanced taijutsu users.

Kekkei genkai

Kekkei genkai (血継限界?, lit. "bloodline limit") are abilities passed down genetically in ordinary clans. Most of these clans have developed special techniques that rely on their genetic abilities, as it gives them an advantage in battle that cannot be taught to or copied by opponents. Kekkei genkai such as the Sharingan that work via the user's eyes are called "eye techniques" (瞳術 dōjutsu?).[14] Other kekkei genkai such as Mokuton revolve around a simultaneous combination of two separate chakra elements to create an entirely new one.[11] Kekkei genkai possess an advanced variation known as kekkei tōta (血継淘汰?, lit. "bloodline selection"). Its only known example is a combination of three elements, jinton.

Sealing jutsu

Sealing jutsu (封印術 Fūin jutsu?) are techniques that seal something inside objects or living beings. Its originated from the Uzumaki Clan that there are well relative to the Senju Clan. The most common application of this is sealing weapons or other objects within scrolls to efficiently carry a large number of items. Sealing jutsu are also utilized to restrict access to things, such as chakra or entry to a building. The sealing jutsu seen and mentioned most often in the series is the one sealing the nine-tailed demon fox within series protagonist Naruto Uzumaki or like Shukaku sealed in Gaara of the sand.[14]


Senjutsu (仙術?, lit. "sage techniques") is a form of jutsu introduced during Part II of the series. It is achieved by combining the user's chakra with "natures energy", a task that can only be completed by ninja with particularly large chakra reserves who learn to harmonize with nature by remaining perfectly still — anyone else who tries is quickly overwhelmed by this natural energy, turning into a giant stone toad statue, though these statues are greatly respected. However, the master sage toad can neutralize the effects with his beating stick. Once senjutsu has been mastered, the user can perform jutsu with much greater power and effectiveness. The user also has the ability to mold the natural energy around their opponents, allowing them to increase the range of physical attacks to the extent of not even having to touch the opponent directly to inflict damage. As a beneficial side effect, senjutsu makes the user stronger as time passes rather than tiring them, as it is sourced in energy outside the body rather than the purely internal chakra of normal Jutsu. The state of harmony gained during its use also grants an expanded awareness, allowing its user to detect the presence, or absence, of familiar chakras. Senjutsu appears to be unique to the summoned toads in the series, as only they and their human students — Jiraiya and Naruto Uzumaki — have been seen using it.[15]

Recurring jutsu


The Byakuugan (白眼?, lit. "White Eye", English manga: "Evil Eye"/"All-Seeing Eye") is a genetic eye technique that naturally occurs in members of the Hyūga clan. Ninja with the Byakugan are characterized by their lavender-white, pupil-less eyes. When the Byakugan is activated, their pupils become more distinct and the veins near their temples bulge.[18] The Byakugan gives the user a nearly 360 degree field of vision. The user can concentrate his or her chakra in the blind spot to achieve a 360 degree angle. They can see and focus in on anything within a certain distance from themselves, the range of which can be extended through training. During Part I of the series, Neji Hyuga is limited to fifty meters,[19] and by Part II, he can see objects at least eight-hundred meters away.[20]

The Byakugan can detect and see through anything within its range of sight. In battle, users of the Byakugan can see the flow of chakra within an opponent's body. This enables the user to forcibly release their own chakra through one of the opponent's 361 chakra release points, cutting off the flow of chakra or directly attacking the internal organs. Because this is accomplished through only the slightest amount of physical contact, this style of fighting is named "Gentle Fist" (柔拳 Jūken?).[8] Due to the manifold techniques using the Byakugan and the Gentle Fist style, the Hyūga impose an elaborate family hierarchy for security reasons. The Gentle Fist's secret techniques are only allowed to be learned by the clan's "main house", who are protected at all times by members of the "branch houses". Branch house members are also branded with a cursed seal that destroys their Byakugan when they die, preventing enemy ninja from studying their bodies to learn the Byakugan's secrets.[21] In Part II it is revealed that a Kirigakure ninja, Ao, had the Byakugan of a ninja he defeated transplanted into his right eye.


The Chidori (千鳥?, lit. "One Thousand Birds") was created by Kakashi Hatake during his childhood, and is formed by channeling strong lightning-based chakra in one's hand. This high concentration of electricity produces a sound reminiscent of chirping birds, hence its name. Once enough lightning-chakra has been collected, the user rushes at their target and thrusts the Chidori into it; the speed of the attack and the amount of chakra used enable the user to penetrate most defenses easily.[22] During Kakashi Gaiden, a short flashback to Kakashi's childhood that divides Part I and II of the series, the Chidori is revealed to cause a tunnel vision effect because of the speeds at which the user moves, leaving them vulnerable to a counterattack.[23] Because of this disability, only ninja with a Sharingan eye can use Chidori effectively, as the Sharingan's ability to notice even the slightest details counteracts the tunnel vision. As a result, Kakashi is able to teach the Chidori to Sasuke Uchiha during Part I.[24]

Due to the large amounts of concentration and chakra needed to collect and control the lightning-chakra, both Kakashi and Sasuke are initially limited to using Chidori only a few times a day.[24] They are shown to have increased their limits in Part II, but to what extent is unclear. As the creator of the Chidori, Kakashi has reached a level of control great enough that he can split a bolt of lightning, resulting in his version being called the "Lightning Blade" (雷切 Raikiri?).[25] Sasuke also reaches greater levels of control during Part II, which allows him to reshape the Chidori in his hand into more solid forms like swords or needles.[26] In Part II, Sasuke used Chidori to make new moves like Chidori Stream, Chidori Current,or Katana. He used even more chakra for those moves.

Summoning Jutsu: Reanimation

Impure World Resurrection (口寄せ・穢土転生 Kuchiyose: Edo Tensei?) is a forbidden summoning Jutsu, though apparently having no actual harmful effect on the user, that is used to resurrect the dead. The process of this jutsu is obtaining a genetic sample from the deceased, either through grave robbery or blood stains and salvaged organs. From there, a living person is then sacrificed for the deceased spirit to be resurrected, though as a slave to the user's will. However, the Jutsu can only function if the deceased soul is within the realm of Pure Land and not elsewhere in the afterlife. Though it was the Second Hokage Tobirama Senju who invented Impure World Resurrection, the jutsu was later completed by Orochimaru when he used it against Hiruzen by reviving his predecessors. However, Kabuto perfected Impure World Resurrection to the point where he is able to revive dozens of ninja in one execution. However, the more fully he dominates their original personality, the more effort it takes.


Mokuton (木遁?, lit. "Wood Release", English anime: "Wood Style") is a bloodline ability of the Senju Clan. By combining earth and water-based chakra, the user could produce trees or wooden objects from any surface. This allow the First Hokage Hashirama Senju to create the foundation of Konohagakure.[27] The objects created with Mokuton vary in detail, ranging from a simple wall to a functioning copy of the user.[28] During Part II, it was revealed that Yamato received the ability to use Mokuton techniques after being injected with Hashirama's DNA by Orochimaru. A possibly unrelated technique, but unique to the First Hokage and Yamato, is the ability to suppress a tailed beast. This is accomplished by producing wooden poles from the ground that attach to the beast and force its chakra to recede.[29] Similar to Yamato, Danzo also had the Hashirama's DNA injected into him by Orochimaru, granting him the ability to use Mokuton techniques.but only to a limited amount as Danzou can not have too much implanted or he will be killed.

Orochimaru's cursed seals

Orochimaru's cursed seal jutsu (呪印術 juin jutsu?, lit. "cursed seal techniques" or "technique of the curse mark") is a special seal Orochimaru uses to increase the power of his subordinates and control them. It is introduced in the series when Orochimaru brands Sasuke Uchiha with one. After biting Sasuke's neck, Orochimaru leaves him unconscious while his body accepts or rejects the cursed seal.[30] Sasuke survives the process and is given access to its first level. In the first level, the seal spreads from its point of application across the user's body, increasing their chakra supply and their physical abilities in the process. When the seal is deactivated, the user is left exhausted, having expended all their energy during its use.[24] Orochimaru's reasons for giving Sasuke the cursed seal are because Orochimaru's furofushi art of immortality needs a new host every 3 years so he gave Sasuke the heaven cursed seal to draw Sasuke in for more power[31]

Towards the end of Part I of the series, the Sound Four, Orochimaru's personal bodyguards, are introduced. Each is branded with a cursed seal of a different design, and each can access its second level. The second level is achieved by allowing the seal to engulf their entire body, radically changing their body's appearance and increasing their strength beyond that of level one. The Sound Four help Sasuke achieve level two by giving him a special drug.[32] After obtaining level two, Sasuke begins training to gain control over his cursed seal; in Part II, he can isolate the level two transformation to specific parts of his body.[33] Later in Part II, Sasuke meets Jugo, the origin of Orochimaru's cursed seals. Jugo's body naturally produces an enzyme that allows him to freely transform parts of his body. Once extracted from Jugo's body and refined, Orochimaru also could give the enzyme to whomever he wished, creating a group of strong and loyal followers for his personal use.[34]

Puppet Technique

The Puppet Technique (傀儡の術 Kugutsu no Jutsu?, English manga: "Art of the Puppet Master", English anime: "Puppet Master Jutsu") is a style of combat originating in the village of Sunagakure that utilizes strings of chakra to control objects, typically puppets. The puppeteer connects one of their fingers to part of a puppet's body with a chakra string, allowing them to remotely operate it in battle with the proper finger movements. Advanced puppeteers can control multiple puppets at once; for instance, the Sunagakure ninja Chiyo can control ten puppets at once by having each finger control a different puppet.[35] However, the Sasori can control up to 100 different puppets, with the strings connected directly to his heart.[35] Because they rely almost exclusively on the secret weapons and features of their puppets during battle, puppeteers are the most vulnerable component of this style, and go to lengths to remove themselves from combat.[36] Puppets normally cannot use chakra; the Akatsuki member Sasori creates puppets from human bodies, preserving the chakra and unique abilities the body originally had.[37] Kankuro is the most commonly seen puppeteer in Naruto, and he adds additional puppets to his arsenal as the series progresses.[38]


The Rasengan (螺旋丸?, lit. "Spiraling Sphere", English manga: "Spiral Chakra Sphere", Naruto: Uzumaki Chronicles: "Power Strike") is a jutsu that Minato Namikaze created after three years of hard development by observing the Tailed Beast Ball. It is a spinning ball of compressed chakra formed in the user's hand that tears and grinds with great force into whatever it comes into contact with.[39] The Rasengan is introduced in the series when Jiraiya, Minato Namikaze's teacher, teaches it to Naruto Uzumaki, Minato's son, to take Uzumaki Naruto further in his training. Of all the people who possess the ability to use the Rasengan, Naruto is the only ninja with the power to create multiple styles, in fact almost every single Naruto movie, he finishes his enemies with a final unique type of attack, such as the Giant, Tornado, Crescent moon, Rainbow and his current most powerful: the Fuuton: Rasen-Shuriken, or Wind Style: Spiraling Shuriken.[40] Because it is a difficult jutsu, Jiraiya teaches it to Naruto in three stages: spinning the chakra, giving it sufficient force, and forming the chakra into a compressed spherical shape.[41] Naruto struggles with the final step, and creates an alternative method using a shadow clone to mold the shape of the attack while he provides the chakra and controls it.[42]

During Part II of the series, new variants of the Rasengan are seen. Both Naruto and Jiraiya are shown capable of forming a larger, "Great Ball" (大玉 Ōdama?) Rasengan that is stronger than the standard version.[43] Kakashi Hatake, Minato's student, and Konohamaru Sarutobi, Naruto's "apprentice", are also revealed to have been taught how to use the Rasengan. Kakashi reveals to Naruto that Minato intended to combine the Rasengan with his elemental chakra but was unable to complete the technique.[39] Naruto is able to complete his father's work through the use of shadow clones – by using two shadow clones, one to mold the shape of the attack and one to provide the elemental chakra, Naruto is able to add his wind element chakra to the Rasengan and creates a new version of it, the Rasen-Shuriken. Although at first he can only maintain the form of the attack for a few seconds, it severely damages its target by separating into tiny needles that destroy all the chakra vessels in the target's body. However, if used as a closed ranged weapon, it damages the users arm as well: using this attack, Naruto is able to kill the "Immortal" Akatsuki member Kakuzu in a single attack. However, the attack severely damaged his arm as well, prompting the Fifth Hokage Tsunade to label it as a kinjutsu (forbidden technique).[44] Later in Part II, Naruto masters the technique by using sage chakra, which enables him to throw the Rasen-Shuriken and use the technique without any self-damage, destroying Pain's Human path. Now Naruto uses his nine-tail chakra to make a Rasengan called (Bijudama) Tailed-Beast Ball Rasengan and the new Rasengan is made by combining black and white chakra in a specific ratio(8:2). Also, in each movie, there has been a special Rasengan to fit the movie, but they are never shown again in the manga or anime series.


The Rinnegan (輪廻眼?, lit. "Saṃsāra Eye") is a unique eye technique possessed by the Sage of the Six Paths, regarded as the father of all Jutsu and a thing of legend in the shinobi world. Though diluted in the Sage's descendants, Nagato possessed the Rinnegan and had it manifest in his Paths of Pain extensions, though he is not the only one to have possessed it. It is revealed that the Rinnegan is connected to the Sharigan in some way, for Madara Uchiha obtained the Rinnegan as an evolution of the Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan, but it is not known yet how the Rinnegan evolves from the Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan. The Rinnegan is characterized by a ripple-like pattern around the pupil, with a light purple iris and sclera. In addition to enabling the user to quickly master various jutsu, the user may also use all six forms of chakra nature. Similar to the Sharingan's exclusive abilities (Tsukuyomi, Amaterasu, and Susano'o), the Rinnegan has its own exclusive abilities - Shinra Tensei, Bansho Ten'in, and Chibaku Tensei.

Shinra Tensei uses the user's body as the epicenter of gravity, allowing the user to manipulate gravity away from themself, pushing away any technique of any force. There is a five second time limit, preventing the user from using consecutively. It can also be used for massive destruction - at the cost of shortening the user's lifespan. A titanic gravity well is placed over the designated area, and then blown away from the user. Shinra Tensei in this case is capable of destroying an entire village, but leaves the user unable to access its other gravitational powers for several minutes.

Bansho Ten'in, Shinra Tensei's companion ability, is similar, in that it manipulates gravity. But instead of pushing away, this one pulls all things towards a center point. It is unknown if it can be used to cause massive destruction as well. The same five second limit applies to Bansho Ten'in as well.

Chibaku Tensei is the final exclusive technique. In order to use this technique, a large amount of chakra must be concentrated. The user releases a small black orb of energy into the sky, where it then activates and becomes a gravity center, lifting everything from the earth to it. It is capable of uprooting large trees, destroying mountains, and causes a large crater where the earth was taken. All the earth is compacted into an extraterrestrial body, floating in the sky, trapping everything and anything within it. The Sage of the Six Paths used this technique to create the moon, trapping the Ten Tails within it. The one weakness of this technique is its greatest strength. Because it pulls everything in the surrounding area towards its epicenter, a concentrated blast from powerful long range techniques will be automatically drawn to the black orb. If they destroy the black orb, the technique will end.

Shadow Clone Technique

The Shadow Clone Technique (影分身の術 Kage Bunshin no Jutsu?, English manga: "Art of the Shadow Doppelganger") English anime: "Shadow Clone Jutsu" is one of the first jutsu to be seen in Naruto, and is series protagonist Naruto Uzumaki's signature technique.[2] It is used to create any number of copies of the user capable of cohabitating with their surroundings, performing jutsu, and engaging in battle. They will disperse in a puff of smoke when sufficiently damaged or at the user's discretion.[45] When clones are created, the user's chakra is evenly distributed among them, making it easy for the user to quickly expend all their chakra. While most ninja limit themselves to only making a few clones because of this, Naruto can create thousands of clones due to his large amount of chakra.[9] Naruto learns this technique from a forbidden scroll he was tricked into stealing by a renegade ninja named Mizuki.

During Part II, Naruto discovers that any knowledge a clone gains during its existence is transferred to the user when it disperses. Despite using clones several times throughout the series, he did not notice this effect until he was told by Kakashi Hatake. Since then, Naruto has used this aspect to improve his training methods. When learning a new technique, he has his shadow clones train alongside him, allowing him to accomplish a year of training in only a day. He has also used clones as scouts, sending them into battle to learn how an opponent attacks or spreading them across a wide area to find something in only a fraction of the time.[9]

but if the user makes too many shadow clones and uses up their chakra then they can die. like many other jutsu if one tries to force shadow clones then they will not activate.


The Sharingan (写輪眼?, lit. "Copy Wheel Eye", English manga: "Mirror Wheel Eye") is a genetic eye technique that naturally occurs in members of the Uchiha clan, an offshoot of the Rinnegan. It is not immediately present from birth, and first activates in a stressful situation in battle; after this occurrence, the user may utilize the Sharingan freely.[46] When first acquired, the Sharingan may have one or two tomoe, acquiring more tomoe until it fully matures, having three tomoe in each eye. It's possible for the user to have a different number of tomoe in each eye. Kakashi Hatake possesses a single, transplanted Sharingan in his left eye that he received from his teammate, Obito Uchiha.[47] Because he is not a member of the Uchiha clan, Kakashi's Sharingan is always active and he expends chakra rapidly when using it, forcing him to withdraw in combat or sacrifice his life energy and needing extended rest after long battles.[48] Members of the Uchiha clan expend a mild amount of chakra when using the Sharingan; Akatsuki member Itachi Uchiha keeps his Sharingan activated constantly. Danzo has also been shown to have a transplanted Sharingan in his right eye, taken from Shisui Uchiha, and ten more in his right arm, also transplanted from other Uchiha clan members.

Over the course of its development, the Sharingan will grant the user three unique abilities. It is most famous in the Naruto world for its ability to instantly memorize and replicate any movement it has seen, allowing the user to copy most opponent's jutsu by memorizing the handsigns/muscle movements and allows them to use the jutsu against them and later opponents.[49] The Sharingan's second ability grants the user increased clarity of perception, allowing them to track and predict the movements and actions of fast-moving objects. This also allows the user to easily recognize genjutsu and different forms of chakra.[47] Its final ability is a brand of scenarios that suggests actions and thoughts to the opponent, acting as an effective way to produce beyond genjutsu abilities or implant memories in another person.[50]

Those who possess the Sharingan also have access to Izanagi, a genjutsu that is cast on the user instead of others and is the most powerful amongst this type of genjutsu. When activated, the caster removes the boundaries between reality and illusion within their personal space. To a degree, this allows the user to control their own state of existence, allowing them to reverse injury and even their own death. It is normally only active for the briefest of moments. Izanagi can only be used by those with the genetic traits of the Sage of the Six Paths. The Uchiha, descended from the Sage, are able to perform Izanagi with their Sharingan. In exchange for the brief control of reality that it allows them, the Sharingan with which Izanagi is cast becomes blind. For this reason the Uchiha labelled it a kinjutsu. To make full use of Izanagi, users must also have the genetic traits of the Senju, who are also descended from the Sage. For this reason Danzo had some of Hashirama Senju's DNA transplanted into his Sharingan arm, which had the added benefit of increasing his physical energy and vitality. Madara Uchiha also makes use of Hashirama's DNA, though he claims to have gained control of it, unlike Danzo. It is also revealed that Madara is also the only Uchiha to have ever awaked the Rinnegan.

Mangekyō Sharingan

The Mangekyō Sharingan (万華鏡写輪眼 Mangekyō Sharingan?, lit. "Kaleidoscope Copy Wheel Eye") is a heightened form of Sharingan introduced towards the end of Part I. At that time, the Mangekyō Sharingan is explained to be rare, even among the members of the Uchiha clan, and present only in those who have killed their closest friends.[51] In Part II, it is revealed that after Madara Uchiha became the first to awaken his Mangekyo Sharingan, apparently it became common practice for Uchiha clan members to kill their friends to gain their own.[52] Unlike the regular Sharingan, which appears identical from user to user, the Mangekyō Sharingan's tomoe seal differs between individuals. Similarly, each Mangekyō Sharingan grants the user unique abilities.[53] Its abilities were usually derived from the Japanese mythology, hence giving the interpretation that they are one of the divine and most powerful ninja techniques ever used. Known features of the Mangekyō Sharingan are Amaterasu (天照?), the ability to generate a black flame so hot that it can burn anything in its line of sight, including other flames and and it will not stop burning until its target is incinerated or in Sasuke's case if the user calls it off; Tsukuyomi (月読?), a genjutsu that traps the opponent in a realm controlled by the user, during where days of subjective time can pass instantly, and as such allows no time for the target to break free of the jutsu; and Susanoo (須佐能乎?), a summoned mystical being made of chakra which is able to protect and attack for the user. These abilities are only seen in Sasuke Uchiha, and his brother Itachi Uchiha, and Madara Uchiha, though Tobi is shown to be familiar with them. Kamui (神威?), awakened in Kakashi's Mangekyō Sharingan, grants him the unique ability to open a dimensional rift that is capable of sucking in anything in the line of sight of Kakashi's Mangekyō Sharingan. Tobi has displayed a similar ability that allows his to teleport himself and others to another dimension, allowing him to easily escape from capture, as well as to travel vast distances. Once it has been gained, the Uchiha user suffers from ever-deteriorating eyesight, a process that is aggravated by repeated use and culminates in blindness.[54] One's eyesight can be permanently restored by taking and transplanting the eyes of another Uchiha clan member, a process that results in the creation of an "Eternal" Mangekyō Sharingan (永遠の万華鏡写輪眼, Eien no Mangekyō Sharingan). The tighter the blood ties are between the "donor" and the receiver, the better it is for compatibility, siblings for example. Not only does this process permanently restore one's eyesight, with the exception of use of Izanagi, but it also gives the person even greater power. The eternal Mangekyō Sharingan also seems to change form from the original, with what appears to be a fusion of the current owner's Mangekyo with the previous owner's. Madara was the first Uchiha to awaken the Eternal Mangekyō by taking his younger brother, Izuna's, eyes did he regain his sight, which gave him great power. After suffering from onset near-total blindness from overuse of his ocular powers, Sasuke underwent the process himself with Itachi's eyes. Sasuke Uchiha awakened his Mangekyō Sharingan after learning the truth about his brother, Itachi. In his grief over the knowledge that Itachi was not the villain he imagined him to be, coupled with Sasuke's role in Itachi's death, he awakens his Mangekyō Sharingan. After transplanting Itachi's eyes, Sasuke has now gained "Eternal" Mangekyō Sharingan, one that can be used repeatedly without it causing any damage to his eyes. Sasuke now possesses all of Itachi's ocular powers in addition to his own.

Summoning Technique

The Summoning Technique (口寄せの術 Kuchiyose no Jutsu?) allows a ninja to summon a creature to their side during battle. The creature can then use its own unique abilities or weapons however it sees fit. Before a summon can be performed, a ninja must first sign a contract with the creature in their own blood. After that they need only perform the proper hand-seals, press their hand to the ground, offer an additional donation of blood, and provide an appropriate amount of chakra to bring the creature to their location.[55] The Summoning Technique has been used by a number of different characters during the series, each of whom summons a different type of creature. The toads summoned by series protagonist Naruto Uzumaki and the snakes summoned by recurring antagonist Orochimaru are the most commonly seen types of summons. Other summons include: Gedo Mazo (Demonic Statue of the Outer Path), turtles, hawks, ninja dogs, self-replicating dogs, bulls, rhinoceros, and owls. During Part II, creatures are shown to be capable of summoning their own kind or even the summoner themselves, allowing them to move around the Naruto world much faster.[56]


Shonen Jump has featured several popularity polls for jutsu in the series. In every official poll, Rasengan has ranked first, and Chidori has ranked second.[57] These results were reversed in a similar poll in the first Naruto databook, in which Chidori was ranked first, and Rasengan second.[58] In a top ten list of jutsu compiled by IGN's Ramsey Isler, Rasengan was ranked first, and Chidori second.[59] Several pieces of merchandise have been released featuring Naruto characters performing jutsu, including action figures and clothing.[60][61][62][63][64]

Several publications for anime and manga have commented on the use of jutsu in the series. IGN called jutsu "one of the most entertaining parts of the Naruto franchise", and noted that "the complicated but impressive-looking hand gestures, the unique physical attributes, and the pure unadulterated destructive power of the ninjutsu are some of the things that make the series wildly popular".[65] T.H.E.M. Anime Reviews claimed that it was in "fight/action scenes that Naruto receives is highest accolades", and praised the "invigorating and unique fighting styles/techniques [that] manage to continuously infuse action sets with life".[2] However, it criticized the "overemployment of certain special techniques" such as Naruto Uzumaki's Shadow Clone Technique, noting that the fights became "bland and repetitive" over time.[2] Anime News Network (ANN) considered the structure of battles "repetitive to a fault — a series of competing power-ups followed by an elegiac coda", but mollified by the series' "winning formula: the villains are vile, the heroes sympathetic, and the stakes high".[3]

In a review of the eighth through tenth volumes of the manga, ANN lambasted the fact the fights were frequently "interrupted by long-winded (and sometimes redundant) explanations of strategies and special techniques", but praised the visual presentation of the fights, noting that "the fights are staged with a clear eye for geography, movement and the human form, and are bursting with so much visual energy that not even the flashbacks and tedious explanations can dampen them".[4] For the visuals in the anime, ANN made note of the fight between Naruto Uzumaki and Sasuke Uchiha in episodes 132–134, noting the "impressiveness of the Sasuke fight's visuals", in which "Naruto clones explode from a lake like ninja-shaped surface-to-air missiles and glowing energy limbs ambush enemies from underground and cling to rock faces like neon prehensile tails". Although ANN praised the animators who "put all the love they could into the fight", it criticized the slow plot pacing that led up to the fight, and the fight's tedious structure.[5]


  1. ^ a b c "Masashi Kishimoto Interview - Naruto Information". narutocentral.com. http://www.narutocentral.com/?p=info/masashi_kishimoto_interview. Retrieved 2007-11-12. 
  2. ^ a b c d Tucker, Derrick. "Naruto Review". T.H.E.M. Anime Reviews. http://www.themanime.org/viewreview.php?id=622. Retrieved 2008-12-17. 
  3. ^ a b Kimlinger, Carl (2008-08-04). "Naruto DVD Box Set 9 - Review". Anime News Network. http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/review/naruto/dvd-uncut-dvd-box-set-9. Retrieved 2008-12-17. 
  4. ^ a b Kimlinger, Carl (2006-11-02). "Naruto GN 8-10 - Review". Anime News Network. http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/review/naruto-gn-8-10. Retrieved 2008-12-17. 
  5. ^ a b Kimlinger, Carl (2008-11-07). "Naruto DVD Box Set 10 - Review". Anime News Network. http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/review/naruto/uncut-dvd-box-set-10. Retrieved 2008-12-17. 
  6. ^ Shonen Jump #33 Volume 3, Issue 9, September 2005. Viz Media. p. 8. 
  7. ^ a b Kishimoto, Masashi (2003). "Chapter 17". Naruto, Volume 2. Viz Media. ISBN 1-59116-178-9. 
  8. ^ a b Kishimoto, Masashi (2006). "Chapter 79". Naruto, Volume 9. Viz Media. ISBN 1-4215-0239-9. 
  9. ^ a b c d Kishimoto, Masashi (2006). "Chapter 315". Naruto, Volume 35. Shueisha. ISBN 4-08-874273-7. 
  10. ^ Kishimoto, Masashi (2007). "Chapter 333". Naruto, Volume 37. Shueisha. ISBN 4-08-874338-7. 
  11. ^ a b Kishimoto, Masashi (2006). "Chapter 316". Naruto, Volume 35. Shueisha. ISBN 4-08-874273-7. 
  12. ^ Kishimoto, Masashi (2006). "Chapter 85". Naruto, Volume 10. Viz Media. ISBN 1-4215-0240-2. 
  13. ^ Kishimoto, Masashi (2008). "Chapter 258". Naruto, Volume 29. Viz Media. ISBN 1-4215-1865-1. 
  14. ^ a b c d e f Kishimoto, Masashi (2002). "Jutsu". NARUTO―ナルト―[秘伝・臨の書]. Shueisha. pp. 154–162. ISBN 4-08873-288-X. 
  15. ^ a b Kishimoto, Masashi (2008). "Chapter 410". Naruto, Volume 44. Shueisha. ISBN 4-08-874589-3. 
  16. ^ Kishimoto, Masashi (2008). "Chapter 259". Naruto, Volume 29. Viz Media. ISBN 1-4215-1865-1. 
  17. ^ Kishimoto, Masashi (2007). "Chapter 208". Naruto, Volume 23. Viz Media. ISBN 1-4215-1859-7. 
  18. ^ Kishimoto, Masashi (2006). "Chapter 78". Naruto, Volume 9. Viz Media. ISBN 1-4215-0239-9. 
  19. ^ Kishimoto, Masashi (2007). "Chapter 195". Naruto, Volume 22. Viz Media. ISBN 1-4215-1858-9. 
  20. ^ Kishimoto, Masashi (2008). "Chapter 263". Naruto, Volume 30. Viz Media. ISBN 1-4215-1942-9. 
  21. ^ Kishimoto, Masashi (2006). "Chapter 102". Naruto, Volume 12. Viz Media. ISBN 1-4215-0242-9. 
  22. ^ Kishimoto, Masashi (2007). "Chapter 113". Naruto, Volume 13. Viz Media. ISBN 1-4215-1087-1. 
  23. ^ Kishimoto, Masashi (2007). "Chapter 240". Naruto, Volume 27. Viz Media. ISBN 1-4215-1863-5. 
  24. ^ a b c Kishimoto, Masashi (2007). "Chapter 128". Naruto, Volume 15. Viz Media. ISBN 1-4215-1089-8. 
  25. ^ Kishimoto, Masashi (2007). "Chapter 114". Naruto, Volume 13. Viz Media. ISBN 1-4215-1087-1. 
  26. ^ Kishimoto, Masashi (2007). "Chapter 358". Naruto, Volume 39. Shueisha. ISBN 4-08-874364-4. 
  27. ^ Kishimoto, Masashi (2007). "Chapter 120". Naruto, Volume 14. Viz Media. ISBN 1-4215-1088-X. 
  28. ^ Kishimoto, Masashi (2008). "Chapter 293". Naruto, Volume 33. Viz Media. ISBN 1-4215-2001-8. 
  29. ^ Kishimoto, Masashi (2008). "Chapter 297". Naruto, Volume 33. Viz Media. ISBN 1-4215-2001-8. 
  30. ^ Kishimoto, Masashi (2005). "Chapter 50". Naruto, Volume 6. Viz Media. ISBN 1-59116-739-6. 
  31. ^ Kishimoto, Masashi (2007). "Chapter 179". Naruto, Volume 20. Viz Media. ISBN 1-4215-1655-1. 
  32. ^ Kishimoto, Masashi (2007). "Chapter 184". Naruto, Volume 21. Viz Media. ISBN 1-4215-1855-4. 
  33. ^ Kishimoto, Masashi (2007). "Chapter 351". Naruto, Volume 39. Shueisha. ISBN 4-08-874364-4. 
  34. ^ Kishimoto, Masashi (2007). "Chapter 349". Naruto, Volume 38. Shueisha. ISBN 4-08-874364-6. 
  35. ^ a b Kishimoto, Masashi (2008). "Chapter 272". Naruto, Volume 31. Viz Media. ISBN 1-4215-1943-7. 
  36. ^ Kishimoto, Masashi (2008). "Chapter 265". Naruto, Volume 30. Viz Media. ISBN 1-4215-1942-9. 
  37. ^ Kishimoto, Masashi (2008). "Chapter 268". Naruto, Volume 30. Viz Media. ISBN 1-4215-1942-9. 
  38. ^ Kishimoto, Masashi (2008). "Chapter 250". Naruto, Volume 28. Viz Media. ISBN 1-4215-1864-3. 
  39. ^ a b Kishimoto, Masashi (2007). "Chapter 321". Naruto, Volume 36. Shueisha. ISBN 4-08-874288-5. 
  40. ^ Kishimoto, Masashi (2007). "Chapter 143". Naruto, Volume 16. Viz Media. ISBN 1-4215-1090-1. 
  41. ^ Kishimoto, Masashi (2007). "Chapter 155". Naruto, Volume 18. Viz Media. ISBN 1-4215-1653-5. 
  42. ^ Kishimoto, Masashi (2007). "Chapter 167". Naruto, Volume 19. Viz Media. ISBN 1-4215-1654-3. 
  43. ^ Kishimoto, Masashi (2008). "Chapter 260". Naruto, Volume 29. Viz Media. ISBN 1-4215-1865-1. 
  44. ^ Kishimoto, Masashi (2007). "Chapter 339". Naruto, Volume 37. Shueisha. ISBN 4-08-874338-7. 
  45. ^ Kishimoto, Masashi (2006). "Chapter 100". Naruto, Volume 12. Viz Media. ISBN 1-4215-0242-9. 
  46. ^ Kishimoto, Masashi (2004). "Chapter 27". Naruto, Volume 3. Viz Media. ISBN 1-59116-187-8. 
  47. ^ a b Kishimoto, Masashi (2007). "Chapter 243". Naruto, Volume 27. Viz Media. ISBN 1-4215-1863-5. 
  48. ^ Kishimoto, Masashi (2007). "Chapter 142". Naruto, Volume 16. Viz Media. ISBN 1-4215-1090-1. 
  49. ^ Kishimoto, Masashi (2003). "Chapter 12". Naruto, Volume 2. Viz Media. ISBN 1-59116-178-9. 
  50. ^ Kishimoto, Masashi (2007). "Chapter 147". Naruto, Volume 17. Viz Media. ISBN 1-4215-1652-7. 
  51. ^ Kishimoto, Masashi (2007). "Chapter 225". Naruto, Volume 25. Viz Media. ISBN 1-4215-1861-9. 
  52. ^ Kishimoto, Masashi (2008). "Chapter 386". Naruto, Volume 42. Shueisha. ISBN 4-08-874512-1. 
  53. ^ Kishimoto, Masashi (2008). Naruto Character Official Data Book Hiden Sha no Sho. Shueisha. pp. 194–195. ISBN 978-4-08-874247-2. 
  54. ^ Kishimoto, Masashi (2008). "Chapter 385". Naruto, Volume 42. Shueisha. ISBN 4-08-874512-1. 
  55. ^ Kishimoto, Masashi (2006). "Chapter 92". Naruto, Volume 11. Viz Media. ISBN 1-4215-0241-0. 
  56. ^ Kishimoto, Masashi (2008). "Chapter 409". Naruto, Volume 44. Shueisha. ISBN 4-08-874589-3. 
  57. ^ Kishimoto, Masashi (2007). "Chapter 199". Naruto, Volume 22. Viz Media. pp. 1–2. ISBN 1-4215-1858-9. 
  58. ^ Kishimoto, Masashi (2002). "Jutsu Poll". First Official Data Book. Shueishia. p. 227. ISBN 4-08-873288-X. 
  59. ^ Isler, Ramsey (2007-12-14). "Top Ten Naruto Techniques - Page 2". IGN. http://anime.ign.com/articles/841/841682p2.html. 
  60. ^ "Naruto - Toys - Kakashi Art of Substitution Deluxe Figure". Viz Media. http://narutostore.viz.com/ttp/NARUTO-Action-Figure-Kakashi-Art-of-Substitution-Deluxe-Fig/cPath/10266/products_id/112030.html. Retrieved 2008-12-17. 
  61. ^ "Naruto - Action Figures - Insect Attack Shino". Viz Media. http://narutostore.viz.com/ttp/Naruto-Action-Figures-Insect-Attack-Shino/cPath/10275/products_id/112252.html. Retrieved 2008-12-17. 
  62. ^ "Naruto - Clothing - Sasuke Transform T-Shirt". Viz Media. http://narutostore.viz.com/ttp/Naruto-Clothing-Sasuke-Transform-T-Shirt/cPath/10310/products_id/118789.html. Retrieved 2008-12-17. 
  63. ^ "Naruto - Sexy Jutsu T-Shirt". Amazon.com. http://www.amazon.com/dp/B0014EORUK. Retrieved 2008-12-17. 
  64. ^ "Naruto - Clone Jutsu Youth T-Shirt". Amazon.com. http://www.amazon.com/dp/B000TMDSQM. Retrieved 2008-12-17. 
  65. ^ Isler, Ramsey (2007-12-14). "Top Ten Naruto Techniques - Page 1". IGN. http://anime.ign.com/articles/841/841682p1.html.