
Junub is an Islamic term meaning "ritually impure due to sexual intercourse or semen discharge". A person in such a state needs to take a ghusl in order to become ritually pure and be able to perform his salah. A person (while Junub), cannot offer His/her daily salah (prayer)or enter a mosque.

List of things which a person can do: 1. It is allowed to touch others except non-mahram. 2. A person can sleep without ghusl but have to do ablution. 3. A person can walk in the streets. 4. A person is allowed to cut his nails. 5. A person is allowed to shave his head without ablution. 6. One can have bath with his wife in a single container. 7. One is allowed for sexual intercourse for second time without ghusl. 8. A person is allowed to take food in state of janabah. 9. A person is allowed to start fast in this state. 10. Slaughtering is permissible 11. There is nothing wrong with a person who is in a state of janaabah etc. carrying or touching a tape on which Qur’aan is recorded. 12. One can go for Jihad.

List of things which a person cannot do in state of janabah: 1. A person is not allowed to stay in mosque. 2. A person is not allowed to offer salaat. 3. One is not allowed to touch Quran. 4. It is haraam to do tawaaf. References 1. al-Bukhaari, 279, al-Bukhaari, 283; 2. Muslim, 305, ; Muslim, 371,muslim 306 3. al-Majmoo’ (9/74) 4. Fataawa al-Lajnah al-Daa’imah, fatwa no. 9620 5.

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