Monastery of Xuvia

San Martiño de Xuvia

Viewed from the south
Monastery information
Other Names Mosteiro do Couto
Order Benedictine
Established 6th-century - 10th century
Diocese Mondoñedo
Location Coruña, Galicia, Spain

The Monastery of Xuvia, also known as San Martiño de Xuvia or San Martín de Jubia, is located in the Parish of the same name in the city of Narón (Galicia). The current building was built at the beginning of 12th century, in Romanesque style.

The first document from the Diplomatic Collection of this Monastery, is dated 15 May in the year 977, and it describes a donation made by a Galician noblewoman called Visclavara Vistrariz to the monastery. In this document it is said that this monastery was "ever known."