Journal of Politics in Latin America (JPLA)

The Journal of Politics in Latin America (JPLA) is a peer-reviewed academic research journal focussing on the politics of Latin America. It is an Open-Access publication.



The Journal of Politics in Latin America is published three times a year by the Institute of Latin American Studies (ILAS), GIGA German Institute of Global and Area Studies in Hamburg, Germany. It is published as a printed journal and an Open Access-version (hybrid publication). The project, supported by an initial grant from the German Research Foundation (DFG), is being implemented in cooperation with Hamburg University Press, the online publisher of the Hamburg State and University Library. Jorge P. Gordin (Ph.D.) is the executive editor of the journal and a senior research fellow at the GIGA Institute of Latin American Studies.

The Journal of Politics in Latin America is part of the GIGA Journal Family, a publishing initiative that brings together four international area studies journals edited by the GIGA German Institute of Global and Area Studies. The journals are a gathering point of original research and empirical analysis on contemporary politics, society and the economy of Africa, China, Southeast Asia and Latin America. JPLA started in 1/2009 as the successor to the journal "Lateinamerika Analysen".

Focus and Scope

The Journal of Politics in Latin America is dedicated to promoting a deeper understanding of the political process and political institutions in the region and devoted to providing cutting-edge research by and for the political science community in Latin American studies as well as for comparativists focusing on Latin America.

The pages of the journal, with its clear focus on scholarly work on political institutions, political behavior, and public policy, are open to all research approaches consistent with the canons of scholarship. It publishes rigorous and original research findings and also includes research-oriented matters (e.g., debates in the discipline, research notes, political science information sources, funding opportunities).

Acting on the assumption that numerous comparative country studies as well as cross-national quantitative studies have focused on formal rules such as those governing the working of presidential and parliamentary regimes, elections, and the organization of political parties, the journal observes a conspicuous gap between these research foci and the increasing worldwide interest in informal institutions addressing issues such as public security and crime, corruption, globalization, and energy management, among others.

The major purpose of the paper is to tackle this theoretical and thematic reshuffling in the sub discipline by providing a new publication outlet for scholars interested in disseminating comparatively informed research on Latin American politics that contributes to enduring debates on the political science agenda.

The journal’s goal is to address the increasing need for analysis of the functioning of political systems in the region from a comparative perspective, analysis which links the findings from Latin American-focused research with the results of similar studies on political institutions and processes in other countries or regions of the world.

The Journal of Politics in Latin America includes papers from all research approaches consistent with high standards of scholarships. In addition to the main research articles, the publication incorporates two other article formats. First, book reviews, conceived of as analytical and critical studies on two or more books dealing with the comparative politics of the region. The second additional format are research notes. These are concise papers where the preliminary findings of an ongoing and established research project are presented and discussed or, alternatively, theoretical and/or conceptually thought-provoking articles.

Open Access Policy

The Journal of Politics in Latin America is an Open Access journal, which means its full content is freely online accessible without time delay or cost to the reader. In addition, it remains available in traditional printed format.

See also

GIGA German Institute of Global and Area Studies

Africa Spectrum

Journal of Current Chinese Affairs

Journal of Current Southeast Asian Affairs

External links

Journal of Politics in Latin America (JPLA)

GIGA Focus Lateinamerika In German only

Lateinamerika Analysen 1983 - 2008. In German only

GIGA German Institute of Global and Area Studies

GIGA Journal Family



Martin Tanaka's Blog

Julio Canello's Blog