Jordan's totient function

In number theory, Jordan's totient function J_k(n) of a positive integer n is the number of k-tuples of positive integers all less than or equal to n that form a coprime (k + 1)-tuple together with n. This is a generalisation of Euler's totient function, which is J1. The function is named after Camille Jordan.



Jordan's totient function is multiplicative and may be evaluated as

J_k(n)=n^k \prod_{p|n}\left(1-\frac{1}{p^k}\right) .\,


which may be written in the language of Dirichlet convolutions as

J_k(n) \star 1 = n^k\,

and via Möbius inversion as

J_k(n) = \mu(n) \star n^k.

Since the Dirichlet generating function of μ is 1/ζ(s) and the Dirichlet generating function of nk is ζ(s-k), the series for Jk becomes

\sum_{n\ge 1}\frac{J_k(n)}{n^s} = \frac{\zeta(s-k)}{\zeta(s)}.
\psi(n) = \frac{J_2(n)}{J_1(n)},

and by inspection of the definition (recognizing that each factor in the product over the primes is a cyclotomic polynomial of p-k), the arithmetic functions defined by \frac{J_k(n)}{J_1(n)} or \frac{J_{2k}(n)}{J_k(n)} can also be shown to be integer-valued multiplicative functions.

Order of matrix groups

The general linear group of matrices of order m over Zn has order[2]

|GL(m,Z_n)|=n^{\frac{m(m-1)}{2}}\prod_{k=1}^m J_k(n).

The special linear group of matrices of order m over Zn has order

|SL(m,Z_n)|=n^{\frac{m(m-1)}{2}}\prod_{k=2}^m J_k(n).

The symplectic group of matrices of order m over Zn has order

|Sp(2m,Z_n)|=n^{m^2}\prod_{k=1}^m J_{2k}(n).

The first two formulas were discovered by Jordan.


  1. ^ Holden et al in external links The formula is Gegenbauer's
  2. ^ All of these formulas are from Andrici and Priticari in #external links


External links

Dorin Andrica and Mihai Piticari On some Extensions of Jordan's arithmetical Functions
Matthew Holden, Michael Orrison, Michael Varble Yet another Generalization of Euler's Totient Function