John of Meda

Saint John of Meda

Lunette of the portal of the church of the former Abbey at Viboldone, Milan, Italy. On the left is Saint Ambrose, with Our Lady with child Jesus in the centre, St. John of Meda on the right.
Born Meda, Lombardy, Italy
Died 26 September 1159
Brera, Italy
Honored in Roman Catholic Church
Canonized 12th-century by Pope Alexander III
Feast 26 September

John of Meda, also known as John Oldrati, John Oldradi, and John of Como, was a Priest at Milan and Como, Italy. Receiving a vision of the Virgin Mary, he decided to join the Humiliati in 1134, and worked for their adoption of the Benedictine Rule. Later John went on to create other monasteries in the areas of Milan and Lombardy. He spent his later life serving as abbot, and is known for introducing the Little Office of Our Lady.[1]


  1. ^ Saint John of Meda Patron Saint Index