John David California

John David California was the pseudonym used by Swedish book publisher Fredrik Colting when on 7 May 2009 he published 60 Years Later: Coming Through the Rye in the United Kingdom.[1] The book was presented as a sequel to The Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger, with Salinger's antihero Holden Caulfield now a 76-year-old man on the run from a nursing home.[2]

Salinger, who died in January 2010, was in the process of suing Colting for plagiarism,[3][4] and had succeeded in getting a court order which indefinitely bans the publication, advertising or distribution of the book in the United States.[5]

Before and during the UK launch, Colting claimed that J D California was a "Swedish-American" author, and presented the book as a sequel.[6] However, when his lawyers submitted a "defendants' memorandum" to a federal court in Manhattan on 15 June 2009, this memorandum claimed that the novel is a legally protected commentary and parody of The Catcher In the Rye, and not an unauthorized sequel.[7] A June 18 article presented Colting's view that the book is a piece of literary criticism on Salinger and his Caulfield character.[8]

In a review of the book, Richard Davies suggests that it "comes across as fan fiction," calling it "harmless nonsense" with "none of the edginess that still oozes from The Catcher in the Rye."[9]

In Sweden, Colting runs a very small publishing house, specialising in low-budget trivia books, such as books listing famous cinema film quotes, books about astrology, drinks and cookery books for students, and books about how to win some parlour games.[10]


  1. ^ Melville House Publishing: Fraud behind Salinger fraud admits he’s a fraud Page posted 12 June 2009
  2. ^ 60 Years Later: Coming Through the Rye Page retrieved, June 2009
  3. ^ Salinger's complaint, filed in Manhattan federal court Filed 1 June 2009
  4. ^ CNN: Lawsuit targets 'rip-off' of 'Catcher in the Rye' Page posted 3 June 2009
  5. ^ BBC: US Judge bans 'Rye' book sequel Page posted 2 July 2009
  6. ^ Svensk Bokhandel: Hallå där, Fredrik Colting! Page posted 26 May 2009 (in Swedish)
  7. ^ Baltimore Sun: Author sued by J.D. Salinger for 'Catcher in the Rye' sequel submits defense Page posted 16 June 2009
  8. ^ Svenska Dagbladet: Salingerbok stoppas tillfälligt Page posted June 18, 2009 (in Swedish)
  9. ^ 60 Years Later: Coming Through the Rye - The Unauthorized Sequel to The Catcher in the Rye - A Book Review from AbeBooks Retrieved 21 July 2009
  10. ^ Article about Colting's publishing house Nicotext in Swedish Wikipedia Retrieved 19 June 2009 (in Swedish)