Jaufre (also called Jaufré or Jaufri) is the only surviving Arthurian romance written in Occitan. Its main character is equivalent to Sir Griflet, a Knight of the Round Table known from other literature. Translations of the work were popular on the Iberian peninsula; a version of the tale (from a Spanish redaction) even exists in Tagalog, the language of the Philippines.
- Eckhardt, C.D., 'Reading Jaufré: Comedy and Interpretation in a Medieval Cliff-Hanger', in The Comparatist 33 (2009), pp.40-62.
- Gaunt, S. & Harvey, R., 'The Arthurian Tradition in Occitan Literature', in G.S. Burgess & K. Pratt (eds.) The Arthur of the French (Cardiff: University of Wales Press, 2006), pp.528-545.
- Valentini, A., 'L'ironie et le genre: spécificité du héros dans le roman occitan de Jaufré', in G. Ferguson (ed.) L'homme en tous genres: Masculinités, textes et contextes (Paris: L'Harmattan, 2009), pp.35-47.
- Jewers, C.A., Chivalric Fiction and the History of the Novel (Gainsville: University Press of Florida, 2000), pp.1-27; 54-82.
- López Martínez-Morás, S., 'Magie, enchantements, Autre Monde dans Jaufré', in Magie et illusion au Moyen Age, Sénéfiance 42 (Aix-en-Provence: Université de Provence, 1999), pp.323-338.
- Jewers, C.A., 'The Name of the Ruse and the Round Table: Occitan Romance and the Case for Cultural Resistance', in Neophilologus 81 (1997), pp.187-200.
- Arthur, R.G., 'The Roman de Jaufre and the Illusions of Romance', in L.O. Purdon & C.L. Vitto (eds.) The Rusted Hauberk: Feudal Ideals of Order and Their Decline (Gainsville: University Press of Florida, 1994), pp.245-265.
- Huchet, J.-C., 'Jaufré et le Graal', in Vox Romanica 53 (1994), pp.156-174.
- Huchet, J.-C., 'Le roman à nu: «Jaufré»', in Littérature 74 (1989), pp.91-99.
- Lavaud, R. & Nelli, R. (trans.) Les Troubadours: Jaufre, Flamenca, Barlaam et Josephat (Bruges: Desclée De Brouwer, 1960).
- Lejeune, R., 'A propos de la datation de «Jaufré»: Le roman de Jaufré, source de Chrétien de Troyes?', in Revue belge de philologie et d'histoire 31 (1953), pp.717-747.