Jammalamadugu, also known as Jammula Madugu, is a small town in Kadapa District, Andhra Pradesh, India.
Political news
- Mr Devagudi Adi NarayanaReddy is the present MLA From Indian National Congress
- Mr Devagudi NarayanaReddy is the present MLC From YSR Congress
- late P Siva Reddy is the ex MLA from Telugu Desam Party (TDP)
- Mr P Ramsubba Reddy is the ex MLA from TDP
- Mr Ramnatha Reddy Koddapuram is the ex MLA from TDP
- late Bodeddula Bali Reddy Mangaptnam village Muddanur Ex
- late Bodeddula Lakshmi Reddy Mangaptnam village Muddanur ex