
Jalwehra, commonly known as Jalerha, is a village in Hoshiarpur, Punjab. Its population in 1991 census was 657. Its area 1.35 square kilometres. The surrounding villages are: Panchhat, Narur, Nasirabad (Shekhpur), Toderpur, Nanglan, Thindlan & Chairan. The nearest road is Panchhat-Phagwara which is 2 km long. The nearest railway station is Phagwara 23 km away. The post-office of Jalwehra is in Toderpur. Jalwehra was established in the census of 1800. The village is famous for many persons; are lots North America. The most people of Jalwehra are to be found in Canada and Belgium.

It is a small village of about 500 residents. The village is near the famous village Panchhat. So most facilities are nearby in Panchhat has 2 hospitals as well as 4-5 schools/institutes.

This village mostly has houses of Doad's and Mahay's. There are 2 homes of Manj lots of biharies Biharis.



After the slaughter of Doads at Garh Shankar, five grandsons of the last Doad King survived. The grand-youngest son of the last Doad King, who was also killed Ghorewahas, was married to a girl from Ajnoha. During the Garhshankar tragedy, the wife of the youngest prince was at her parents house in Ajnoha because she was expecting a baby. She gave birth to a son.

In those days, it was not considered to keep the son of a daughter in the village. When the young prince became an adult in 1800, the villagers of Ajnoha built a house for him in the land of the village Panchhat.

In the course of time, his cousins, the sons of his two uncles, who were homeless uptil then, finally came to live with him in Panchhat. The son of his third uncle, whose name was Ghamandi, also came to live in with him. The brother of Ghamandi, named Jattu, went to live in Thakarwal.

The descends of Jattu, went to live in New Thakarwal (Randhirgarh) and others came to live with the son of the youngest prince. Sometime later, they also bring the people of lower cast from Garhshankar to their place. Their place of residence was located in the low land. In the rainy season, their village remained full of water for many days. That is why their village began to be called “Jalwehra” the terrace of water.


In the rainy season, the village remained full of water for many days. That is why their village began to be called “Jalwehra” the terrace of water. Jalwehra comes from two Punjabi words: Jal (water) and Wehra (terrace or courtyard).


There are 4 Gurdwara's in the village. The most famous on being gurdwara Samadhan Dhan-Dhan 108 and the others being Sant Baba Kapoor Singh, Hukam Singh & Munsha Singh Ji.

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