List of Trailer Park Boys characters


The following is a list of characters featured in the Canadian television series Trailer Park Boys.

Main characters


Richard "Ricky" (Robb Wells) is a fun-loving, dim-witted lowlife who enjoys marijuana, pepperoni, chips, licorice, cigarettes, chicken fingers, and alcohol. He and Julian have been best friends since childhood and are almost codependent, with Ricky relying on his friend to guide him and keep his antics in check. While good natured towards his friends and family, Ricky is also foul-mouthed, volatile, and aggressive, and almost always manages to anger, offend and alienate those around him. He has always been a trouble maker and often refuses to take responsibility for his actions, illegal or otherwise. He seems to believe that any form of evidence of wrongdoing can be dispensed with by simply flinging it into the air from where he is standing or by submerging it in a nearby lake. As a result, the grounds of the trailer park and the lake are littered with evidence of crimes. Fortunately, he is very adept at talking his way out of trouble with the police. A lifetime of drinking, smoking dope, and slacking off has left Ricky with a below average intelligence, for which he is often ridiculed. Even Ricky considers himself stupid, having repeatedly failed grades and having dropped out of school entirely after grade 9. On the other hand, he is also fairly clever and has many practical areas of expertise, such as growing marijuana, fixing cars, cooking, and siphoning gas. Although characters such as Lahey or the police deride Ricky as nothing but a loser and a criminal, he is very devoted to his family, especially his daughter Trinity. Trinity is almost certainly Julian's child, not Ricky's. Although Ricky often tries to take the easy way out by breaking the law instead of getting a real job, he occasionally demonstrates some dedication to work and education in an effort to prove himself more than a simple lowlife. Ricky is known for his trademark malapropisms ("Denial and Error"; "Phrases"; "Get two birds stoned at once"; "Worst case Ontario"), dubbed "Rickyisms" by fans. He often wears black track pants and patterned shirts and enjoys listening to '80s rock bands such as Helix, April Wine and Kim Mitchell. For most of the series, Ricky lives in and drives the "Shitmobile", a dilapidated 1975 Chrysler New Yorker. He bears a resemblance to the hypnotist Peter Reveen, much to his apparent chagrin.


Julian (John Paul Tremblay) is the primary character in the series, having been responsible for hiring the camera crew to document his life. Despite being a career criminal, Julian follows a clearly defined set of morals, and often displays a level of honour and selflessness well beyond that of any normal criminal. He is very well read and possesses a wide vocabulary, which often confuses Ricky. Julian and Ricky have been best friends since childhood, although Julian is often appalled by Ricky's actions. Julian's main goal in life, alongside Ricky, is to get rich quick and retire, and he spends most of the series pursuing this goal via a series of audacious crimes, such as bootlegging, dealing drugs, or even stealing barbecues. Julian is very clever and almost always finds a creative solution to the various problems the Boys encounter, though he lacks Ricky's talent for lying to the police. Though he often appears intimidating to other characters, Julian is actually very compassionate and prefers to avoid confrontations, though he will not hesitate to fight back when things turn violent. Julian has a muscular build and always wears a tight black t-shirt. As a running joke, he almost always has a glass of rum and coke in hand, regardless of the situation. He is the only one of the Boys with a proper home; his late grandmother's trailer. Due to an embarrassing childhood incident, Julian becomes greatly offended when referred to as Patrick Swayze.


Bubbles (Mike Smith) is Julian and Ricky's closest friend. He is the series breakout character, having gone from being a fairly minor character to being arguably the most popular character in the series. His real name is never revealed, assuming that Bubbles is just a nickname. However, this name is used by hospitals, courts, and other officials. Bubbles is known for his hoarse maritime accent, sensitive nature, and Coke-bottle glasses, which magnify his eyes to a considerable degree. He often acts as a conscience for the Boys and tries to be the voice of reason during their various misadventures. Bubbles is very intelligent and has a larger general knowledge than most of the other residents, even displaying knowledge of Greek philosophy. Abandoned in the park as a 6-year-old, Bubbles lives in a tool shed with his kitties, who are his only family. Bubbles has taken it upon himself to care for every stray cat in the park, even as their numbers swell. He makes his living by salvaging shopping carts and selling them back to the stores, but he is also quite happy to partake in the Boys' various get-rich-quick schemes. Although his life is not always easy, Bubbles takes great pride in being a self-made-man, and prefers his simple life of independence to any offer of free lodging from his friends. Bubbles has a rather childish nature and often cries when threatened or upset. He dislikes firearms and is often appalled at the dangerous situations that Ricky and Julian get themselves into. He loves cats, bubbles, pickled eggs, playing guitar, tractor trailers, badminton, rockets, driving his go-kart, model trains, smoking dope, and wrestling; his wrestling alter-ego being the mysterious "Green Bastard" from parts unknown. His favorite band is Rush. He is terrified of chickens, having been stuck in a coop where his friends left him and "pecked relentlessly".

Jim Lahey

James "Jim" Lahey (John Dunsworth) is the supervisor of Sunnyvale Trailer Park and the series' main antagonist. In his youth, Lahey was an idealistic police officer; but since his wrongful dismissal as a result of a prank by Julian, Ricky, and Bubbles on Halloween 1977, he degenerated into a bitter alcoholic. Nonetheless, Lahey has devoted himself to making Sunnyvale a better place to live, accompanied by his devoted assistant Randy. Even in his most incoherent moments, Lahey maintains an extreme affinity for the trailer park and all of its residents except Ricky. Lahey bears a grudge against Ricky and Julian; having been forced to watch them grow from childhood troublemakers to full-fledged criminals, he (wrongly) considers them to be the greatest threat to the safety and stability of the park. As such, he spends most of the series trying to get the Boys thrown back in jail, often neglecting his real, rather mundane duties as trailer-park supervisor as a result. Many characters consider these antics to be more of an excuse to relive his days as a police officer than a genuine quest for justice. In season 1, Julian discovered that Lahey and Randy were having a homosexual relationship. Julian agreed to keep their relationship a secret, but in season 3 both men admitted they were gay. Lahey is in fact bisexual. He has one daughter, Treena, with Barb Lahey. He is known for his numerous metaphors with the negative slang "shit" bizarrely worked in, such as "shiticane", "a shitapple never falls far from the shit tree", "A shit leopard can't change his spots" (Which was actually said by Constable Erica Miller[Shauna MacDonald], probably caused by the influence of Jim Lahey), "shiterpillar growing into a shit moth," "shit ropes," "shit hawks," "the winds of shit," "shit blizzard," "shit puppets," "shit line," "shit river," etc. Lahey is assigned to clean out Bill and Alvena's trailer moments after their eviction. He finds footage on a tape labelled "Halloween 1977" that proves that Lahey was not drinking in the events that caused his dismissal from the police force. The Police Force reinstates him at the end of Season 6, but at the end of Season 7 he retires from the force.


Randy (Patrick Roach) is Mr. Lahey's devoted Assistant Trailer-Park Supervisor and "longtime companion." Their "partnership" began in 1997 when Lahey's then-wife Barbara found him working as a male prostitute; out of her Christian charity she invited him to stay with them for a while. In season 6, Randy revealed himself to be bisexual, displaying attraction for Sarah. Like Lahey, Randy drinks heavily, but he is sober more often than Lahey and acts as the voice of reason during Lahey's occasional lapses in sanity. Randy and the Boys were schoolyard chums, and though he usually sides with Lahey against them, he also demonstrates some lingering thread of friendship toward them. He almost never wears a shirt; he wears very tight white pants which he removes when he gets into fights. He is addicted to cheeseburgers and onion rings (aka "Lord of the Onion Rings") and in season 7 becomes a frequent user of marijuana; his pronounced belly is his major target for ridicule, especially from J-Roc.


Lucy (Lucy Decoutere) is Ricky's on-again, off-again demanding girlfriend and mother of his daughter Trinity. Although Ricky is extremely loyal to Lucy, her loyalty is another matter altogether. Lucy is promiscuous, especially when drunk and stoned on marijuana, but expresses a genuine desire to be a responsible parent and goes to great lengths to ensure Trinity does not end up like her father. Lucy and Julian had a brief relationship after high school, which Julian clearly wants to forget. Her relationship with Ricky has taken several turns over the course of the series; she agrees to marry Ricky at the end of season 1, though she never seemed totally interested in doing so, but breaks up with him after Ricky is arrested during the wedding. Ricky is finally able to rekindle their relationship during season 5. At the end of season 7, she gives birth to Randy's son, conceived during a weekend Ricky spent in jail. Although Ricky has difficulty accepting the fact the baby is not his, he is happy that he does not have to pay child support, but still treats the baby as his own.


Sarah (Sarah E. Dunsworth) is Lucy's best friend and roommate. She moved in with Lucy and Trinity while Ricky was in prison at the beginning of season 1. Sarah is much more insightful and level-headed than Lucy. She and Lucy make their living running a beauty salon out of their trailer. Although she prefers to distance herself from the Boys' antics, she will often lend her assistance if she stands to gain from the matter. Her relationship with Ricky is a key aspect of her character; she dates Ricky in season 2 after Lucy breaks up with him. After Ricky is arrested again however, Sarah breaks up with him and becomes increasingly hostile and disrespectful towards him. Sarah begins dating Cory and Trevor in season 4. She becomes very protective of Cory and Trevor, often very hesitant in allowing Cory and Trevor to work for Ricky. Although Sarah claims she loves them, she denies that they are having sex nor is she their girlfriend, despite several hints and references during season 4 that imply that she is their girlfriend (Sarah even reveals plans to marry them at the end of the season). Sarah often mocks Ricky's intelligence, or lack thereof, and chastises him for treating Cory and Trevor so badly. In real life, Sarah is the daughter of John Dunsworth (Jim Lahey).

J-Roc and T

J-Roc (Jonathan Torrens), real name Jamie, is a white rapper. He speaks in African American Vernacular English and very frequently uses the phrase "You know what I'm saying?" (pronounced, "Gnome sing?") J-Roc is a close friend of Ricky, Julian, and Bubbles, and is quite friendly and good-natured. In addition to his musical aspirations, J-Roc, along with his best friend and partner Tyrone (or "T", as he prefers to be called) lead a gang called the "Roc-Pile", which is responsible for some of the criminal activity in the park. Despite their claim to be "gangsta", both J-Roc and T are cowards who quickly shy away from the prospect of violence or arrest. J-Roc and the Roc-Pile often help Ricky and Julian with their money-making schemes, usually by acting as their fence or providing them with extra manpower. J-Roc also has several criminal contacts, and often provides the lucrative opportunities that the Boys seek. He has dabbled in the amateur pornography business, directing at least three straight-to-video titles, including "From Russia With The Love Bone," "The Bare Pimp Project," "Cheerie-Hoes," "Fire Hoes," and "Greasy Trailer Park Girls Gone Wild." During the final two seasons of the series, J-Roc and T father children with two different women. Unable to tell whose child is whose, they agree to raise them together as "co-daddies."

Cory and Trevor

Cory and Trevor (Cory Bowles and Michael Jackson) are two misguided young men whom Ricky and Julian often use as lackeys and scapegoats; the younger boys almost always ruin the older Boys' plans, due either to their own incompetence or unfortunate circumstances. Roommates and best friends, Cory and Trevor are rarely seen apart. They have been helping the Boys since they were six years old and admire them to the point of hero-worship, but although Julian genuinely cares about their well-being, Ricky treats them shabbily, always blaming them for what goes wrong, no matter who or what is actually at fault. Eventually, Cory and Trevor get a restraining order against Ricky and start working almost solely for Julian, who "trains" them as one would train a dog: whistling for them to come, issuing simple commands, and rewarding good "performance" with treats. When they are not helping the boys, Cory and Trevor will either be working for J-Roc or looting vehicles. Bowles and Jackson left the show after season 6 due to discontent about their roles; their departure was explained by the announcement that Cory and Trevor had been committed to a mental institute and advised to never return to Sunnyvale. A running joke for Cory and Trevor is their tendency to raise their hands hoping for a high five from the Boys--who usually left them hanging.

Barb Lahey

Barbara "Barb" Lahey (Shelley Thompson) is the owner of Sunnyvale Trailer Park. She was married to Jim until she divorced him after being embarrassed at his alcohol addiction. She and Jim are still on fairly good terms, and the estranged couple still harbours some feelings for each other. She is also on good terms with the Boys, and usually tolerates their activities within the park, provided they pay their lot fees. Barb dates Sam Losco in season 2, but breaks up with him after discovering his involvement in one of J-Roc's porn films. Barb becomes a full-time resident of Sunnyvale in season 4, after financial troubles force her to sell her house. She and Jim have a daughter named Treena. Barb is considered slutty and had once proposed marriage to Ricky, prior to the latter being sent to jail at the end of season 4. Barb had gotten back with Jim in season 7, but later ran off with Sam Losco towards the end of the series.

Shelley Thompson first appeared as the officiant of Ricky and Lucy's disrupted wedding at the end of season 1, though this is not considered to be Barb.


Trinity (Jeanna Harrison-Steinhart) is Lucy's daughter by Ricky, although there are occasional hints throughout the series that Julian is her biological father. She is beloved by both men; Ricky in particular has proven willing to do almost anything for her. Portrayed as a sweet grade-schooler in season 1, Trinity becomes less innocent and more troublesome as the series progresses. Despite Ricky's frequent absences from Trinity's life, they manage to maintain a loving father-daughter relationship.


Ray (Barrie Dunn) is Ricky's irresponsible father. His wife Tammy left him when Ricky was very young, leaving Ray to raise their son himself. His parental involvement with his son was lax to say the least, but their relationship is strong. He often says "Fuckin' love you, buddy" to Ricky. Ray was a truck-driver prior to the start of the series, but he lost his license after he crashed his truck into a post office while drunk. Since then, Ray has been fraudulently living off workman's comp., claiming that he suffered a crippling muscle spasm that renders him unable to walk. He spends most of the series in a wheelchair until he is exposed and imprisoned in season 5. From his truck-driving years he has acquired the habit of urinating in jugs, which he leaves around the trailer park. Ray claims to be a Calvinist, although his understanding of Calvinism (and of Christianity in general) is quite limited; the main appeal of Calvinism is the concept of predestination, which he misinterprets to mean that he need not account for his irresponsible actions. Ray drinks heavily and is addicted to gambling, especially playing video lottery terminals. He usually brushes off bad situations as "the way she goes."

Recurring characters

"Shitty" Bill

"Shitty" Bill (Brian Huggins) is a local scrap metal operator who helps Bubbles with his shopping-cart salvaging plan. His nickname goes back to childhood, when an attempted fart turned into defecation. According to Bubbles, Bill considers his nickname offensive; in the next scene Bubbles refers to him as 'Shitty', implying that 'Bill' is the part of the name he finds offensive. His first appearance is in season 5, and is frequently mentioned in season 7, often acting as the Boys' liaison outside the park.

Bottle Kids

The Bottle Kids are a gang of young kids or teens who amuse themselves by bombarding various park residents with empty liquor bottles, an abundant commodity in Sunnyvale. Randy is a frequent target, due to his obesity or his lack of a shirt, and he mostly bears the strain of their attacks. The park residents have long since learned to be on guard for their attacks; as such, their appearances are always preceded by somebody shouting "Bottle kids!" causing everyone in the vicinity to seek cover. In season 5, Trinity joins their ranks; watching her in action alongside the others, Jim Lahey muses, "What's wrong with parents these days?"


Candy (Karen Leblanc) is a woman Julian meets at a bank when Ricky attempts to get a loan. In the season finale she appears ready to move into a trailer with Julian, but at Ricky and Lucy's wedding the Boys are arrested, and after that Candy is never seen or mentioned again.

Jacob Collins

Jacob Collins (Jacob Rolfe) is a young man who often works at a convenience store and other minimum wage jobs. For most of the series, Jacob's appearances revolve around being robbed by Cory and Trevor or Ricky, and being fired as a result. In season 7, Jacob is revealed to be the son of Phil Collins, and takes a more active role in the show, effectively acting as a replacement for Corey and Trevor. Jacob idolizes Julian, and even goes so far as to mimic his appearance and mannerisms.


Conky (voiced by Mike Smith ) is a ventriloquist puppet that Bubbles made in his own image when he was in Grade 6. Bubbles treats Conky as a trusted friend, but bestows him with a caustic, annoying, and domineering personality. Conky tends to insult people, especially Ricky; his utterances even shock Bubbles himself. Not long after Bubbles created Conky, Ricky and Julian stole Conky and threw him into the local swamp because they were tired of "his" insults and worried about Bubbles' sanity. In season 4 they have no option but to recover Conky, to convince Bubbles to go to the hospital to have his infected tooth treated. Conky immediately resumes insulting Ricky and bullying Bubbles. Eventually, Julian shoots Conky "dead" and he and Ricky dispose of the remains in the swamp as a distraught Bubbles looks on. At the end of season 7, a stressed-out Bubbles retrieves and restores Conky, then finally realizes that he needs to lose him for good, and "drowns" him.

In Season 7 Episode 8, Bubbles tells of how he was left Conky by his grandfather who was apparently a vaudeville ventriloquist. This could be an instance of a retcon for Conky's origin, or an indication of the warping influence of Conky on Bubbles' sense of reality.

Philadelphia Collins

Philadelphia "Phil" Collins (Richard Collins) is known mostly for his obesity. He is always referred to as "Phil Collins"; nobody except Sam Losco seems to make the connection between him and the musician of the same name; Sam is prone to using the musician's song titles as epithets toward him. ("Drive, 'Easy Lover,' drive!") Others have nicknamed him "Lord Of The Onion Rings," "Mustard Tiger," "Bologna Tugboat," and "The Human House." Phil has appeared as a greasy motel owner, a taxi driver, and Lahey's paving assistant. He is paranoid about people looking at his belly, which Ricky calls "the biggest, most powerful gut anyone has ever seen." He belches loudly when hit in the stomach. He and Randy share a genuine, cheeseburger-loving-fueled friendship. In Season 7, he and Randy open a cheeseburger restaurant, the Dirty Burger, which they run out of Losco's RV. Phil is the father of Jacob and Thomas Collins.

Thomas Collins

Thomas Collins (Mike O'Neill), Phil Collins' other son, made his first appearance in season 7's episode, "The Mustard Tiger." He drives a 1967 RS Camaro. He is very protective of his brother, always trying to keep him away from Julian. He is later revealed as an aggressive brute, pushing Ricky up to trailer walls, grabbing Julian's collar, or getting into a fight with Sam Losco.


Cyrus (Bernard Robichaud) is the Boys' nemesis, a bully and criminal who enjoys waving his Beretta 92 around to terrorize the residents of the trailer park. He is introduced in the series premiere, in which he has assumed control of the park by threatening to shoot anyone who opposes him. Julian later drives him from the park, exposed as a coward. Like Ricky, Cyrus is a high school dropout. In season 2 he attempts to get his grade 10 along with Ricky, but fails after he is caught using Jacob to cheat on the exam (being exposed by Ricky). Cyrus drives a red 1978 Corvette, which he proudly keeps in pristine condition, although the Boys vandalize it in season 4. He is heard listening to the same song in the car "I'm Old, You're Young" by Rick Jeffery everytime he enters or leaves an area. He is seemingly jailed for good at the end of season 5, but re-appears in the final special "Say Goodnight to the Bad Guys". After attempting to steal money and dope from the boys, he is sent back to jail for violating his probation. Cyrus ends every conversation (or confrontation) with the same line: "Fuck off, I got work to do."


Donny (voiced by Mike Smith) is an unseen trailer park resident who frequently screams profanity off-camera, usually in reaction the Boys' antics. Most commonly he can be heard screaming "What in the fuck!" and "Fuck off with the guns!" whenever something goes wrong. Occasionally he screams longer monologues, such as in "A Man's Gotta Eat," the same episode in which Ricky refers to him as "Danny." In season 7, Donny can be heard screaming "Have another drink, Ray!" when Ray crashes into a tree. Donny can also be heard screaming in jail when the inmates movie night gets canceled in Trailer Park Boys: The Movie.

Dennis and Terry

Dennis and Terry (Mio Adilman and Nobu Adilman) are Japanese-Canadian brothers who use their grandmother's house as a cover to deal hash. They debuted in season 5's opening episode, "Give Peace a Chance." Ricky has known them since childhood, but Julian and Bubbles don't like them much because they abuse their grandmother's trust; also, they habitually stroll around the house wearing only bathrobes and not keeping their private parts covered. They quickly become enemies of the Boys after revealing that they work with Cyrus. At the end of season 5, they are imprisoned with Cyrus. Terry and Dennis, and Cyrus, re-appear in the episode "Shit Blizzard," seeking revenge for their stolen hash and car. At the end of Trailer Park Boys: Countdown to Liquor Day, they materialize with Cyrus and some other characters.

Detroit Velvet Smooth

Detroit Velvet Smooth (DVS) (Garry "Papa Grand" James) is an independent rapper who is introduced in the season 3 episode Who's the Microphone Assassin? in which DVS is informed by Lahey that J-Roc is pirating his music. DVS proceeds to crash J-Roc's rap concert at the trailer park and threatens him, but later had a change of heart. In season 4, DVS joins the Roc-Pile as J-Roc's manager. He does not hail from Detroit, as his name would imply, but rather from Moncton, New Brunswick. DVS is sometimes mistakenly referred to as "DVD", usually by Ricky.


Gary (Kim Dunn, real-life brother of Barrie Dunn) is a mall security guard who is often at odds with the Boys, especially Bubbles, whose cart operation frequently interferes with Gary's duties. Gary is also seen as a liquor store clerk in the season 3 episode "The Delusions of Officer Jim Lahey".

George Green

George Green (George Green) is the local police officer most often dispatched to deal with Ricky and Julian. He is easily fooled by the pair and it is very rare that he makes a successful police raid and hustles somebody off to jail. It is revealed in season 6 that he was Lahey's partner back in the 1970s, and he was the one who caught Lahey, after a fight with the boys, with liquor all over him, forcing him to resign from the force. The reason George Green is so easily fooled by the boys is not because of any stupidity on his part (though, they will frequently describe Green as "the stupidest cop there is"), but rather because of his past history with Lahey; he has a very hard time believing anything Lahey says, and a very easy time believing that Lahey is the source of a problem, as Ricky and Julian often claim. In season seven, Green, along with Ted Johnson (see below), attempt to murder Lahey, Randy and Phil Collins; with the help of the boys and Ray, Lahey frames them for police brutality, and they are dismissed and incarcerated for five years.

Ted Johnston

Ted Johnston (Jim Swansburg) was the detective officer who arrested Ricky at his wedding (season one). He returns in season five as George Green's replacement, and in season six as an officer along with George Green. There is no indication as to why he went down in rank from detective to ordinary officer. In season six, it is revealed that he is gay, and he becomes romantically involved with Randy. However, their relationship apparently ends in the last episode of the season after his disappointment of Randy's attempt to put the boys in jail using stolen evidence. Johnston is much more difficult to deceive than George Green. Like George Green (see above), he is sentenced to five years for police brutality on Ray (which was entirely set up by Jim Lahey and Ray).

Treena Lahey

Treena Lahey (Ellen Page) is Jim and Barbara's daughter, who appears in season 2 as a replacement for Trinity's character. Although her father warns her against associating with the Boys, she quickly develops a friendship with Ricky after he fixes her bicycle. For his part, Ricky treats Treena as a daughter figure in Trinity's absence. She is also good friends with Bubbles and Julian and often seeks solace with them during her parents' less-reasonable periods. Despite Barb becoming a regular Sunnyvale resident in season 4, Treena is never seen again after season 2, but she is mentioned in the season-4 episode "Propane, Propane" when Jim proposes remarriage to Barbara.

Levi and Desiree

Levi (Ardon Bess) and Desiree (Sandi Ross) are an aging couple who appear in season 1 as Julian's foster parents, who raised Julian after they found him abandoned in the trailer park. They are never seen or mentioned after season 1 and the orphan backstory seems to have been passed on to Bubbles.


Linda (Linda Busby) is J-Roc's mother. She first appears with Mr. Lahey and Randy during J-Roc's filming of "From Russia With the Love Bone," when she grounds him for his actions. She usually disapproves of her son's style and mocks him. In the episode "Who's the Microphone Assassin?" she accidentally walks in on J-Roc while he's masturbating. Later, after J-Roc second-guesses his "blackness," she tries to convince him that he is indeed the microphone assassin and encourages him to perform in his rap concert. She further brightens his mood by revealing that she has had relationships with black men in the past!

Sam Losco

Sam Losco (Sam Tarasco) is an antagonist to the Boys who first appears in season 1. Initially a veterinarian, Sam loses his medical license after helping Ricky fix a bullet wound, as veterinarians are not supposed to operate on humans. In season 2, Sam runs for the post of Trailer Park Supervisor but loses to Jim Lahey after Julian slips hallucinogenic mushrooms into his food prior to his campaign speech. He later attempts to romance Barb Lahey, but is foiled by Julian. In season 4, Sam is able to restart his veterinary practice (on probation). Bubbles often brings his kitties to him for their checkups. He is not particularly fond of Ricky or Julian, as they are responsible for most of his problems. His favourite food seems to be greasy hot dogs and he has been insultingly called a "caveman" by several characters for his general resemblance to a stereotypical Neanderthal. In season six, Sam has apparently lost his veterinary practice again and now works at a East Coast Paving, only to be fired after a prank-call from Ricky. In season 6's final episode he kidnaps Randy at gunpoint, believing he caused him to lose the paving-company job. In season 7, Sam sends love letters to Barb Lahey as a secret admirer; in episode 7 he tells Barb he's her secret admirer and she leaves Jim to elope with Sam. In the series finale, Say Goodnight to the Bad Guys, Sam robs Julian's DeLorean, which contained all the money they had earned in the train-smuggling operation in the season 7, only to be pulled over by the police, who confiscated the money.

Erica Miller

Constable Erica Miller (Shauna MacDonald) is a police officer who falls for Julian in season 3, hoping that he would leave his current life behind. She later realizes that Julian will never change and arrests him, observing that "a shit leopard can't change its spots." In the season 4 episode "A Man's Gotta Eat", she briefly appears as an undercover cop as part of a prostitution sting.

Mrs. Peterson

Mrs. Peterson (Alma Godwin, d. 2004) is an elderly park resident who mistakenly believes Julian is her grandson. Julian, for his part, genuinely cares for her as though she really were his grandmother. She lives alone with her dog, Sparky. Mrs. Peterson's sole appearance is in the season 1 episode "Mrs. Peterson's Dog Gets Fucked Up", although she is occasionally mentioned throughout the series. Mrs. Peterson is not to be confused with Julian's actual grandmother, who is also mentioned on several occasions.

Celebrity appearances