Itea, Florina

Country: Greece
Region: West Macedonia
Regional unit: Florina
Municipality: Florina
Municipal unit: Meliti
Population statistics (as of 2001)
 - Population: 650
Time zone: EET/EEST (UTC+2/3)

Itea (Greek: Ιτέα, Macedonian Slavic: Врбени, Vrbeni; Bulgarian: Върбени or Долно Върбени, Varbeni or Dolno Vrbeni, known before 1926 as Verbeni), is a village in the Florina regional unit, Greece.



In 1845 the Russian slavist Victor Grigorovich recorded Verbini as Bulgarian village.[1] Johann Georg von Hahn in his map from 1861 marked the village as Bulgarian, too.[2]

In the book “Ethnographie des Vilayets d'Adrianople, de Monastir et de Salonique”, published in Constantinople in 1878, that reflects the statistics of the male population in 1873, Dolno Vrbeni was noted as a village with 200 households and 615 Bulgarian ihabitants.[3]

According to Vasil Kanchov’s statistics, in 1900, Varbeni had 690 Bulgarian inhabitants.[4] The whole population of the village was under the supremacy of the Bulgarian Exarchate in the early 20th century. According to the evidences of Dimitar Mishev, the secretary of the Exarchate, there were 624 Bulgarians in Varbeni in 1905.[5]


Today the villagers are primarily Slavophone Greeks.[6][7] According to the 2001 census, the population of Itea was 650 people.[8]

Year Population
1913 677
1920 548
1928 677
1940 891
1951 960
1961 927
1971 733
1981 713

Notable persons


  1. ^ Григорович, В. Очеркъ путешествiя по Европейской Турцiи, Москва, 1877
  2. ^ Croquis der westlischen Zurflüsse des oberen Wardar von J.G. von Hahn. Deukschriften der k Akad. d wissenseh. philos. histor. CIX1Bd, 1861.
  3. ^ „Македония и Одринско. Статистика на населението от 1873 г.“ Македонски научен институт, София, 1995. стр. 82-83.
  4. ^ Кънчов, Васил. „Македония. Етнография и статистика“. София, 1900. с.249. (Macedonia — ethnography and statistics, Sofia, 1900, p. 249.)
  5. ^ Brancoff, D.M. "La Macédoine et sa Population Chrétienne". Paris, 1905, р. 176-177.
  6. ^
  7. ^
  8. ^