
CAS number 20461-54-5 Y
PubChem 30165
ChemSpider 28015 Y
KEGG C00708 Y
Beilstein Reference 3587184
Gmelin Reference 14912
Jmol-3D images Image 1
Molecular formula I
Molar mass 126.90447 g mol-1
Exact mass 126.904468420 g mol-1
Related compounds
Other anions Bromide


Except where noted otherwise, data are given for materials in their standard state (at 25 °C, 100 kPa)
Infobox references

An iodide ion is the ion I.[2] Compounds with iodine in formal oxidation state −1 are called iodides. This page is for the iodide ion and its salts. For information on organoiodides, see organohalides. In everyday life, iodide is most commonly encountered as a component of iodized salt, which many governments mandate. Worldwide, iodine deficiency affects two billion people and is the leading preventable cause of mental retardation.[3]


Structure and characteristics of inorganic iodides

Iodide is one of the largest (monoatomic) anions. It is assigned a radius of around 220 picometers. For comparison, the lighter halides are considerably smaller: bromide (196 pm), chloride (181 pm), and fluoride (133 pm). In part because of its size, iodine forms relatively weak bonds with most elements.

Most iodide salts are soluble in water, but often less so than the related chlorides and bromides. Iodide, being large, is less hydrophilic than are the smaller anions. One consequence of this is that sodium iodide is highly soluble in acetone, whereas sodium chloride is not. The low solubility of silver iodide and lead iodide reflects the covalent character of these metal iodides. A test for the presence of iodide ions is the formation of yellow precipitates of these compounds upon treatment of a solution of silver nitrate or lead(II) nitrate.[2]

Aqueous solutions of iodide salts dissolve iodine better than pure water. This effect is due to the formation of the triiodide ion, which is brown:

I + I2 I3

Redox, including antioxidant properties

Iodide salts are mild reducing agents and many react with oxygen to give iodine. A reducing agent is a chemical term for an antioxidant. Its antioxidant properties can be expressed quantitatively as a redox potential:

I 1/2 I2 + e (electrons) = - 0.54 Volt vs SHE

Because iodide is easily oxidized, some enzymes readily convert it into electrophilic iodinating agents, as required for the biosynthesis of myriad iodide-containing natural products. Iodide can function as an antioxidant reducing species that can destroy reactive oxygen species such as hydrogen peroxide:

2 I + Peroxidase + H2O2 + tyrosine, histidine, lipid, etc. → iodo-Compounds + H2O + 2 e (antioxidants).

Representative iodides

Compound Formula Appearance Use or occurrence
potassium iodide KI white crystals iodine component of iodized salt
hydrogen iodide HI colourless solution strong mineral acid
Silver iodide AgI yellow powder that darkens in light photoactive component of silver-based photographic film
C15H11I4NO4 pale yellow solid hormone essential for human health
LiI BeI2 BI3 CI4 NI3 I2O4, I2O5, I4O9 IF, IF3, IF5, IF7 Ne
NaI MgI2 AlI3 SiI4 PI3, P2I4 S ICl, ICl3 Ar
KI CaI2 Sc TiI4 VI3 Cr MnI2 Fe CoI2 NiI2 CuI ZnI2 Ga2I6 GeI2, GeI4 AsI3 Se IBr Kr
RbI SrI2 Y ZrI4 Nb Mo Tc Ru Rh Pd AgI CdI2 InI3 SnI4, SnI2 SbI3 TeI4 I Xe
CsI BaI2   Hf Ta W Re Os Ir Pt AuI Hg2I2, HgI2 TlI PbI2 BiI3 Po At Rn
Fr Ra   Rf Db Sg Bh Hs Mt Ds Rg Cn Uut Uuq Uup Uuh Uus Uuo
La Ce Pr Nd Pm SmI2 Eu Gd TbI3 Dy Ho Er Tm Yb Lu
Ac ThI4 Pa U Np Pu Am Cm Bk Cf Es Fm Md No Lr


  1. ^ "Iodide - PubChem Public Chemical Database". The PubChem Project. USA: National Center for Biotechnology Information. 
  2. ^ a b Greenwood, Norman N.; Earnshaw, Alan (1997). Chemistry of the Elements (2nd ed.). Oxford: Butterworth-Heinemann. ISBN 0080379419. 
  3. ^ McNeil, Donald G. Jr (2006-12-16). "In Raising the World’s I.Q., the Secret’s in the Salt". New York Times. Retrieved 2008-12-04. 

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