The International Society for Reef Studies (ISRS) is an international, not-for profit, scientific organisation dedicated to the conservation of coral reefs through science and understanding. The ISRS was founded in 1980, with the primary objective of improving scientific knowledge and understanding of coral reefs, both living and fossil.
To achieve its objectives the ISRS prints and distributes the journal Coral Reefs [1] as well as a Society newsletter Reef Encounter.[2] The ISRS also holds annual meetings and cosponsors other gatherings, symposia and conferences relating to coral reefs. The ISRS is the main sanctioning organisation for the International Coral Reef Symposium (ICRS), held every four years, and is the world's largest and premier forum for the dissemination and discussion of coral reef science, management and conservation.
The next ICRS, The 12th International Coral Reef Symposium (12ICRS),[3] will be held 9–13 July 2012 in Cairns, Australia. Previous ICRS were held in Fort Lauderdale (2008),[4] Okinawa (2004), Bali (2000), Panama (1996), Guam (1992), Australia (1988), Tahiti (1985), the Philippines (1980), Miami (1977), Australia (1974), and the 1st ICRS in India (1969). Published proceedings of the ICRS are available at ReefBase.[5]