The International Festival of Animated Films, often called AniFest is an international festival of animated films held annually in the Czech Republic. It was established in 2002 and has attracted more than twenty-thousand guests per year.[1]
It is a specialized competition festival of animated production for film professionals, artists and animation lovers that builds on the famous tradition of Czech animated film and offers a unique opportunity to become familiar with the best of contemporary world and Czech animation work. In addition to the competitive and non-competitive film events, the festival includes various theatre performances, exhibitions, concerts and discussions, parties and other cultural and social events.
In 2010, Anifest will be held in the North Bohemian city of Teplice. The 2010 fesitival will mark the 100th birthday of legendary film director Karel Zeman and will show almost 400 animated films.[2] The AniFest 2010 juries will consist of personalities from the world of animation, including distinguished film directors, film artists, film historians and university professors from around the word.[3]