InterVarsity Hockey

InterVarsity Hockey refers to Field Hockey competitions in Australia between rival Universities. InterVarsity Hockey has been a part of the Australian University Games since 1993. Regular InterVarsity Hockey Competition has been operating within Australia since 1909.



The first Women's InterVarsity match was played in 1908 when a team from The University of Melbourne travelled to Adelaide, SA, where they were entertained with a range of activities - a concert, a dance, a drive to the hills and a skating rink evening, and even a special fire brigade practice. The University of Adelaide won the contest 3-1.[1] A return match was played in 1909 on The University of Melbourne Oval, and won by Melbourne 3-0.[2]

The first Men's InterVarsity competition is believed to have occurred in 1909 between The University of Melbourne Hockey Club and The University of Sydney Hockey Club. "An invitation was received from the Melbourne University to send a team over some time during the season, which was accepted after due consideration by the committee. It is probable that the visit will take place during the June vacation and a match en route against Wagga or Wangaratta may be arranged."[3] This match was won by The University of Melbourne, 6-2.[4]

Early Women's InterVarsity Results

Initial InterVarsity matches were played between The University of Melbourne Hockey Club and The University of Adelaide Hockey Club from 1908, with the addition of The University of Sydney Hockey Club in 1911, and The University of Queensland Hockey Club after World War I in 1919.

The University of Western Australia Hockey Club first participated in 1925.[5]

Year Venue Champion
1908 Adelaide, SA The University of Adelaide
1909 Melbourne, VIC The University of Melbourne
1910 Not played[6]
1911 Melbourne, VIC The University of Sydney
1912 Adelaide, SA The University of Melbourne
1913 The University of Melbourne
1914 Melbourne, VIC The University of Melbourne
1919 Sydney, NSW The University of Melbourne
1920 Melbourne, VIC The University of Melbourne
1921 Sydney, NSW The University of Melbourne
1922 Melbourne, VIC The University of Melbourne
1923 Sydney, NSW The University of Sydney
1924 Brisbane, QLD The University of Queensland
1925 Adelaide, SA The University of Melbourne

Competition was suspended 1915-1918 due to World War I, 1940-1945 due to World War II.

Early Men's InterVarsity Results

Initial competitions included only The University of Melbourne Hockey Club and The University of Sydney Hockey Club.

Year Venue Champion
1909 Melbourne, VIC The University of Melbourne
1910 Sydney, NSW The University of Sydney
1911 Melbourne, VIC The University of Melbourne
1912 Sydney, NSW The University of Melbourne
1913 Melbourne, VIC Not Known
1914 Sydney, NSW The University of Melbourne
1919 Melbourne, VIC The University of Melbourne
1920 Sydney, NSW The University of Melbourne
1921 Melbourne, VIC The University of Melbourne
1922 Sydney, NSW The University of Melbourne
1923 Melbourne, VIC The University of Melbourne
1924 Sydney, NSW The University of Sydney

The annual games expanded to a triangular competition in 1924 with the addition of The University of Queensland Hockey Club[7], and then further when The University of Adelaide Hockey Club joined in 1928.[8]

Competition was suspended 1915-1918 due to World War I, 1940-1944 due to World War II.

The Syme Cup

The Syme Cup[9] is awarded to the Champion Men's University at InterVarsity Competition. The Syme Cup for Inter University Hockey was awarded for the first time in 1925, donated by Sir George Adlington Syme, a surgeon and member of Melbourne University Council.[10]

The inscription Reads



The Cup is affectionately known as "Georgie."


Year Venue Champion
1925 Melbourne, VIC The University of Melbourne
1926 Brisbane, QLD The University of Melbourne
1927 The University of Sydney
1928 Melbourne, VIC The University of Melbourne
1929 Brisbane, QLD
The University of Melbourne The University of Queensland
1930 The University of Sydney
1931 Sydney, NSW The University of Sydney
1932 The University of Melbourne
The University of Sydney The University of Queensland
1934 Adelaide, SA The University of Melbourne
1935 Sydney, NSW The University of Sydney
1936 Melbourne, VIC
The University of Sydney The University of Melbourne The University of Queensland
1937 Brisbane, QLD The University of Melbourne
1938 The University of Melbourne
1939 The University of Melbourne
1945 Sydney, NSW The University of Queensland
1946 Perth, WA The University of Western Australia
1947 Melbourne, VIC The University of Adelaide
1948 The University of Adelaide
1949 Hobart, TAS The University of Queensland
1950 Brisbane, QLD The University of Queensland
1951 Sydney, NSW The University of Sydney
1952 Perth, WA
The University of Adelaide The University of Western Australia
1953 Adelaide, SA The University of Queensland
1954 The University of Queensland
1955 Hobart, TAS University of Tasmania
1956 Brisbane, QLD
The University of Queensland The University of Adelaide The University of Sydney
1957 The University of Adelaide
1958 Perth, WA The University of Queensland
1959 Melbourne, VIC The University of Sydney
1960 Adelaide, SA The University of Melbourne
1961 Hobart, TAS
The University of Sydney The University of Western Australia
1962 Sydney, NSW The University of Queensland
1963 Brisbane, QLD The University of Queensland
1964 Perth, WA The University of Queensland
1965 The University of Adelaide
1966 Adelaide, SA The University of Queensland
1967 Canberra, ACT The University of Queensland
1968 Armidale, NSW The University of Melbourne
1969 Hobart, TAS University of Tasmania
1970 Melbourne, VIC The University of Western Australia
1971 Brisbane, QLD The University of Queensland
1972 Melbourne, VIC University of New South Wales
1973 Sydney, NSW
The University of Queensland University of New South Wales
1974 Perth, WA The University of Western Australia
1975 Adelaide, SA University of Tasmania
1976 Sydney, NSW The University of Western Australia
1977 Melbourne, VIC Australian National University
1978 Australian National University
1979 Hobart, TAS University of Tasmania
1980 Perth, WA The University of Western Australia
1981 Brisbane, QLD The University of Queensland
1982 The University of Western Australia
1983 Perth, WA Australian National University
1984 Australian National University
1985 Sydney, NSW The University of Queensland
1986 The University of Melbourne
1987 Brisbane, QLD University of New South Wales
1988 Newcastle, NSW The University of New England
1989 Sydney, NSW The University of New England
1990 Hobart, TAS The University of Melbourne
1991 Perth, WA The University of Melbourne
1992 RMIT University
1993 Brisbane, QLD Queensland University of Technology
1994 Wollongong, NSW Not Engraved
1995 Darwin, NT The University of Western Australia
1996 Canberra, ACT University of Canberra
1997 Melbourne, VIC University of Tasmania
1998 Melbourne, VIC University of Canberra
1999 Perth, WA The University of Melbourne
2000 Ballarat, VIC The University of Melbourne
2001 Sydney, NSW RMIT University
2002 Adelaide, SA Curtin University of Technology
2003 Newcastle, NSW RMIT University
2004 Perth, WA The University of Western Australia
2005 Brisbane, QLD The University of Western Australia
2006[11] Adelaide, SA The University of Western Australia
2007[12] Gold Coast, QLD The University of Western Australia
2008[13] Melbourne, VIC The University of Western Australia
2009[14] Gold Coast, QLD The University of Western Australia
2010[15] Perth, WA The University of Western Australia
2011[16] Gold Coast, QLD The University of Sydney

Number of Wins

All InterVarsity Hockey results (from 1909) are included here.

Rank University Outright Syme Cup Wins Joint Wins Pre-Syme Wins Total
1 The University of Melbourne 15 2 9 26
2 The University of Queensland 14 5 0 19
3 The University of Western Australia 14 2 0 16
4 The University of Sydney 7 4 2 13
5 The University of Adelaide 4 2 0 6
6 University of Tasmania 5 0 0 5
7 Australian National University 4 0 0 4
8 RMIT University 3 0 0 3
9 University of New South Wales 2 1 0 3
10 University of Canberra 2 0 0 2
11 The University of New England 2 0 0 2
12 Curtin University of Technology 1 0 0 1
13 Queensland University of Technology 1 0 0 1

Women's Hockey Cup

The Women's Hockey Cup[17] is awarded to the Champion Women's University at InterVarsity Competition.

The inscription Reads

Won Outright
by Melbourne
in 1926
and presented


The Women's Hockey Cup was first presented in 1926, however it is engraved 1914, 1919 & 1920 with The University of Melbourne as Champions.


Year Venue Champion
1914 Melbourne, VIC The University of Melbourne
1919 Sydney, NSW The University of Melbourne
1920 Melbourne, VIC The University of Melbourne
1926 Melbourne, VIC The University of Melbourne
1927 Sydney, NSW The University of Sydney
1928 Brisbane, QLD The University of Sydney
1929 The University of Melbourne
1930 The University of Adelaide
1931 The University of Melbourne
1932 Sydney, NSW The University of Melbourne
1933 The University of Melbourne
1934 Adelaide, SA The University of Melbourne
1935 Melbourne, VIC The University of Melbourne
1936 Sydney, NSW
The University of Melbourne The University of Queensland
1937 Hobart, TAS Not Contested

Cancelled Due to Infantile Paralysis Epidemic[18]

1938 Hobart, TAS University of Tasmania
1939* Brisbane, QLD The University of Melbourne
1946 Adelaide, SA The University of Western Australia
1947 Melbourne, VIC The University of Adelaide
1948 Sydney, NSW The University of Sydney
1949 Brisbane, QLD The University of Sydney
1950 Hobart, TAS The University of Adelaide
1951 The University of Adelaide
1952 Melbourne, VIC The University of Melbourne
The University of Melbourne The University of Western Australia
1954 The University of Melbourne
1955 Brisbane, QLD The University of Melbourne
The University of Melbourne The University of Sydney
1957 Hobart, TAS University of Tasmania
1958 Perth, WA The University of Western Australia
1959 The University of Melbourne
1960 The University of Sydney
1961 The University of Adelaide
1962 Not Engraved
1963 The University of Western Australia
The University of Melbourne The University of Adelaide
1965 The University of Melbourne
The University of Adelaide The University of Western Australia
1967 The University of Adelaide
1968 Hobart, TAS The University of Melbourne
1969 The University of Melbourne
1970 Monash University
1971 Adelaide, SA University of Tasmania
1972 The University of Sydney
1973 The University of Western Australia
1974 Adelaide, SA The University of Western Australia
1975 Newcastle, NSW The University of Western Australia
1976 The University of New England
1977 Perth, WA The University of Western Australia
1978 Canberra, ACT The University of Sydney
1979 Hobart, TAS University of Tasmania
1980 Melbourne, VIC The University of New England
1981 The University of Queensland
1982 The University of Melbourne
1983 University of Tasmania
1984 Wollongong, NSW The University of Queensland
1985 The University of Queensland
1986 Adelaide, SA The University of Sydney
1987 Brisbane, QLD The University of Queensland
1988 The University of Sydney
1989 University of New South Wales
1990 Hobart, TAS The University of Melbourne
1991 The University of New England
1992 The University of Melbourne
1993 Brisbane, QLD The University of Queensland
1994 Wollongong, NSW University of Wollongong
1995 Darwin, NT The University of Sydney
1996 Canberra, ACT The University of Sydney
1997 Melbourne, VIC Deakin University
1998 Melbourne, VIC Deakin University
1999 Perth, WA The University of Sydney
2000 Ballarat, VIC The University of Sydney
2001 Sydney, NSW The University of Sydney
2002 Adelaide, SA The University of Sydney
2003 Newcastle, NSW The University of Sydney
2004 Perth, WA Queensland University of Technology
2005 Brisbane, QLD Charles Sturt University
2006[19] Adelaide, SA The University of Sydney
2007[20] Gold Coast, QLD The University of Sydney
2008[21] Melbourne, VIC Queensland University of Technology
2009[22] Gold Coast, QLD The University of Western Australia
2010[23] Perth, WA The University of Western Australia
2011[24] Gold Coast, QLD The University of Melbourne

Note: * For an unknown reason the 1939 Result is not engraved on the Women's Hockey Cup

Number of Wins

All InterVarsity Hockey results (from 1908) are included here.

Rank University Outright Wins Joint Wins Total
1 The University of Melbourne 28 4 32
2 The University of Sydney 20 1 21
3 The University of Western Australia 9 2 11
4 The University of Adelaide 7 2 9
5 The University of Queensland 6 1 7
6 University of Tasmania 5 0 5
7 The University of New England 3 0 3
8 Deakin University 2 0 2
9 Queensland University of Technology 2 0 2
10 Charles Sturt University 1 0 1
11 Monash University 1 0 1
12 University of New South Wales 1 0 1
13 University of Wollongong 1 0 1

Combined University Teams

As an extension of the Intervarsity Hockey Championships, a representative team was typically named at the conclusion of the carnival. This was known as the Combined Universities Team, or the Australian Universities Team. In years gone by, this combined team would tour New Zealand on a biannual basis and/or play matches against the open state teams of the day. The combined team would often play the Host State's Open State team at the immediate end of the Intervarsity carnival. The last of the New Zealand Tours occurred in the 1980s. Selection in the Combined Universities Team was considered an excellent achievement and many State and even National players have been chosen for these teams.

With the advent of Australian University Games in 1993, the format of naming a 'representative' team was replaced whereby Australian University Sport would name a Green and Gold Merit team. This was essentially done under the same pretence as the Combined University Team, with the best players at the carnival chosen for what is now known as the 'Green and Gold Team'.[25] This team, however, is ceremonious in nature only and does not compete in any matches.


  1. ^ Senyard, June E. The Ties That Bind: A History of Sport at the University of Melbourne, Walla Walla Press 2004
  2. ^ Hockey&searchLimits=sortby=dateAsc
  3. ^
  4. ^ Senyard, June E. The Ties That Bind: A History of Sport at the University of Melbourne, Walla Walla Press 2004
  5. ^ Hockey&searchLimits=sortby=dateAsc
  6. ^ No Blues were awarded for women's hockey at The University of Melbourne in 1910, at a time when they were automatic for all members of an InterVarsity team. Thus it appears no match was played.
  7. ^ Hockey&searchLimits=sortby=dateAsc
  8. ^ Hockey&searchLimits=sortby=dateAsc
  9. ^
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  17. ^
  18. ^
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