Insurgency in the Republic of Macedonia

Insurgency in Macedonia
Date January – November 2001
Location Polog region of the Republic of Macedonia near the border with Albania and FR Yugoslavia (Kosovo[a])
Result Ohrid Agreement signed, ceasefire established, Albanian militants agree to disarm in exchange for greater ethnic rights.
National Liberation Army (NLA)  Macedonia
Commanders and leaders
Ali Ahmeti
Daut Rexhepi - Leka
Samidin Xhezairi
Rrahim Beqiri
Boris Trajkovski
Ljubčo Georgievski
Ljube Boškoski
Vlado Bučkovski
5,000 - 7,000 insurgents 15,000[1]
Casualties and losses
  • 64 killed
    (Macedonian claim)
  • 11 Killed
    (NLA claim)
  • 63 Killed
    (Macedonian claim)
  • 88 Killed
    (NLA claim)
Civilian casualties:

70 dead (60 ethnic Albanians, 10 ethnic Macedonians)
2 EU monitors[2]
1 UK soldier killed[3]

The insurgency in the Republic of Macedonia (January – November 2001) was an armed conflict which began when the ethnic Albanian National Liberation Army (NLA) militant group attacked the security forces of the Republic of Macedonia at the beginning of January 2001. The conflict lasted throughout most of the year, although overall casualties remained limited to several dozen for either side, according to the sources from both of the sides in the conflict.



Ceasefire and disarmament

After the Ohrid Agreement, the rebels agreed to cease-fire in June, however there were other agreements in August, before settling on a final one in January 2002. Under the Ohrid Agreement, the Macedonian government pledged to improve the rights of the Albanian population, that makes up just over 25.3 percent of the population. Those rights include making Albanian language the second official language, increasing the participation of ethnic Albanians in government institutions, police and army. Most importantly, under the Ohrid Agreement, the Macedonian government agreed to a new model of decentralization.

The Albanian side agreed to give up any separatist demands and to fully recognize all Macedonian institutions. In addition, according to this accord the NLA was to disarm and hand over their weapons to a NATO force.

Operation "Essential Harvest" was officially launched on August 22 and effectively started on August 27. This 30-day mission involved approximately 3500 NATO and Macedonian troops to disarm the NLA and destroy their weapons. Just hours after NATO wrapped up the operation, Ali Ahmeti told reporters attending a news conference in the rebel stronghold of Sipkovica that he was dissolving the National Liberation Army and that it was time for ethnic reconciliation.

Several months after the conflict, some armed provocations persisted. Small bombings and shootings used to happen. The most serious provocations happened when three Macedonian police officers were killed in an ambush by ethnic Albanian gunmen on November 12, 2001.[4]

Casualties and displacement

Casualty figures remain uncertain. By March 19, 2001, the BBC reported that Macedonian security forces claimed five of their soldiers were killed, while the NLA claimed it had killed 11.[5] No definitive NLA casualty figures were cited at the time. On December 25, 2001, the Alternative Information Network[6] cited figures of 63 deaths claimed by Macedonian security forces for their side and 64 deaths claimed by the NLA for their fighters. About 60 ethnic Albanian civilians are thought to have been killed while possibly about ten ethnic Macedonians died during the conflict (Macedonian authorities did not release figures for the latter at the time).[7] As of December 2005, the fate of twenty "disappeared" civilians —13 ethnic Macedonians, six ethnic Albanians and one Bulgarian citizen— remains unknown.[8] By August 2001, the number of people displaced, mostly Macedonians, by the war reached 170,000 of which 74,000 displaced internally. As of January 2004, 2,600 remained displaced.[9] Two European Union monitors were killed during the conflict. One British soldier was also killed.

NLA Freedom Museum

As a result of the conflict, some Albanians of Čair Municipality in Skopje established in 2008 a 'Museum of Freedom' presenting what they consider battles of the Albanians in the region from the period of the Prizren League in 1878 until the 2001 insurgency. It is also known as the NLA Museum and commemorates those who died during the conflict. Items include paramilitary clothing and insurgent flags used in 2001. Many Albanians see it as a non-military continuation of the uprising. Former NLA leader turned politician, Ali Ahmeti stated at the opening ceremony “My heart tells me that history is being born right here, in Skopje, the ancient city in the heart of Dardania. Our patriots have fought for it for centuries, but it is us today who have the destiny to celebrate the opening of the museum. Fighters from Kosovo are here to congratulate us...” [10]

Recent developments

In April 2010, a weapon cache believed to be intended for the group actions was discovered near the border with Serbia, it included uniforms with UÇK marks. On May 12, four people have been killed by Macedonian police, in a village close to Kosovo. Police seized four bags of explosives, anti-infantry mines and other weapons. The militants killed were wearing black uniforms and Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) insignia was found in the vehicle.[11] The days after, as Macedonia petitioned Kosovo for informations 70 criminal suspects linked to ethnic Albanian criminal gang, 4 men, a father and his three sons, were arrested for illegal weapons possessions. The 4 men were linked to the men killed on May 12.[12]

Alleged war crimes

Other crimes were like that of a three-day operation by Macedonian police against the ethnic Albanian village of Ljuboten, from August 10–12, 2001, which left ten civilians dead and resulted in the arrest of more than 100 men, many of whom were severely beaten and tortured while in police custody.[13] According to the Macedonian government there was a presence of Albanian National Liberation Army in the village; however, the Human Rights Watch investigation on the ground in Ljuboten found no direct evidence of this. However these events led to the trial of the Macedonian minister of internal affairs of the time, Ljube Boškoski, in the International War Crime Tribunal in The Hague.[13] Eventually he was found not guilty.[14]

The bombing of the 13th-century Orthodox monastery Sveti Atanasij in the village of Lesok[15] however no one has ever claimed responsibility for the attack and Albanian guerrilla officials have demised all responsibility and placed the blame on Macedonian special forces saying it was another poor attempt to link the NLA to Islamic extremism. However closer to the pile of rubble that had once been one of the most revered religious sites for the Macedonian Orthodox Church lay a dead donkey, its bloated body daubed with paint spelling out the letters UCK, the Albanian initials for the rebel National Liberation Army.[16] This incident is to this day disputed and the monastery is now under reconstruction.[17] On the other hand, the Macedonian forces destroyed a mosque in the village of Neprosteno and was rebuilt in 2003 with funding from the EU. The monastery at Matejce, near Kumanovo, was also damaged in the fighting, but the church of St. Virgin Hodegetria was damaged by the Albanian terrorists who spray-painted and carved anti-Christianity and KLA symbols into the 14th-century fresco. Similar attacks on the Serb churches and monasteries in Kosovo were carried out by Albanians.[18]

Another incident which is claimed by Macedonian government to be a war crime was that of the so-called Vejce massacre where Albanian guerrillas ambushed and killed 8 Macedonian forces. After setting up and ambush and attacking their lightly armoured Humvee vehicles with small arms fire and RPGs the patrol stopped and Macedonian forces and guerrillas exchanged fire in a short skirmish, after soldiers started retreating half of the patrol managed to escape one soldier was shot and others captured. Four of the victims were executed with cold steal weapons, with their genitalia removed and torched alive. News of the massacre sparked local uprisings against Muslim Albanians in several towns and cities across Macedonia, and such revolts included burning and vandalising shops and Mosques. Surviving members of the roadside patrol that was massacred gave eyewitness testimony of the killings. They claimed that the massacre was carried out by a group of 15-20 bearded men. Till this day the bodies were not released to the public or civilian investigators and autopsies were carried out in a military morgue.[19][20][21][22]

See also


  1. ^ Mazedonische Armee kämpft jetzt an zwei Fronten gegen die Rebellen - Nachrichten DIE WELT - WELT ONLINE
  2. ^ AMCC Error
  3. ^ "British soldier killed in Macedonia". BBC News. August 27, 2001. Retrieved May 5, 2010. 
  4. ^ "Macedonia police killed in ambush", BBC, November 12, 2001
  5. ^ "Casualties in the Macedonian conflict", BBC, March 19, 2001
  6. ^ "AIM overview", and "AIM listings on the Council of Europe programmes, 2000-2001", Stability Pact for South Eastern Europe
  7. ^ "What Do the Casualties of War Amount to?", Alternative Information Network (AIM), December 25, 2001
  8. ^ "Macedonia: Covering events from January - December 2005", Amnesty International, 2006
  9. ^ "Profile of internal displacement: Macedonia", United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, February 26, 2004
  10. ^
  11. ^ AFP: Four dead in Macedonia-Kosovo border shooting
  12. ^ Macedonia presses Kosovo on crime suspects - Taiwan News Online
  13. ^ a b Macedonia. Crimes Against Civilians: Abuses by Macedonian Forces in Ljuboten, August 10-12, 2001
  14. ^ Trial Watch: Ljube Boskoski
  15. ^ "Macedonia blast hits monastery". The Guardian (London). August 21, 2001. Retrieved May 5, 2010. 
  16. ^ Smith, Michael (August 22, 2001). "Monastery blast fails to derail Nato peace effort". The Daily Telegraph (London). Retrieved May 5, 2010. 
  17. ^ "Macedonia blast hits monastery". BBC News. August 21, 2001. Retrieved May 5, 2010. 
  18. ^ Macedonia
  19. ^ "decani : Message: RMK Ahmeti Should Face Criminal Charges For Vejce Massacre". Archived from the original on July 22, 2009. Retrieved July 9, 2009. 
  20. ^ Yahoo! Groups
  21. ^ "Centre for Research on Globalisation (CRG)". Archived from the original on July 22, 2009. Retrieved July 9, 2009. 
  22. ^ "Eight years since the Vejce massacre". Archived from the original on July 22, 2009. Retrieved July 9, 2009. 
a.   ^ Kosovo is the subject of a territorial dispute between the Republic of Serbia and the self-proclaimed Republic of Kosovo. The latter declared independence on 17 February 2008, while Serbia claims it as part of its own sovereign territory. Its independence is recognised by 86 UN member states.

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