Institute of Marine Engineering, Science and Technology

The Institute of Marine Engineering, Science and Technology (IMarEST) is the international membership body and learned society for all marine professionals, operating in the spheres of marine engineering, science, or technology. It has registered charity status in the U.K. and is the first professional institution to bring together marine engineers, scientists and technologists into one international multi-disciplinary professional body. It is the largest marine organisation of its kind with a worldwide membership of 15,000 individuals based in over 100 countries.

The Institute is also a publisher of books, periodicals, magazines, journals and papers related to marine engineering, science and technology, and organises meetings, events and conferences related to these themes. The Institute is also the home of the Guild of Benevolence of the IMarEST, which continues the work of the fund founded for the families of the engineers of the Titanic, and which today provides help and funds for those sea-farers and others who find themselves in hard times.



To work within the global marine community to promote the scientific development of marine engineering, science and technology, providing opportunities for the exchange of ideas and practices and upholding the status, standards and knowledge of marine professionals worldwide.

International standing

The IMarEST is a respected authority in every maritime country. It has special consultative status with the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations (ECOSOC) and is a nominated and licensed body of the Engineering Council (UK), a member of the Science Council and has significant links with many other maritime organisations worldwide.

The IMarEST’s international dimension is reinforced by the activities of its divisions and branches located across the globe:

These branches play a vital role in providing a local focus to activities, networks, conferences, meetings and events, and for developing and maintaining links and partnerships with people and organisations in key regions in the maritime world.


The IMarEST has categories of membership for everyone with an interest in the marine world – for those who are seeking professional recognition (Corporate Membership), for those who are currently studying or just starting out in their careers or those who simply have a general interest in the IMarEST, its work, its members, events, publications or facilities (non-Corporate Membership).

IMarEST members include those working in:

…plus additional marine science, engineering and technology disciplines and applications.

Membership Categories

IMarEST Membership is open to everyone with an interest in the marine world across scientific, engineering and technological disciplines and applications.

Categories of membership are available to those who are seeking professional recognition, those who are currently studying or just starting out in their careers, or those who simply have a general interest in the IMarEST and its activities.

There are no academic requirements for Non-corporate Membership of the IMarEST. However, professionals seeking Corporate Membership will require certain academic qualifications according to the type of membership being sought.

Corporate Membership Categories


Fellows are those who qualify for the category of Member and have demonstrated to the satisfaction of Council a level of knowledge and understanding, competence and commitment involving superior responsibility for the conceptual design, management or the execution of important work in a marine related profession, and have given a commitment to abide by the Institute’s Code of Professional Conduct.


Members are those who qualify for the category of Associate Member and have demonstrated to the satisfaction of Council that they have achieved a position of professional standing having normally been professionally engaged in the marine sector for a period of five years that includes significant responsibility and have given a commitment to abide by the Institute’s Code of Professional Conduct

Associate Member

Associate Members those demonstrating to the satisfaction of Council that they have achieved a position as a technician, or are professionally engaged in Initial Professional Development or occupy an occupational role in the marine sector, and have given a commitment to abide by the Institute’s Code of Professional Conduct

Non-corporate Membership Categories


Affiliates may either be those with an interest in, or who may contribute to, the activities of the Institute or; persons who, in the opinion of Council, can contribute to, or wish to have access to, the technical services of the Institute, being resident in a recognised overseas territory and also members of a professional society with which the Institute has a reciprocal arrangement.


Student members are those enrolled on a programme of further or higher education accredited or recognised by the IMarEST.

Registration [1]

In addition to Membership, the IMarEST is licensed to provide a range of professional registers covering the fields of engineering, science and technology. In addition, the IMarEST’s Royal Charter empowers the Institute to offer registers designed to meet the specific needs of the marine profession. Corporate members can become registered (chartered) as follows:




Magazines [2]

The IMarEST publishes a number of professional magazines which are highly regarded within the science, engineering and technology community.

MER is dedicated to the seagoing marine engineer, engineering superintendent and technical manager/director. It covers the latest marine technology, propulsion and auxiliary systems, operations, machinery problems and solutions, along with ship building and ship repair techniques, safety, regulations and the environment. The journal is one of the most influential and informative of the marine technical periodicals with an ABC audited circulation.

Established in 1883 this highly popular broad-based marine publication covers ship, port and terminal operations, safety and the environment, legislation, P&I and marine technology and systems, as well as shipbuilding technology and ship descriptions. Shipping World and Shipbuilder now incorporates Maritime IT & Electronics and the Journal of Offshore Technology.

If you work in the world of marine science then you need to be reading The Marine Scientist. This popular science magazine brings together the latest news from all the ocean science disciplines - biological, physical, chemical and geological oceanography - to keep you at the forefront of the ever-changing world of marine science.

Delivers comprehensive and authoritative coverage of the technological advances which are impacting on the ship today - both on board ship and ashore. The core themes of satellite communications, navigation and back-office software feature prominently in every issue, accompanied by a selection of features highlighting the wider impact of digital technology through every stage of the maritime business cycle.

Focuses on in-depth coverage of the critical issues affecting the industry, offering a unique perspective on the international oil and gas market. Driven by innovation, each issue brings the latest technologies being applied across the industry's key sectors including floating production, subsea exploration, drilling and seismic.

Technical & Scientific Journals [3]

In addition to the professional magazines outlined above, the IMarEST also publishes a number of subscription only, academic, peer-reviewed journals which present international research papers describing the latest discoveries, developments and advances in the marine sector.

Both the Journal of Marine Engineering & Technology and the Journal of Operational Oceanography have an internationally renowned editorial board and are peer-reviewed by well-recognised and leading experts in their field. Papers published in these journals are eligible for the IMarEST Denny Medal, a special annual prize awarded to the authors of the best paper in each Journal.

Published three times a year in print and online, The Journal of Marine Engineering and Technology contains papers of a specialist academic nature covering research, theory and scientific studies concerned with all aspects of marine engineering and technology. Editors: Dr A Greig and Dr R Bucknall, UCL, LONDON UK

Published twice a year in print and online, The Journal of Operational Oceanography disseminates and reports on scientific and applied research advances associated with all aspects of operational oceanography. The journal incorporates papers that examine the role of oceanography in contributing to all marine disciplines, address the needs of one or more of a wide range of end user communities and address the requirements of global observing systems. Editor: Prof Ralph Rayner, CMarSci, FIMarEST, London School of Economics (LSE)

Published online only, the IMarEST E-Journal, 'Marine Technical Notes' aims to cater for papers covering research of a more practical nature in marine engineering, science and technology. Issues will include student papers, review papers, lecture papers, letters and technical notes.


IMarEST Publications produces a portfolio of books for marine students, engineers and technologists which are widely regarded throughout the world.

Many of the books are deemed key requirements by maritime schools, universities and colleges, including those on the International Maritime Organisation (IMO) approved list.

The following is a selection of some of the books in the IMarEST Portfolio:

Events and Conferences [4]

A full list of all upcoming events can be found on the IMarEST [5]


A number of technical and scientific conferences are organised and run by the IMarEST annually. Producing their own conference proceedings, they offer an opportunity to learn of the latest marine research. Examples include:


The IMarEST develops a programme of evening lectures each year covering general and specific technical and scientific topics. Recordings of these lectures and any associated slides will be available for members to access online. Examples of lectures include:

Social Events

Branch Events

In addition, branches also have their own technical and social events which are advertised through the IMarEST website and publications.

Information & Knowledge Services [6]

The IMarEST provides members with Information & Knowledge Services online and through access to its library collection, empowering members with marine engineering, technical and scientific knowledge.

Members can access the Online Catalogue which holds thousands of records on marine technical and scientific publications including abstracts of conference papers and journal articles held in the IMarEST library collection at Lloyd's Register.

Members who locate conference papers or journal articles in the online catalogue are entitled to full-text document delivery by PDF/photocopy, subject to copyright law, and receive up to 50% discount on fees. This enables access to information wherever you might be in the world.

Through the IMarEST joint venture with BMT Group Ltd, gain access to bibliographic information and summaries of nearly 100’000 journal articles, reports, books and conference papers from major marine technical publications.

Purchase e-papers, books, merchandise and much more through the IMarEST E-Shop online. Members receive a discounted rate.

Members seeking professional expertise can access an online directory holding contact details and descriptive data of marine consultants, surveyors and expert witnesses worldwide. Those members wishing to advertise their services can create their own listing free of charge. Non-members pay an annual fee of £50!

For the serious researcher, members are granted free access by appointment to the IMarEST library collection at Lloyd's Register. Located at LR's historic 71 Fenchurch Street building in the heart of the City of London, the library holds numerous conference proceedings, journal series and reference titles in print format.

All historic IMarEST/IMarE publications are held at the IMarEST HQ office in Aldgate House, 33 Aldgate High Street in the City of London including the Institute's Transactions, Marine Engineers Review and Shipping World & Shipbulider, in addition to conference proceedings and IMarEST published book titles.

Young Members Network [7]

The IMarEST Young Members’ Network provides support to Student members, but also throughout the early stages of an individual's career. Activities and support provided include knowledge share and networking events, IPD and CPD Professional Development workshops, graduate mentor schemes, scholarships and awards.

Employment Service [8]

Members can register with the IMarEST Employment Service which can help to find individuals potential job opportunities available all over the world. The IMarEST’s links with major international marine employers could be the key ingredient to finding your ideal employment in the marine sector.

Marine Partners and Affiliates [9]

The IMarEST works together with corporate clients to provide organisations customised service packages either at Marine Partner or Marine Affiliate level. As a member, you can benefit from the additional opportunities these agreements bring the IMarEST in the form of sponsored publications, training courses and events as well as increased networking opportunities and status from partnering with some of the biggest corporate names in the marine industry.

Course Accreditation [10]

The IMarEST accredits both industrial training programs company and academic graduate and postgraduate courses worldwide. This develops and fosters high standards of learning across different countries. An IMarEST accredited qualification or course (anywhere in the world) will gain equal recognition in a number of countries. The Institute maintains high international professional standards for engineers, scientists and technologists.

Scholarships, Awards and Prizes

The IMarEST offers best student awards, cadet prizes and undergraduate and postgraduate scholarships. Technical and scientific papers may also be published through the Institute. Each year the best papers are awarded prestigious prizes.

Careers Advisory Service [11]

The careers advisory service provides information on education, Continuing Professional Development and careers advice. Information is available on university and college courses, apprenticeships, cadetships and sponsorships. The careers service lists all IMarEST accredited courses, contains a guide for mentors, company training and professional development programs.

Guild of Benevolence of the IMarEST [12]

The Guild of Benevolence is a separate registered charity (RCN 208727) closely associated with the IMarEST. Amongst others, the Guild helps current and past members of the IMarEST and their dependents who have fallen on hard times.

It makes grants to supplement low income; it helps with shortfalls in nursing home fees; it gives lump sums to purchase essential items like stair lifts or washing machines; it assists with essential home repairs and improvements and it assists with debt relief. In fact, the Guild will help eligible people who are in need in whatever way seems most appropriate in the circumstances.

External links