Institute for Learning

The Institute for Learning (IfL) is an independent professional body for teachers and trainers in the further education and skills sector, supporting professional practice for the benefit of learners. IfL members work across the further education and skills sector, including adult and community learning, emergency and public services, FE colleges, the armed services, sixth-form colleges, the voluntary sector, offender learning and work-based learning.

As a professional body incorporating regulatory requirements set out in the Further Education Teachers’ Qualifications (England) Regulations 2007[1] and the Further Education Teachers’ Continuing Professional Development and Registration (England) Regulations 2007,[2] IfL is responsible for:


The work of the IfL

Professional formation (QTLS and ATLS)

Professional formation (QTLS and ATLS) is the post-qualification process by which a teacher demonstrates through professional practice;

  1. The ability to use effectively the skills and knowledge acquired whilst training to be a teacher.
  2. The capacity to meet the occupational standards required of a teacher.

IfL members can apply for these awards three times a year and can complete the process of professional formation in just under eight months. This process is demonstrated through the compiling of a portfolio including a teaching biography, the standardised elements which include evidence of the appropriate teaching qualification, a declaration of suitability and a supporting testimony. The final part of the portfolio are the personalised elements which include evaluative and reflective writings as well as developmental planning. This is linked to the vision of a license to practice for the FE sector discussed below.

Consultations and influencing policy

IfL consults its members on relevant government consultations to ensure their collective views are heard by those making the decisions that influence the FE and skills sector. These consultations have included the Spending Review Challenge and the Wolf Review.[3]


IfL worked for recognition of further education teachers with Qualified Teacher Learning and Skills (QTLS) status as qualified able to teach in schools. Previously this was not the case, although school teachers with Qualified Teacher Status (QTS) can teach in further education colleges.

IfL made the case for the professionalism of its members, gave evidence to the education select committee and to the Skills Commission inquiry into teacher training for vocational teachers, negotiated with government officials, and presented the case to partner organisations.

Following a consultation with members in October 2010, IfL drew on the input from more than 5,000 IfL members to present evidence to Professor Wolf’s consultation.[4] Professor Alison Wolf’s subsequently recommended, in her independent review of vocational education,[5] that further education teachers with Qualified Teacher Learning and Skills (QTLS) status should be recognised to teach in schools. On 3 March 2011, a policy decision was taken by Michael Gove MP, secretary of state for education, to accept Professor Wolf’s recommendation, with immediate effect.

The recommendations of the Wolf Report and the decisions of Michael Gove MP doesn't however represent a direct interchangeability between QTLS and QTS and teachers trainers and lecturers with QTLS will not be allowed to start working as full time teachers delivering ordinary lessons.[6] They will however be able to take on teaching in schools for vocational classes. The wolf report also recommends that only 20% of the classes which students undertake at the 14-16 age group should be vocational qualifications, meaning that work for QTLS holders in schools would be limited to around one day a week. The number of students taking vocational qualifications at this level is around 15%,[7] further limiting the number of job roles which this announcement actually covers.

This decision by the government was not accepted by all sections of the teaching community, with unions representing secondary school teachers identifying it as part of the race to the bottom, and an attempt to undercut the pay of teachers in secondary schools.[8]

Governance and diversity

In 2011 IfL elected Bea Groves as its second president.[9] As a transgender woman, Bea is highly active in the area of diversity and is held up as an inspiration for others who are dealing with similar issues.[10] Bea is proud of both her identity and her professionalism, stating: "I think I am the first transgender person to become national president of a professional body in the UK, and believe strongly that the post-compulsory sector should recognise diversity in all its forms. I want to show minority groups, including the trans community, that there need not be barriers to success. I want to celebrate how IfL embraces diversity."

Regulatory enforcement

The government has confirmed that it requires teachers to be professionally qualified and to be members of their professional body, IfL. In the House of Commons Hansard written answers for 2 November 2010,[11] col 760W, John Hayes, minister of state for further education, skills and lifelong learning, stated, ‘‘The Government are committed to maintaining requirements for a professional qualified FE teaching workforce.”

This, alongside the mandatory membership of IfL is confirmed again in written answers on March 23, 2011,[12] where John Hayes states: “In the further education (FE) sector the Government will continue to support measures to ensure that we have a professionally-qualified teaching workforce. Current regulations require all FE teachers working in the publicly funded part of the sector to be members of the independent Institute for Learning established by teachers in FE themselves in 2002. The Government remain fully committed to the professional status of the FE teaching work” force.

'Licence to practise' – wider policy context

The IfL model is based on the concept of a 'licence to practise' (LtP), whereby a professional maintains registration through remaining in good standing, in this case through continuing professional development. As is the case for all regulatory professional bodies there is the additional requirement to work at all times within a code of conduct or practice. Licence to practise has taken an increasingly important position in government policy with John Henry Hayes making repeated references to the place of licences to practise for many professions and occupations.[13][14][15] In addition, licences to practice have been the focus of a number of parliamentary groups and seminars, most notably the Parliamentary Skills Group.[16][17][18]

The Institute Code of Professional Practice outlines that the institute is not able to assess or adjudicate in relation to the competence of its members. Code of Professional Practice (p. 5), 'We also cannot help with contractual disputes or concerns over a member’s competence to teach'.[19] The Institute's declared inability to assess teachers' competence has led to scepticism about the value of its QTLS/ATLS awards.

IfL patrons

IfL has the support of six patrons, the first four patrons: Baroness Sharp of Guildford, formerly a Liberal Democrat spokesperson for further and higher education; Barry Sheerman, member of parliament for Huddersfield and former chair of the education select committee; Lord Tim Boswell of Aynho, former member of the innovation, universities, science and skills select committee; and Stella Mbubaegbu CBE, principal and chief executive of Highbury College Portsmouth were announced on 30 March 2011.[20]

On 28 June 2011 IfL announced two further patrons, Geoff Petty, a writer, staff trainer and consultant, who has worked with over 200 colleges and most national educational agencies and Professor Ann Hodgson, who works for the University of London's Institute of Education, researches and publishes in the areas of education policy; 14-19 education and training; lifelong learning; curriculum and qualifications reform; and institutional organisation and governance.[21]

The IfL has described the purpose of its patrons as: IfL and our quest to elevate the status of teachers and trainers throughout our diverse sector. Their association will help raise awareness of the important work that IfL is doing with our membership to influence policymaking, support continuing professional development (CPD) and facilitate communities of practice, for the benefit of teachers and trainers, and their learners.[22]

2011 membership fees dispute

Dispute history

In February 2009 the IfL launched their 5 year plan for 2009–2014, this was reported in the TES where it was noted that the 2008 membership survey indicated that members felt 'bullied' into joining the organisation. The chief executive Toni Fazaeli stated “It is often unusual for national bodies to accurately reflect the voice of their members because these voices are often mediated by the leadership, but it is hearing and acting upon those voices that will make IfL strong”. It is against this backdrop, with many members feeling remote to the IfL[23] that the membership fees dispute started.

In November 2009, government set out in Skills for Growth[24] that IfL would need to become self-financed 'within three years', a position that was accepted by IfL's chief executive Toni Fazaeli.[25] With the results of the UK general election in May 2010 returning no clear majority[26] the subsequent formation of a coalition government introduced a number of uncertainties with respect to public policy. The coalition government confirmed in Skills for Sustainable Growth (November 2010)[27] that the cost of funding IfL membership would move from government to the individual, a model prevalent in most forms of professional regulation. It wasn't until much later in 2010 (late December) that IfL was made aware of the transitional funding government would provide.

Publication of subscription arrangements

The subscription arrangements were subsequently published to members in February 2011.[28] Standard membership fees were originally due to rise from £30 per year (government paid) to £68 (for 18 months in the transitional period), as IfL membership would no longer be fully funded by the Department for Business Innovation and Skills (BIS). Previously membership had been at no cost to members required to join IfL by the Further Education Teachers’ Continuing Professional Development and Registration (England) Regulations 2007[29] or through requirements placed on learning providers by the Skills Funding Agency (SFA).

Initial objections raised

The scale of the increase and the transfer of payment from government to individual teachers and trainers caused some controversy to be reported in FE Focus, an insert to the Times Educational Supplement.[30] UCU expressed surprise that IfL escaped David Cameron's 2010 UK quango reforms (AKA "Bonfire of The Quangos"),[31] and opposed the increase[32] including a petition by FE members.[33] Additional opposition was raised on social networking sites.[34][35]

IfL have stated that if FE tutors do not pay then, according to the Further Education Teachers’ Continuing Professional Development and Registration (England) Regulations 2007[36] and the extension of these regulations to other learning providers through the terms of SFA contracts, they will no longer be permitted to teach:

Any individual resigning from membership or allowing membership to lapse by failing to pay a due subscription will lose the entitlement to hold QTLS or ATLS status and any other designation related to their membership grade and will not be able to be employed in a teaching or training role in a college covered by the regulations or learning provider in receipt of a Skills Funding Agency contract.[37]

Fees amended

On 7 June 2011 IfL issued a joint statement with further education college trade unions and college employers, following discussions facilitated by the department for business, innovation and skills (BIS).[38] This detailed progress made across eight areas, including revised fees and concession for 2011/12 and 2012/13. The membership fee of £68 now provides extended membership from 18 months to two years, with an option of paying an annualised fee of £38 and a new concessionary fee for those earning below £16,000 a year.

Boycott over fees

After a survey of ATL members demonstrated opposition to individuals having to pay membership fees,[39] and a 22,000+ signature petition,[40] the University and College Union took the fee amendment proposal to its members in an internal referendum. This was rejected by 70% of those who voted.[41]

UCU followed the internal referendum with an industrial action ballot to formalise the boycott of IfL fees. Most colleges had identified they would not be paying their employees IfL fees and this was identified as the trades dispute to ballot upon.

Members were balloted and started formal industrial action against IfL fees[42] on the 25 July. The turn out in the ballot was around 30% with 90% voting to boycott IfL.[43]

Scale of non-renewal

On the deadline for registration (July 2011) IfL management stated that more than 67,000 of its previous 200,000 members had renewed.[44] IfL stated in their joint statement that there were a potential 144,800 members for 2011/12[45] and UCU has 34,505 members in the FE sector.[46] In September 2011 the IfL had a membership of over 75,000.[47]

Independent Review

On the second of September 2011, the incoming president of the Association of Colleges stated that the IfL had a "a way to go" to win respect of FE lecturers, and that the onus was on the IfL demonstrate its value.[48]

On 7 September, UCU suspended its threatened legal action against the IfL[49] and welcomed the decision of the Minister for Further Education, John Hayes, to commission an independent review into professional development for college lecturers that will involve looking at the role and effectiveness of the Institute for Learning.[50]

The AoC took the step of calling on member colleges not to discipline staff for non-payment of IfL fees.[51] Sally Hunt, general secretary of UCU stated: "Boycotting the IfL has not been a decision our members have taken lightly, but to be effective as a professional body it must enjoy the confidence of the majority of practitioners. This is something the IfL does not have. It is essential that the forthcoming review does not shy away from asking awkward questions and that it hears directly from staff.".[52]

An IfL press release stated that the IfL will "engage positively with the proposed review".[53]

Surplus funds

It was reported in March 2011, IfL had generated surplus funds in the region of £2m.[54] This is in line with IfL’s Reserves Policy (to maintain reserves at a level consistent with established good business practice and that is prudent).[55] IfL maintains its status as an independent and self-regulating professional body and not-for-profit private company limited by guarantee and financial statements and policies are available from the IfL website.[56]

FE Minister John Hayes stated his belief in IfL having consulted its membership. He repeated his view that the IfL was entirely independent from of the British Government: "An independent organisation has to come to a judgment as to the fees that it charges. IfL made it very clear to me that they had consulted widely among stakeholders"[57]

Other opposition

Polarised debate and opposition

The fees issue reignited debate about IfL's role and alleged value for learners and teachers in FE and skills,[58] including a petition calling for removal of IfL's statutory registration status.

In 2007 The Further Education Teachers' Continuing Professional Development and Registration (England) Regulations 2007 required that all teachers in FE must be members.[59] The explanatory memorandum of The Further Education Teachers' Continuing Professional Development and Registration (England) Regulations 2007[60] states that Department for Innovation, Universities and Skills (the pre-cursor to the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills ) would fund the professional registration costs of individual teachers, so there is no cost burden to individuals or college. Minister for FE John Henry Hayes has stated categorically that IfL is independent of the department for business, innovation and skills oversight.[61]

Proposed abolition

In June 2010 the FE sector conference of UCU voted to call for the IfL to be abolished.[62] The issue arose due to the stated aim of Secretary of State for Education Michael Gove to abolish The General Teaching Council for England[63]

Whilst the GTC will cease to operate in the Spring of 2012, the regulatory functions carried out by the GTC continue to exist but are now delivered directly by government. This model has been criticised in the UK press.[64]

Sue Crowley, IfL Chair, defended the Institute claiming close partnership with a list of Trade Unions including The University and College Union (UCU).[65] However, IfL continue to publicise this close partnership despite the Further Education Sector conference at UCU's 2010 congress voting in support of the abolition of the IfL[66] and UNISON's (not a trade union recognised to represent full time teaching staff but some technical demonstrators and coordinator staff deliver enough hours to be required to be members and are represented by UNISON) General Secretary Dave Prentis stating:

“The whole system is a mess. The only sensible thing for the Government to do is to suspend the requirement to:register with IfL while they get round the table with the unions and employers to review the regulations and the:statutory requirement to join IfL.”.[67]

In addition to the lack of confidence from the unions there remains widespread and vociferous opposition to the IfL at a grass-roots level amongst practitioners, who feel that it is unrepresentative and that it does not fulfil the role it claims to.[68]

Legislative confusions

The IFL claims that all FE teachers are required by law to register.[69] However, John Hayes stated in parliament that "From September 2007 regulations have required all new teachers to the FE sector to be appropriately qualified in their own subject specialism and hold or work towards achieving the required teaching qualifications and gain qualified teaching learning skills (QTLS) status."[70]

Additionally, the IFL themselves state that only newly qualified (post September 2007) lecturers are required to complete Professional Formation, this being made clear in the Further Education Teachers’ Qualifications (England) Regulations 2007[71] Teachers have five years from the date of their first employment in the sector to achieve QTLS or ATLS (see Regulations).[72]

The Further Education Teachers’ Qualifications (England) Regulations 2007[73] apply to new teachers entering the further education sector on or after the 1st Septembers 2007. The Further Education Teachers’ Continuing Professional Development and Registration (England) Regulations 2007,[74] apply to all those employed in a teaching role in a further education college in England, with some exceptions such as those employed to teach solely HE in FE.

Regulatory confusions

The polarised debate continued between those defending the position of the IFL and those opposed to the compulsory membership, inclusive of fees. Both sides of this debate sought clarity on the legal and regulatory mechanisms for compelling membership to the IFL. A number of regulatory and funding agencies are routinely involved in checking the performance of the FE sector. Ofsted and The Skills Funding Agency are key to this performance monitoring.

John Henry Hayes has stated that it is not for the government to judge the performance of the IFL:

It is governed by a national council consisting of elected members and representation from key national stakeholders. As such it is for them, rather than BIS, to judge IfL's performance.[75]

However Hayes later stated that "The Department has an observer status seat on the IfL Non-Executive Board and attend its Advisory Board"[76]

The Skills Funding Agency deferred any requirement to ensure that the IFL has compelled FE teachers and lecturers to be members to Ofsted. Ofsted stated that it was not within their remit to judge this and would not be monitoring registrations during inspections.[77] The lack of general clarity of the regulatory consequences coupled with a unclear legislation related to the IFL remain without much, if any, direct government commentary.

In addition to general membership regulatory confusions, the Association of Colleges issued a position memorandum to Parliament outlining the lack of parity in the disciplinary regulation of colleges:

The disparity in treatment between teachers working in Colleges and those working in schools is highlighted by the fact that just as the GTCE is being abolished, membership of the IfL continues to be mandatory for those working in FE Colleges. With the IfL’s introduction of a £68 membership fee this year, these differences do not lend themselves to ensuring greater transferability between the school and College sectors.[78]

This confusion extends to the way professional and regulatory bodies are represented in the UK press. The Times Educational Supplement (parent paper of the FE Focus) laments the demise of the GTC and criticises the role of school teaching trade unions in causing the profession to become little more than an extension to the civil service.[79] The TES states:

It is generally accepted that an essential part of any profession is the existence of a regulatory body that holds it to account and controls entry to it. Such a body is always independent of government and while informed and paid for by the profession is not in hock to it. The General Medical Council puts its duty succinctly: "We are not here to protect the medical profession - their interests are protected by others. Our job is to protect patients." And it charges doctors an annual fee of £420 for the privilege. If the Government is serious about making teaching more professional it cannot treat it like some wayward adolescent and appoint a guardian. It has to legislate to allow teachers to have an independent body of their own free of it and the unions. And if teachers want to see their profession treated with enhanced respect they must accept a tough watchdog paid for by them to protect the public.

Intimidatory practices and policies

An overarching criticism of IfL is that it has been accused, on a number of counts, of being intimidatory towards its members. One area of this involved the methods employed in compelling members to join.[80][81] Another related to threats over non-compliance with CPD logging guidelines.[82][83]

The IfL has been criticised for stifling freedom of expression through having, within its code of professional practice, the following clause:

"Members shall uphold the standing and reputation of the Institute and not knowingly undermine or misrepresent its views, nor their Institute membership"[84]

Historic context

IfL is a private company limited by guarantee, incorporated in 2002. The Prime Report (Further Education Development Agency (FEDA), 1995) was a key milestone in the creation of the Institute, leading in 1996 to the establishment of the Staff Development Forum for Further Education (FESDF). The forum comprised a wide range of UK representatives including the Association of Colleges (AoC), the National Association of Teachers in Further and Higher Education (NATFHE), the Association of College Principals (ACP), the Further Education Funding Council for England (FEFC) and the Department for Education and Skills (DfES); with staff from FEDA acting as the secretariat and project managing the development of national teaching standards for further education.

In 1997, Lucas and Betts (et al.) in “Policy and Management Issues for Incorporated Colleges” (Institute of Education) noted that although FEDA had established the Staff Development Forum for FE, it was a member-led professional body that was needed to develop a framework of professional development in the sector. In the event, the newly elected Labour government accepted the findings of the Dearing Report into Higher Education, leading to the creation of the Institute for Learning and Teaching in Higher Education (ILTHE) and indicated that the General Teaching Council (GTC) for England, which had been a manifesto commitment, would be established.

In 1999, within a backdrop of growing concern from teachers in further education about a sense of de-professionalising the sector, the FESDF became the Further Education National Training Organisation (FENTO). One of the FESDF’s proposed objectives for FENTO was the need to give consideration to the role that a professional body for further education could play in the professionalisation agenda; this become one of FENTO’s key strategic objectives. In 2000, three research studies were carried into the feasibility of creating a professional body for further education, two commissioned by FENTO and one a contemporary piece of academic research. Effectively, each was an exercise in market research and, based in sample sizes in the low thousands, the outcomes were consistent – two-thirds of staff surveyed were in support, 30% wanted to ‘wait and see’ and less than 10% were opposed.

In 2001 a business plan was established by the FENTO Council and a name was chosen, the Institute for Learning (FE) – to be comparable with the ILT (HE) as one of its important interfaces. At this point the government amplified the focus on the professionalism of further education teachers with regulations requiring all new teachers to hold a recognised teaching qualification, based on the new FENTO standards, with a target of a fully qualified workforce by 2010. Early 2002 the Institute for Learning was incorporated, the Memorandum and Articles of Association were signed by founder members Pauline Lovell and Derek Betts, a Transitional Council was formed and the process of attracting a ‘volunteer’ paying membership began.

In November 2004 the Institute for Learning’s prospects of becoming a fully established professional body were given a significant boost with the publication of the key DfES policy document, ‘Equipping our Teachers for the Future’.[85]

For the Institute for Learning, with a growing membership in the low thousands, section 4.7 of the document came to represent a key turning-point:

The active involvement of the leading professionals in the sector is crucial to the effective management of the reforms. We want the Institute (for Learning) to have an influential voice as the professional body representing teachers in the sector, and to play a central role in the reform of initial teacher training.

With one critical modification, the extension of the registration and CPD elements to all teachers in the sector and not just new entrants, ‘Equipping our Teachers’ has been introduced more-or-less as projected. The Institute for Learning is afforded responsibilities in the Further Education Teachers’ Qualifications (England) Regulations 2007[86] and the Further Education Teachers’ Continuing Professional Development and Registration (England) Regulations 2007[87] governing the registration, professional formation and remaining in good standing through CPD of teachers in further education. The requirements of the regulations have been extended to learning providers funded by the Learning and Skills Council (LSC) through the terms of their 2007/08 locally negotiated contracts.

In 2010 an enlarged Advisory Council was elected consisting of 45 Member representatives, 15 partner organisation representatives and 5 observers. From that a Non-executive Board was elected consisting of 9 member representatives, 3 partner reps and potentially 3 Expert Directors. All communication with members of this governance board is directed via a single company secretary.[88]

The first Chief executive Toni Fazaeli was appointed in June 2008. The first president of the Institute For Learning, John Chorley was elected in August 2010.

See also


  1. ^
  2. ^
  3. ^
  4. ^
  5. ^
  6. ^ "Tension over college lecturers teaching in schools". The Guardian. 
  7. ^ "House of Commons written answers and statements, 26 April 2011". HM Government. 
  8. ^ "Tension over college lecturers teaching in schools". The Guardian. 
  9. ^
  10. ^
  11. ^ "House of Commons Written Answers". HM Government. Retrieved 2011-05-31. 
  12. ^ "House of Commons written answers and statements, 23 March 2011". HM Government. Retrieved 2011-05-31. 
  13. ^
  14. ^
  15. ^
  16. ^
  17. ^
  18. ^
  19. ^
  20. ^ "IfL announces four patrons". Institute for Learning. Retrieved 2011-05-31. 
  21. ^
  22. ^
  23. ^
  24. ^
  25. ^ "Teachers and trainers crucial to Skills for Growth strategy". Institute for Learning. Retrieved 2011-05-31. 
  26. ^
  27. ^
  28. ^ "IfL announces self-funding arrangements". Institute for Learning. Retrieved 2011-05-31. 
  29. ^
  30. ^ IfL's fee hike bid undermined as survey shows lack of confidence, TES Online, Retrieved 2011-02-26
  31. ^ Lecturers up in arms at the quango that escaped the bonfire, TES Online, Retrieved 2011-02-26
  32. ^ Lecturers may boycott IfL in fee backlash, TES Online, Retrieved 2011-02-26
  33. ^ Petition opposing the IfL fee increase Retrieved 2011-02-26
  34. ^ UCU hits out at compulsory fees for FE lecturers Retrieved 2011-02-26
  35. ^ Anger is less about fees than feelings, TES Online, Retrieved 2011-02-26
  36. ^
  37. ^ IFL Membership Q&A Point 8. Retrieved 2011-02-26
  38. ^ IfL makes joint statement with trade unions and employers:
  39. ^
  40. ^
  41. ^ IfL to Face Teacher Boycott:
  42. ^ Lecturers Vote to Boycott IfL:
  43. ^ Lecturers Vote to Boycott IfL:
  44. ^
  45. ^
  46. ^
  47. ^
  48. ^
  49. ^
  50. ^
  51. ^
  52. ^
  53. ^
  54. ^ TES 11/03/2011 Fury as IfL squirrels away £2m in reserves
  55. ^ IfL Reserves Policy: sourced 2011-07-29
  56. ^ IfL Director’s Report 2010:
  57. ^ TES 11/03/2011 Fury as IfL squirrels away £2m in reserves
  58. ^ TES 11/02/2011 Lecturers may boycott IfL in fee backlash
  59. ^ The Further Education Teachers' Continuing Professional Development and Registration (England) Regulations 2007
  60. ^ Paragraph 8.4, The Explanatory Memorandum of The Further Education Teachers' Continuing Professional Development and Registration (England) Regulations 2007
  61. ^ Hansard 26 July 2010 : Column 870W
  62. ^ Institute Attacked, TES Online, Retrieved 2011-02-26
  63. ^ GTC Press Release on government's announcement of closure, 2 June 2010
  64. ^
  65. ^ Defence of IfL's distinctive role, TES Online, Retrieved 2011-02-26
  66. ^ Motion FE24 was carried without opposition in support of the abolition of IfL Business of the Further Education Sector Conference, UCU Congress 2010 Retrieved 06-03-2011
  67. ^ Unison adds voice to IfL fury TES Online, Retrieved 2011-03-30
  68. ^
  69. ^ IFL Membership Q&A Point 8. Retrieved 2011-02-26
  70. ^ Hansard 29 November 2010 : Column 574W
  71. ^
  72. ^
  73. ^
  74. ^
  75. ^ FE Minister John Hayes Hansard 26 July 2010 : Column 870W.
  76. ^ Hansard 15 March 2011 : Column 306W
  77. ^ TES: IfL boycott endorsed as anti-fee crusade grows
  78. ^ Memorandum submitted by the Association of Colleges Education Bill Evidence(E 10)
  79. ^
  80. ^ TES:FE staff ordered to pay up for compulsory membership of IfL
  81. ^ Bullied into IfL membership?
  82. ^ TES:Declare CPD or Lose License
  83. ^ Stuart Emmerson IFL Member Council Pledge
  84. ^ TES:Feeling railroaded into membership? Join the club.
  85. ^
  86. ^ The Further Education Teachers’ Qualifications (England) Regulations 2007 (SI 2007 No.2264)
  87. ^ The Further Education Teachers’ Continuing Professional Development and Registration (England) Regulations 2007 (SI 2007 No.2116)
  88. ^

External links