Inguinal ligament

Ligament: Inguinal ligament
Inguinal ligament is labeled at bottom right.
Structures passing behind the inguinal ligament.
Latin l. inguinale
Gray's subject #118 411
From anterior superior iliac spine
To pubic tubercle

The inguinal ligament is a band running from the pubic tubercle to the anterior superior iliac spine. Its anatomy is very important for operating on hernia patients.



It forms the base of the inguinal canal through which an indirect inguinal hernia may develop.

The inguinal ligament runs from the anterior superior iliac spine of the ilium to the pubic tubercle of the pubic bone. It is formed by the external abdominal oblique aponeurosis and is continuous with the fascia lata of the thigh.

There is some dispute over the attachments.[1]


It is incorrectly referred to as Poupart's ligament, because Poupart gave it its relevance to hernial repair (he called it "le suspenseur de l'abdomen", the suspender of the abdomen). It is also incorrectly termed the Fallopian ligament.[2][3]


The ligament serves to contain soft tissues as they course anteriorly from the trunk to the lower extremity. This structure demarcates the superior border of the femoral triangle.[4]

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  1. ^ Acland RD (January 2008). "The inguinal ligament and its lateral attachments: correcting an anatomical error". Clin Anat 21 (1): 55–61. doi:10.1002/ca.20579. PMID 18092366. 
  2. ^ synd/2633 at Who Named It?
  3. ^ F. Poupart. Chirurgie complète. Paris, 1695.
  4. ^ Ryan, Jeffrey M.; Starkey, Chad (2002). Evaluation of orthopedic and athletic injuries. Philadelphia: F.A. Davis Co. ISBN 0-8036-0791-1. 

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