
Inger! (full title, Inger! A Modern-Day Viking Discovers America), is a true story (dramatic nonfiction) book by American writer James N. Sites. It was released in 2006 by the Jesse Stuart Foundation. The story is a first-person account of the life of the writer, Sites, and his wife Inger, the heroine of this book. Inger Krogh was a Norwegian exchange student coming to America after World War II, and this account begins when James Sites (a merchant mariner for the US at the time) first meets her at sea following a shipwreck. The story touches on many political subjects, as Sites (and his wife) worked for and around many top government officials in the United States during his lifetime.

The book's most singular contribution is its insider's portrayal of the strategy and follow-through tactics involved in a half-dozen national PR/political-action campaigns. The effect of this book was to get to the heart of what makes Washington tick and American democracy work. In essence the book describes this through the interplay between lobbyists, the news media, public relations pros and public officials that leads to government action (or inaction).


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