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Early Intervention is a federal and state-mandated program that provides services to support the development of infant and toddlers from birth to three years of age. In Hawaii, Early Intervention is managed by the Department of Health Early Intervention Section
Under current regulations, Early Intervention services cease when a child turns 3 years old. Instead, Early Intervention children are required on their 3rd birthday to attend a Special Education Preschool that is run by the Hawaii Department of Education.
The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) allows States to:
This option maximizes parental choice, as it allows each parent to decide which option best meets the educational needs of their disabled child.
The State of Hawaii is considering legislation that would extend Early Intervention services to eligible children who are between 3 and 5 years of age. In 2007, those bills are House Bill 531 and Senate Bill 1176.
2007 Session
Easter Seals Hawaii: Early Intervention
Responsive Caregivers of Hawaii