Indiana Health Law Review
The Indiana Health Law Review is a biannual student-edited law review at Indiana University Robert H. McKinney School of Law. Its primary focus is health law and related topics including bioethics, medical malpractice issues, managed care, competition law, health care organizations, medical-legal research, legal medicine, food and drug issues, and other current health-related legal topics.
The journal's impact factor over 2003-2010 is 0.43, ranking it 13th among 38 health-focused legal journals.[1]
Notable authors
- ^ Washington & Lee, Ranking for Health, Medicine, Psychology and Psychiatry. Median Impact factor of 0.43 during 2003-2010. (Retrieved 18 November 2011)
- ^ George J. Annas (2008). "Health Care Reform in America: Beyond Ideology" (in English). Ind. Health L. Rev. (Indianapolis, IN) 5: 441. ISSN 1549-3199. OCLC 54703225. Retrieved 18 November 2011.
- ^ H. Tristram Engelhardt, Jr. (2004). "Giving, Selling, and Having Taken: Conflicting Views of Organ Transfer" (in English). Ind. Health L. Rev. (Indianapolis, IN) 1: 29. ISSN 1549-3199. OCLC 54703225. Retrieved 18 November 2011.
- ^ Ruth Faden (2004). "Legal and ethical considerations in government compensation plans: A case study of smallpox immunization" (in English). Ind. Health L. Rev. (Indianapolis, IN) 1: 3. ISSN 1549-3199. OCLC 54703225. Retrieved 18 November 2011.
- ^ Catherine M. Sharkey (2011). "Vaccines and Drugs: A Brave New Tort World" (in English). Ind. Health L. Rev. (Indianapolis, IN) 8: 259. ISSN 1549-3199. OCLC 54703225.
External links