Physics (Greek: physis–φύσις meaning "nature") is the natural science which examines basic concepts such as mass, charge, matter[1] and its motion and all that derives from these, such as energy, force and spacetime.[2] More broadly, it is the general analysis of nature, conducted in order to understand how the world and universe behave.[3]
Articles related to physics include:
Contents: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z— See also |
Abbe number - Absolute zero - Accelerating universe - Acceleration - Acoustic theory - Action (physics) - Active laser medium - Adiabatic process - Aether theory - Agrophysics - Aharonov–Bohm effect - Alcubierre metric - Alembert, Jean le Rond d' - Alferov, Zhores Ivanovich - Alfvén, Hannes Olof Gösta - Alpha particle - Alpher–Bethe–Gamow theory - Alvarez, Luis Walter - Amagat's law - Amorphous silicon - Ampere - Ampere model of magnetization - Ampère's law - Angular frequency - Angular momentum - Angular velocity - Annihilation operator - Antenna theory - Antiferromagnetism - Antimatter - Antiparticle - Application of tensor theory in engineering science - Applied mathematics - Applied physics - Archimedes' "mechanical method" - Area - Argand, Aimé - Argand, Jean-Robert - Arrhenius, Svante - Arrow of time - Aston, Francis William - Astronomy - Astrometry - Astrophysics - Atkinson, Robert - Atom - Atomic clock - Atomic electron transition - Atomic force microscopy - Atomic mass unit - Atomic nucleus - Atomic number - Atomic physics - International Atomic Time - Atomic units - Atomic weight - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical physics - Avogadro, Amedeo
Babinet's principle - Baez, John - Balmer, Johann - Balmer line - Bandgap - Bardeen, John - Barkla, Charles Glover - Barn (unit) - Barycenter - Baryon - Basov, Nicolay Gennadiyevich - BCS theory - Becquerel, Henri - Bednorz, J. Georg - Bekenstein, Jacob - Bell's inequality - Bell, John Stewart - Bernoulli, Daniel - Bernoulli, James - Bernoulli, Johann - Bernoulli's theorem - Berry phase - Bessel function - Bessel, Friedrich Wilhelm - Beta particle - Bethe, Hans - Big Bang - Big Crunch - Binding energy - Binnig, Gerd - Biophysics - Biot-Savart law - Biot, Jean-Baptist - Bipolar transistor - Black body - Blackbody - Blackett, Patrick Maynard Stuart - Black hole - Black hole thermodynamics - Bloch, Felix - Bloch spectrum - Bloembergen, Nicolaas - Bohm, David - Bohm interpretation - Bohr Einstein debate - Bohr model - Bohr radius - Bohr, Aage - Bohr, Niels - Boltzmann constant - Boltzmann, Ludwig - Born, Max - Boscovich, Rudjer Josip - Bose-Einstein condensate - Bose-Einstein statistics - Bose, Satyendra Nath - Boson - Bothe, Walther - Boussinesq approximation (buoyancy) - Boussinesq approximation (water waves) - Boyle's law - Boyle, Robert - Bradley, James - Bra-ket notation - Bragg's law - Bragg, Sir William Henry - Bragg, William Lawrence - Brattain, Walter Houser - Braun, Karl Ferdinand - Bravais lattice - Breaking wave - Brewster, David - Brewster's angle - Bridgman, Percy Williams - Briggs, Henry - Brockhouse, Bertram N. - Broglie, Louis-Victor de - Brownian motion - Bubble chamber - Bucket argument - Bullialdus, Ismael - Buoyancy
C-symmetry - Calabi–Yau manifold - Caloric theory - Candle - Canonical commutation relation - Canonical distribution - Capra, Fritjof - Carnot, Sadi - Cartesian coordinate system - Cartesian product - Casimir effect - Casimir, Hendrik - Cathode ray - Cathodoluminescence - Causality - Cavendish experiment - Cavendish, Henry - Celestial mechanics - Center of gravity - Center of mass - Centrifugal force - Centripetal force - Centroid - CERN - Chadwick, James - Chamberlain, Owen - Chandrasekhar, Subrahmanyan - Chandrasekhar limit - Charge - Charles' law - Charpak, Georges - Chebyshev, Pafnuty Lvovich - Chemical potential - Cherenkov effect - Cherenkov-Vavilov effect - Cherenkov, Pavel Alekseyevich - Chladni, Ernst - CHSH inequality - Chu, Steven - Circular dichroism - Circular motion - Circular polarization - Classical mechanics - Clapeyron, Émile - Clausius, Rudolf - Cloud chamber - Cockcroft, Sir John Douglas - Cockcroft, John - Coefficients of potential - Cohen-Tannoudji, Claude - Coherence length - Cold fusion - Collision - Color charge - Color force - Commutator - Complementary experiments - Compton, Arthur Holly - Compressible flow - Compton effect - Computational physics - Condensed matter physics - Conservation law - Conservation of energy - Conservation of mass - Conservation of momentum - Conservative force - Constitutive equation - Counterfactual definiteness - Continuity equation - Continuum mechanics - Continuum postulate - convection - Conversion of units - Cooper pair - Cooper, Leon Neil - Coordinate system - Copenhagen interpretation - Copernicus, Nicolaus - Coriolis effect - Coriolis force - Cornell, Eric A. - Corpuscular theory - Correspondence principle - Coulomb - Coulomb's law - CP-symmetry - CPT theorem - CPT-symmetry - Creation operator - Crookes radiometer - Cross section - Cryogenics - Crystal - Crystal optics - Crystal lattice - Crystal structure - Crystallography - Curie point - Curvature - Curvature form - Curve - Cyclic process - Cyclotron - Cyclotron radiation - Cylindrical coordinate - Cylindrical coordinate system - Czochralski process
Dalén, Nils Gustaf - Dalitz, Richard - Dalton, John - Dalton's law - Darcy–Weisbach equation - Dark exciton - Dark matter - Dark state - Davis Jr., Raymond - Davisson, Clinton Joseph - de Broglie, Louis-Victor - de Broglie wave - de Donder, Théophile - Debye, Peter - Debye length - Debye shielding - Decay mode - de Gennes, Pierre-Gilles - Defining equation (physics) - Degenerate matter - Dehmelt, Hans G. - Delbruck scattering - Density matrix - Density functional theory - Descartes, René - Deutsch, David - Dewar, James - DeWitt, Bryce - Diamagnetism - Dichroism - Dichromatism - Dielectric - Dielectric relaxation - Differential equations of mathematical physics - Differential geometry - Diffraction - Diffusion - Dimension - Dimensional analysis - Dimensionless number - Diode - Dipole - Dirac equation - Dirac, Paul - Direct bandgap - Dispersion relation - Dispersion (optics) - Displacement (vector) - Divergence theorem - Doppler effect - Doppler, Christiaan - Double pendulum - Double-slit experiment - Drift velocity - Dual space - Wave-particle duality - Duarte, Frank - Dulong-Petit law - Dye laser - Dynamical mean field theory (DMFT) - Dynamical system - Dynamical systems and chaos theory - A Dynamical Theory of the Electromagnetic Field - Dynamical variable - Dynamics - Dyson, Freeman
Earnshaw's theorem - Earth - Effective mass (spring-mass system) - Ehrenfest, Paul - Eigenvector - Einstein - Einstein field equations - Einstein–Infeld–Hoffmann equations - Einstein notation - Einstein shift - Einstein, Albert - Elasticity - Electric charge - Electric field - Electric field screening - Electrical charge - Electrical circuit - Electrical conductance - Electrical conduction - Electrical conductivity - Electrical dipole - Electrical energy - Electrical engineering - Electrical force - Electrical generator - Electrical length - Electrical monopole - Electrical network - Electrical phenomenon - Electrical potential - Electrical quadrupole - Electrical resistance - Electrical resistivity - Electricity - Electrodynamics - Electroluminescence - Electromagnetic field - Electromagnetic induction - Electromagnetic radiation - Electromagnetic spectrum - Electromagnetism - Electromotive force - Electron - Electron configuration - Electron hole - Electron microscope - Electron volt - Electronic transition - Electronics - Electronuclear force - Electrostatic discharge - Electrostatics - Electroweak force - Electroweak theory - Elementary charge - Ellipsoid - Elliptical polarization - Ellis, Charles Drummond - Emergent complexity - Empiricism - Empirical research - Energy - Energy conversion efficiency - Energy level - Engineering - Enthalpy - Entropy - Eotvos, Loránd - EPR paradox - Equation of motion - Equation of state - Equations of state/History - Equipartition theorem - Esaki, Leo - Essential singularity - Eternity - Euclid - Euclidean space - Euler, Leonhard - Euler angles - Event horizon - Everett many-worlds interpretation - Everett, Hugh - Examples of electrical phenomena - Exchange bias - Exchange particle - Exciton - Exotic atom - Exotic matter - Extended X-ray absorption fine structure (EXAFS) - Extensive variable - Extreme physical information
Faraday cage - Faraday constant - Faraday's laws of electrolysis - Faraday's law of induction - Faraday, Michael - Fahrenheit - Fahrenheit, Daniel Gabriel - Fast Fourier transform - Faster-than-light - Fermat's principle - Fermi energy - Fermi gas - Fermi liquid theory - Fermi paradox - Fermi–Dirac statistics - Fermi, Enrico - Fermi–Thomas screening wave vector - Fermion - Fermionic condensate - Ferroelectric effect - Ferromagnetism - Feynman diagram - Feynman, Richard - Fick's law of diffusion - Field (physics) - Fifth force - Fincke, Thomas - Finite difference - Finite element method - Fitch, Val Logsdon - FitzGerald, George Francis - FitzGerald–Lorentz Contraction - Fizeau, Armand Hippolyte Louis - Fizeau–Foucault apparatus - Float zone process - Fluid dynamics - Fluid mechanics - Fokker–Planck equation - Forbidden line - Force (physics) - Force carrier - Force spectroscopy - Foucault, Jean Bernard Léon - Four-momentum - Fourier analysis - Fourier series - Fourier transform - Fourier, Jean Baptiste Joseph - Fowler, William Alfred - Frame of reference - Franck, James - Frank, Il'ja Mikhailovich - Franklin, Benjamin - Fraunhofer, Joseph von - Fraunhofer diffraction - Fraunhofer line - Free energy - Fredkin Finite Nature Hypothesis - Free electron gas - Free-electron laser - Free space loss - Frequency - Fresnel, Augustin-Jean - Fresnel diffraction - Fresnel equations - Fresnel zone - Friction - Friedman, Jerome I. - Fundamental force - Fundamental particle - Furth, Harold - Fusion
G force - Gabor, Dennis - Galilean relativity - Galilean–Newtonian relativity - Galilean invariance - Galilean transformation - Galilei, Galileo - Galvanometer - Gamma ray - Gamow, George - Gamow factor - Gas mechanics - Gas - Gaseous dielectrics - Gas laws - Gauge boson - Gauge invariance - Gauge theory - Gauge transformation - Gauss - Gauss's law - Gauss, Carl Friedrich - Gay-Lussac, Joseph Louis - Gay-Lussac's law - Gee - Geiger-Marsden experiment - Gell-Mann, Murray - General relativity - Geodesic - Geometer - Geometers - Geometrized units - Geophysics - GHZ experiment - Giacconi, Riccardo - Giaever, Ivar - Gibbs, Willard - Gibbs paradox - Glaser, Donald Arthur - Glashow, Sheldon Lee - Gluon - Goeppert-Mayer, Maria - Graham's law - Grand unification theory - Grandfather paradox - Gravitational binding energy - Gravitational constant - Gravitational force - Gravitational red shift - Gravitational singularity - Gravitational wave - Gravitoelectromagnetism - Graviton - Gravity - Gravity Probe A - Gravity Probe B - Greisen–Zatsepin–Kuzmin limit - Grimaldi, Francesco Maria - Ground state - Group delay - Group transformation - Group velocity - Guillaume, Charles Edouard - Gyrocompass - Gyroscope
Hadron - Hadronization - Hagen, Gotthilf - Hall, Edwin - Hartree–Fock Talk:Hartree–Fock - Hall effect - Halley, Edmund - William Rowan Hamilton - Hamilton, William Rowan - Hamilton-Jacobi equation - Hamiltonian - Hamiltonian mechanics - Hamiltonian (quantum mechanics) - Harmonic oscillator - Hartree energy - Hawking, Stephen - Hawking radiation - Heat - Heat equation - Heaviside, Oliver - Heisenberg, Werner - Heisenberg, Werner Karl - Heisenberg's inequality - Hellmann–Feynman theorem - Helmholtz, Hermann von - Helmholtz coil - Hermite, Charles - Hermitian (disambiguation) - Hermitian adjoint - Hermitian operator - Hero of Alexandria - Henry, Joseph - Hertz, Gustav Ludwig - Hertz, Heinrich - Hess, Victor Franz - Hessian matrix - Hewish, Antony - Hidden variable theory - Higgs boson - Higgs field - Higgs mechanism - Higgs Boson - Higgs, Peter - High energy physics - High pressure physics - Hilbert space - History of physics - Hofstadter, Robert - Holography - Hooft, Gerardus 't - Hooke's law - Hooke, Robert - Houtermans, Fritz - Hückel, Erich - Hückel, Erich - Hull, Gordon Ferrie - Hume, David - Hydraulics - Hydromechanics - Hydrostatics - Huygens, Christiaan - Huygens' principle - hydraulics - Hydrodynamics - Hydrogen atom - Hydrostatic equilibrium - Hydrostatics - Hypercharge - Hyperfine structure - Hysteresis
Ideal gas - Ideal gas law - Ideally imperfect gas - Identical particles - Imaginary time - Impedance - Impulse (physics) - Incompressible flow - Indirect bandgap - Inertia - Inertial force - Inertial frame of reference - Infinite divisibility - Insulator - Intellectual history of time - Intensive variable - Interaction energy - Interatomic force - Interferometry - Intermolecular force - International Geophysical Year - Interpretation of quantum mechanics - Invariant (physics) - Inverse-square law - Iridescence - Isentropic process - Ising model - Isolated singularity - Isospin - Isotopic spin
Jacobi, Carl Gustav Jakob - Jacobian matrix and determinant - Jaynes, Edwin - Jellium - Jensen, J. Hans D. - Johnson-Nyquist noise - Josephson effect - Josephson, Brian David - Joule, James Prescott - Joule-Thomson effect - Joule's law
Kaluza–Klein theory - Kamerlingh-Onnes, Heike - Kapitsa, Pyotr Leonidovich - Kastler, Alfred - Kelvin - Kelvin, William Thomson, 1st Baron - Kelvin–Helmholtz instability - Kelvin probe force microscope - Kendall, Henry W. - Kendall, Henry W. - Kennedy–Thorndike experiment - Kepler, Johannes - Kerr metric Kerr metric - Ketterle, Wolfgang - Kilby, Jack S. - Kinematics - Kinetic energy - Kinetic theory - Kirchhoff's law of thermal radiation - Kirchhoff's circuit laws - Kirchhoff, Gustav - Kirkendall effect - Klein paradox - Knife-edge effect - Kondo effect - Koshiba, Masatoshi - Kroemer, Herbert - Kusch, Polykarp
LADAR - Ladder operator - Langevin, Paul - Langevin equation - Lagrange, Joseph Louis - Lagrange bracket - Lagrange multipliers - Lagrangian - Lagrangian mechanics - Lagrangian point - Lamb, Willis Eugene - Lamb shift - Lambert, Johann Heinrich - Laminar flow - Landau, Lev Davidovich - Lande g-factor - Langmuir, Irving - Laplace operator - Laplace's equation - Laplace, Pierre Simon - Large Electron Positron - Large Hadron Collider - Laser - Laser applications - Laser construction - Laser diode - Laser science - Lattes, César - Laue, Max von - Laughlin, Robert B. - Law of Charles and Gay-Lussac - Law of conservation of energy - Law of heat conduction - Law of mass-energy conservation - Lawrence, Ernest Orlando - Laws of physics - Laws of thermodynamics - Lederman, Leon - Lederman, Leon M. - Lee, David M. - Lee, Tsung-Dao - Lenard, Philip von - Length - Length contraction - Josef Lense Josef Lense - Lense-Thirring effect - Heinrich Lenz - Lenz's law - Lepton - Lever - Leverage - Lever rule - LIDAR - Lie algebra - Lie group - Lie superalgebra - Lie, Sophus - Light - Likelihood - Likelihood-ratio test - Linear momentum - Linear motor - Linear operator - Linear polarization - Liouville operator - Lippmann, Gabriel - Liquid drop model - Liquid helium - Liquid mechanics - List of Common Physics Abbreviations - List of equations in classical mechanics - List of elementary physics formulae - List of important publications in physics - List of laws in science - List of letters used in mathematics and science - List of noise topics - List of physicists - List of physics topics - List of optical topics - List of scientific journals in physics - List of scientific units named after people - List of wave topics - Lobachevsky, Nikolai Ivanovich - Local coordinate system - Locality principle - Loop quantum gravity - Lorentz, Hendrik - Lorentz-Fitzgerald contraction hypothesis - Lorentz force - Lorentz group - Lorentz–Poincaré group - Lorentz transformation - Lorentz transformation equations - Lorentzian relativity - Lucretius - Luminiferous aether - Luminosity - Lyman, Theodore
M-theory - M-theory simplified - Mach, Ernst - Mach's principle - Magnetic confinement - Magnetic dipole - Magnetic field - Magnetic flux - Magnetic levitation - Magnetic moment - Magnetic monopole - Magnetic permeability - Magnetic quadrupole - Magnetic resonance imaging - Magnetic susceptibility - Magnetism - Magnetodynamics - Magnetohydrodynamics - Magnetohydrodynamoic Generator - Magnetoresistance - Magnetostatics - Magnetostriction - Magnetron - Order of magnitude Magnitude (disambiguation page) - Magnitude comparison - Malus, Etienne-Louis - Mandelshtam, Leonid Isaakovich - Manhattan Project - Many-minds interpretation - Many-worlds interpretation - Marconi, Guglielmo - Mariotte, Edme - Maser - Mass - Mass (relativistic) - Mass-energy equivalence - Material equivalence - Material implication - Materials science - Mathematical formulation of quantum mechanics - Mathematical descriptions of physical laws - Mathematical descriptions of the electromagnetic field - Mathematical physics - Matrix mechanics - Matter - Matter wave - Matteucci effect - Maupertuis' principle - Maxwell coil - Maxwell's demon - Maxwell's equations - Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution - Maxwell, James - Mean free path - Measurement - Measurement problem - Measuring instruments - Mechanical advantage - Mechanical equilibrium Mechanical equilibrium - Mechanical wave Mechanical wave - Mechanics - Mechanics of fluids - Medical physics - Meissner effect - Meson - Mesonic atom - Metric space - Metric tensor - MHD generator - Michelson-Morley experiment - Michelson, Albert Abraham - Microcanonical distribution - Mie theory - Miller, Dayton C. - Millikan, Robert - Mills, Robert - Minkowski space - Minkowski, Hermann - Mobility - Modern physics - Modified Newtonian Dynamics - Molar mass - Molecular dynamics - Molecular physics - Molecule - Moment (physics) - Momentum - Moment of inertia - Morley, Edward - Mössbauer effect - Mössbauer, Rudolf Ludwig - Motion - Mott, Sir Nevill Francis - Mottelson, Ben Roy - Mpemba effect - Müller, Karl Alexander - Mulliken, Robert S. - Multipath interference - Muon - Muonium
N-body problem - Naked singularity - Natural science - Nature (journal) - Navier–Stokes equations - Néel, Félix - Neel temperature - Nernst, Walther - Neumann, John von - Neutrino - Neutrino mass - Neutrino oscillation - Neutron - Neutronium - Newton's bucket - Newton (force) - Newton's law of cooling - Newton laws of gravity. See gravity. - Newton's laws of motion - Newton, Isaac - Isaac Newton (in depth) - Newtonian fluid - Newtonian physics - Newtonian relativity - Newton's cannonball - Nichols, Ernest Fox - Nichols radiometer - Nobel Prize in Physics - No cloning theorem - Noether, Emmy - Noether's theorem - Non-critical string - Non-Euclidean geometry - Nonlinear Coulomb field - Non-linear dynamical system - Nonlinear optics - Non-Newtonian fluid - Novikov self-consistency principle - Novikov, Igor Dmitrievich - Nuclear chain reaction - Nuclear fission - Nuclear fusion - Nuclear magnetic resonance - Nuclear physics - Nucleon
Oersted - Ørsted, Hans Christian - Ohm, Georg - Ohm's law - Oil-drop experiment - Olber's paradox - Onsager, Lars - Operational calculus - Operator - Oppenheimer, Robert - Optical levitation - Optical spectrum - Optics - Optoelectronic - Orders of magnitude - Ørsted, Hans Christian - Orthogonal matrix - Orthonormal basis - Osheroff, Douglas D.
P-symmetry - Pake doublet - Parallel universe - Paramagnetism - Paraphysics - Pardies, Ignace - Parity (physics) - Parity law - Parity violation - Subatomic particle - Particle accelerator - Particle in a box - Particle in a one-dimensional lattice (periodic potential) - Particle in a ring - Particle physics - Particle radiation - Partition function (statistical mechanics) - Partition function (quantum field theory) - Pascal, Blaise - Paschen, Friedrich - Path integral formulation of quantum mechanics - Paul, Wolfgang - Pauli effect - Pauli matrices - Pauli exclusion principle - Pauli, Wolfgang Ernst - Pauling, Linus - Péclet, Jean Claude Eugène - Péclet number - Pelletron - Peltier effect - Pendulum - Pendulum (mathematics) - Penrose, Roger - Penzias, Arno Allan - Perfect gas - Perfect gas equation of state - Perl, Martin - Permeability - Permittivity - Perrin, Jean Baptiste - Perturbation theory (quantum mechanics) - Phase diagram - Phase of matter - Phase space - Phase transition - Phase velocity - Phasor (physics) - Phillips, William D. - Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica - Phonon - Photoconductivity - Photodiode - Photoelectric effect - Photon - Physical chemistry - Physical constant - Physical experiment - Physical field - Physical information - Physical interaction - Physical law - Physical observation - Physical phenomenon - Physical quantity - Physical Science - Physical space - Physical state - Physical system - Physical theory - Physical unit - Physicist - Physics - PhysicsWeb - Physics basic topics - Pierre de Maricourt - Pion - Pionium - Planck's constant - Planck, Max - Planck's law - Planck's law of black body radiation - Plasma - Plasma equilibria and stability - Plasma physics - Plum pudding model - Podolsky, Boris - Poincaré group - Poincaré, Henri - Point group - Poiseuille's law - Poiseuille, Jean Louis Marie - Poisson, Siméon-Denis - Poisson bracket - Poisson's equation - Polar coordinates - Polariton - Polarization (waves) - Polarized light - Polymer physics - Population inversion - Positron - Positronium - Potential - Potential difference - Potential energy - Potential flow - Pouillet, Claude - Powell, Cecil Frank - Power - Power law - Power number - Poynting, John Henry - Poynting-Robertson effect - Prandtl number - Pressure - Principal quantum number - Principia Mathematica - Principle of equivalence - Principle of least action - Principle of locality - Principle of maximum entropy - Principle of relativity - Prism - Probability - Projection operator - Aleksandr Mikhailovich Prokhorov - Propagation - Proper time - Proton - Proton decay - Prout, William - Pseudoscalar - Pseudovector - Purcell, Edward Mills
Quadrupole moment - Quantum electrodynamics - Quantization (physics) - Quantum - Quantum chaos - Quantum chemistry - Quantum chromodynamics - Quantum computer - Quantum cryptography - Quantum dots in living cells - Quantum electrodynamic - Quantum energy level - Quantum entanglement - Quantum field theory - Quantum flavordynamics - Quantum fluctuation - Quantum fluid - Quantum geometrodynamics - Quantum gravity - Quantum Hall effect - Quantum harmonic oscillator - Quantum immortality - Quantum information - Quantum leap (moved) - Quantum level - Quantum magnetodynamics - Quantum mechanics - Quantum neutrino field - Quantum number - Quantum string theory - Quantum suicide - Quantum superposition - Quantum tunneling - Quark - Quasi-set theory
Rabi, Isidor Isaac - Radiation - Radiation of sound - Radiation pressure - Radioactivity - Rainwater, Leo James - Raman, Sir Chandrasekhara Venkata - Raman scattering - Raman spectroscopy - Ramsauer-Townsend effect - Ramsey, Norman - Rayleigh scattering - Rayleigh's method of dimensional analysis - Rayleigh–Taylor instability - Rayleigh, John William Strutt, 3rd Baron - Reciprocal lattice - Reflection - Reflection coefficient - Refractive index - Redshift - Reines, Frederik - Relativity - Relativistic mass - Renormalization - Resistance - Resolution of the identity - Resonance - Rest mass - Reynolds, Osborne - Reynolds number - Ricci tensor - Richardson, Owen Willans - Richardson, Robert C. - Richardson number Richardson number - Richter, Burton - Richtmyer–Meshkov instability - Riemann, Bernhard - Riemannian geometry - Riemannian manifold - Ring wave guide - Robertson, Howard Percy - Rohrer, Heinrich - Röntgen, Wilhelm Conrad - Rosen, Nathan - Rotation - Rotation group - Rotation operator - Rotational invariance - Rubbia, Carlo - Ruska, Ernst - Rutherford cross-section - Rutherford scattering - Rutherford, Ernest - Rydberg, Johannes - Ryle, Sir Martin
Sackur–Tetrode equation - Sakharov, Andrei Dmitrievich - Salam, Abdus - Salmeron, Roberto - Felix Savart - Scalar - Scalar field - Scanning tunneling microscope - Scattering - Schawlow, Arthur Leonard - Schenberg, Mário - Schönberg-Chandrasekhar limit - Schrieffer, John Robert - Schrödinger equation - Schrödinger's cat - Schrödinger, Erwin - Schwartz, Melvin - Schwarzschild, Karl - Schwarzschild metric - Schwarzschild radius - Schwinger, Julian - Science - Science (journal) - Scientific method - Scientific journal - Scientific paper - Scientific revolution - Scientific skepticism - Scientific units named after people - Screened Coulomb potential - Second Superstring Revolution - Segrè, Emilio Gino - Self-adjoint operator - Semiconductor - Semiconductor device fabrication - Separability - Separable states - Shape of the universe - Shock wave - Shockley, William Bradford - Shull, Clifford G. - SI base unit - SI derived unit - SI prefix - Siphon - Siegbahn, Kai M. - Siegbahn, Manne - Simple harmonic motion - Relativity of simultaneity - Sine wave - Singular-value decomposition - Slater determinant - Slope - Snell's law - Snell, Willebrord - SO(3) - Solar cell - Solar neutrino problem - Solar power - Solenoid - Solid - Solid mechanics - Solid state physics - Soliton - Sommerfeld, Arnold - Sound - Space - Space group - Space-time - Spacetime - Special linear group - Special relativity - Specific gravity - Spectral line - Spectroscope - Spectroscopy - Optical spectrum - Spectrum of a matrix - Spectrum of an operator - Speed - Speed of gravity - Speed of light - Spherical coordinate system - Spherical geometry - Spin (physics) - Spin density wave - Spin glass - Spin network - Spin stabilized magnetic levitation - Spin wave - Spin-statistics theorem - Spinor - Spinor field - Spontaneous symmetry breaking - Spontaneous magnetization - Standard Model - Stark, Johannes - Stark effect - Statcoulomb - Statics - Statistical Mechanics - Statistical physics - Statistics - Stefan–Boltzmann constant - Stefan–Boltzmann law - Stefan electromagnetic equation - Stefan flow - Stefan force - Stefan, Jožef - Stefan, Joseph - Steinberger, Jack - Stern, Otto - Stevin, Simon - Stewart-Walker lemma - Stokes, George Gabriel - Stokes' law - Stokes parameters - Störmer, Horst L. - Strange matter - Strangeness - Stress–energy tensor - String (physics) - String theory - Strnad, Janez - Strong interaction - Strong nuclear force - SU(2) - SU(3) - Subatomic particle - Sudbury Neutrino Observatory - Sun - Sunyaev-Zel'dovich effect - Super-Kamiokande - Superconducting Super Collider - Superconductivity - Superconductor - Superfluidity - Supergravity - Superparamagnetism - Superposition principle - Superstring theory - Supersymmetry - Surface tension - Symmetric matrix - Symmetric tensor - Symmetry - Synchrotron - Synchrotron light - Synchrotron radiation - Szilárd, Leó
T-duality - T-symmetry - Tachyon - Tamm, Igor Yevgenyevich - Tau lepton - Taylor series - Taylor, Brook - Taylor, Richard E. - Taylor number - Teller, Edward - Temperature - Tension (mechanics) - Tensor - Tensor-classical - Tensor product - Tesla - Tesla coil - Tesla, Nikola - Theoretical astrophysics - Theoretical chemistry - Theoretical physics - Theory - Theory of everything - Theory of invariants - Theory of relativity - Thermal conductance - Thermal conductivity - Thermal neutron - Thermodynamic properties - Thermodynamic potentials - Thermodynamics - Thermoelectric effect - Thirring, Hans - Thomas precession - Thompson, Benjamin - Thomson, George Paget - Thomson, Joseph John - Thomson, William (Lord Kelvin) - Thought experiment - Tide - Tidal acceleration - Tidal force - Tidal locking - Time - Time dilation - Time invariance - Time travel - Timeline of classical mechanics - Timeline of electromagnetism and classical optics - Timeline of gravitational physics and relativity - Timeline of nuclear fusion - Timeline of other background radiation fields - Timeline of particle physics - Timeline of particle physics technology - Timeline of physics - Timeline of atomic and subatomic physics - Timeline of states of matter and phase transitions - Timeline of thermodynamics, statistical mechanics, and random processes - Ting, Samuel Chao Chung - Theory of everything - Tokamak - Luttinger liquid - Tomonaga, Sin-Itiro - Topological group - Topology of the universe - Torque - Torricelli, Evangelista - Torsion (mechanics) - Torsion subgroup - Townes, Charles Hard - Transfer function - Transition rule - Transistor - Translation (physics) - Translational invariance - Transpose - Tsui, Daniel C. - Turbulence - Turbulent flow - Twin paradox
U(1) - Ultraviolet catastrophe - Uncertainty principle - Undulatory theory of light - Unicity distance - Unified field theory - Unit cell - Unitary group - Unitary matrix - Unitary operator - Universal gas equation - Unsolved problems in physics
Vacuum - Vacuum expectation value - Van de Graaff generator - van der Meer, Simon - van der Waals, Johannes - van der Waals equation - van Vleck, John Hasbrouck - Variables commonly used in physics - Vector (geometric) - Vector calculus - Vector field - Vector space - Vehicle dynamics - Velocity - Veltman, Martinus J. G. - Vibrating string - Vibration - Villari effect - Virial equation of state - Virtual force - Virtual particle - Viscosity - Volta, Alessandro - von Klitzing, Klaus - von Weizsäcker, Carl
W and Z bosons - W boson - Wallis, John - Walton, Ernest Thomas Sinton - Walton, Thomas - Ward, John Clive - Wave - Wave equation - Wave–particle duality - Wavefunction - Wavefunction collapse - Wavelength - Wavenumber - Weak decay - Weak force - Weak interaction - Weak nuclear force - weber - Weber, Wilhelm - Weber, Wilhelm Eduard - Weight - Weightlessness - Weinberg, Steven - Weisskopf, Victor - Weyl, Hermann - Weyl's postulate - Weyl tensor - Wiedemann effect - Wieman, Carl E. - Wick product - Wick rotation - Wien's displacement law - Wien, Wilhelm - Wigner, Eugene - Wilson, Charles Thomson Rees - Wilson, Kenneth G. - Wilson, Robert Woodrow - Witten, Edward - Woods, Leona - Worldline
X-ray - X-ray Absorption Near Edge Structure (XANES) - X-ray crystallography - X-ray diffraction - X-ray fluorescence - X-ray structure
Yang, Chen Ning - Yang–Mills theory - Young, Thomas - Young's modulus - Yukawa, Hideki
Z boson - Zeeman effect - Zeeman, Pieter - Zernike, Frits - Zero-point energy - Zitterbewegung motion - Zone melting - Zweig, George