Immigration to the United Kingdom since 1922

Immigration to the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland since 1922[1] has been substantial, in particular from Ireland and the former colonies and other territories of the British Empire - such as India, Bangladesh, Pakistan, the Caribbean, South Africa, Kenya and Hong Kong - under British nationality law. Others have come as asylum seekers, seeking protection as refugees under the United Nations 1951 Refugee Convention, or from European Union (EU) member states, exercising one of the EU's Four Freedoms.

About half the population increase between the 1991 and 2001 censuses was due to foreign-born immigration. 4.9 million people[2] (8.3 percent of the population at the time) were born abroad, although the census gives no indication of their immigration status or intended length of stay.

Provisional figures show that in 2009, 567,000 people arrived to live in the UK whilst 371,000 left, meaning that net inward migration was 196,000. The number of people immigrating to and emigrating from the UK both fell between 2008 and 2009.[3][4]

In 2006, there were 149,035 applications for British citizenship, 32 percent fewer than in 2005. The number of people granted citizenship during 2006 was 154,095, 5 percent fewer than in 2005. The largest groups of people granted British citizenship were from India, Pakistan, Somalia, and the Philippines.[5] In 2006, 134,430 people were granted settlement in the UK, a drop of 25 per cent on 2005.[6]

Meanwhile, migration to and from Central and Eastern Europe has increased since 2004 with the accession to the European Union of eight Central and Eastern European states, since there is free movement of labour within the EU. The UK government is currently phasing in a new points-based immigration system for people from outside of the European Economic Area.


British Empire and the Commonwealth

From the mid-eighteenth century until at least 1947, and longer in many areas, the British Empire covered a large proportion of the globe and at its peak over a third of the world's people lived under British rule. Both during this time, and following the granting of independence to most colonies after Second World War, the vast majority of immigrants to the UK were from either current or former colonies, most notably those in the Indian subcontinent and the Caribbean.

Following the end of the Second World War, the British Nationality Act 1948 was passed to allow the 800 million[7] subjects in the British Empire to live and work in the United Kingdom without needing a visa. These people filled a gap in the UK labour market for unskilled jobs and many people were specifically brought to the UK on ships such as the Empire Windrush.

Commonwealth immigration, made up largely of economic migrants, rose from 3,000 per year in 1953 to 46,800 in 1956 and 136,400 in 1961.[7] The heavy numbers of migrants resulted in the establishment of a Cabinet committee in June 1950 to find "ways which might be adopted to check the immigration into this country of coloured people from British colonial territories".[7]

Although the Committee recommended not to introduce restrictions, the Commonwealth Immigrants Act was passed in 1962 as a response to public sentiment that the new arrivals "should return to their own countries" and that "no more of them come to this country".[8] Introducing the legislation to the House of Commons, the Conservative Home Secretary Rab Butler stated that:

The justification for the control which is included in this Bill, which I shall describe in more detail in a few moments, is that a sizeable part of the entire population of the earth is at present legally entitled to come and stay in this already densely populated country. It amounts altogether to one-quarter of the population of the globe and at present there are no factors visible which might lead us to expect a reversal or even a modification of the immigration trend.[9]

Rab Butler MP, 16 November 1961

The new Act required migrants to have a job before they arrived, to possess special skills or who would meet the "labour needs" of the national economy. In 1965, to combat the perceived injustice in the case where the wives of British subjects could not obtain British nationality, the British Nationality Act was adopted. Shortly afterwards, refugees from Kenya and Uganda, fearing discrimination from their own national governments, began to arrive in Britain; as they had retained their British nationality granted by the 1948 Act, they were not subject to the later controls. The Conservative MP Enoch Powell campaigned for tighter controls on immigration which resulted in the passing of the Commonwealth Immigrants Act in 1968.[10]

For the first time, the Act required migrants to have a "substantial connection with the United Kingdom", namely to be connected by birth or ancestry to a UK national. Those who did not could only obtain United Kingdom nationality at the discretion of the national authorities.[11] One month after the adoption of the Act, Enoch Powell made his infamous Rivers of Blood speech.

By 1972, with the passing of the Immigration Act, only holders of work permits, or people with parents or grandparents born in the UK could gain entry - effectively stemming primary immigration from Commonwealth countries.[12] The Act abolished the distinction between Commonwealth and non-Commonwealth entrants. The Conservative government nevertheless allowed, amid much controversy, the immigration of 27,000 individuals displaced from Uganda after the coup d'état led by Idi Amin in 1971.[10]

In the 1970s, an average of 72,000 immigrants were settling in the UK every year from the Commonwealth; this decreased in the 1980s and early 1990s to around 54,000 per year, only to rise again to around 97,000 by 1999. The total number of Commonwealth immigrants since 1962 is estimated at around 2.5 million.[13]

The Ireland Act 1949 has the unusual status of recognising the Republic of Ireland, but affirming that its citizens are not citizens of a foreign country for the purposes of any law in the United Kingdom.[14] This act was initiated at a time when Ireland withdrew from the Commonwealth of Nations after declaring itself a republic.[15]

World War II

In the lead up to World War II, many Germans, particularly those belonging to minorities which were persecuted under Nazi rule, such as Jews, sought to emigrate to the United Kingdom, and it is estimated that as many as 50,000 may have been successful. There were immigration caps on the number who could enter and, subsequently, some applicants were turned away. When the UK declared war on Germany, however, migration between the countries ceased.

Post-war immigration (1945-1983)

Following the end of World War II, substantial groups of people from Soviet-controlled territories settled in Britain, particularly Poles and Ukrainians. The UK recruited displaced people as so-called European Volunteer Workers in order to provide labour to industries that were required in order to aim economic recovery after the war.[16] In the 1951 census, the Polish-born population of the UK numbered some 162,339, up from 44,642 in 1931.[17][18]

Indians began arriving in the UK in large numbers shortly after their country gained independence in 1947. More than 60,000 arrived before 1955, many of whom drove buses, or worked in foundries or textile factories. Later arrivals opened corner shops or ran post offices. The flow of Indian immigrants peaked between 1965 and 1972, boosted in particular by Idi Amin's sudden decision to expel all 50,000 Gujarati Indians from Uganda. Around 30,000 Ugandan Asians migrated to the UK.[19]

There was also an influx of refugees from Hungary, following the crushing of the 1956 Hungarian revolution, numbering 20,990.[20]

Until the Commonwealth Immigrants Act 1962, all Commonwealth citizens could enter and stay in the United Kingdom without any restriction. The Commonwealth Immigrants Act 1962 made Citizens of the United Kingdom and Colonies (CUKCs) whose passports were not directly issued by the United Kingdom Government (i.e. passports issued by the Governor of a colony or by the Commander of a British protectorate) subject to immigration control.

Enoch Powell gave the famous "Rivers of Blood" speech on 20 April 1968 in which he warned his audience of what he believed would be the consequences of continued unchecked immigration from the Commonwealth to Britain. Opposition Leader Edward Heath sacked Powell from his Shadow Cabinet the day after the speech, and he never held another senior political post. Powell received 110,000 letters- only 2,300 disapproving-[21] as a result of the speech and a Gallup poll at the end of April showed that 74% of those asked agreed with his speech. After the 'Rivers of Blood' speech, Powell was transformed into a national public figure and won huge support across Britain. Three days after the speech, on 23 April, as the Race Relations Bill was being debated in the House of Commons, around 2,000 dockers walked off the job to march on Westminster protesting against Powell's dismissal,[22] and the next day 400 meat porters from Smithfield market handed in a 92-page petition in support of Powell.[23]

By 1972, only holders of work permits, or people with parents or grandparents born in the UK could gain entry - significantly reducing primary immigration from Commonwealth countries.[12]

Contemporary immigration (1983 onwards)

The British Nationality Act 1981, which was enacted in 1983, distinguishes between British citizen or British Overseas Territories citizen. The former hold nationality by descent and the latter hold nationality other than by descent. Citizens by descent cannot automatically pass on British nationality to a child born outside the United Kingdom or its Overseas Territories (though in some situations the child can be registered as a citizen).

Immigration officers have to be satisfied about a person's nationality and identity and entry could be refused if they were not satisfied.[25]

Non-European immigration rose significantly during the period from 1997, not least because of the government's abolition of the primary purpose rule in June 1997.[26] This change made it easier for UK residents to bring foreign spouses into the country.

The former government advisor Andrew Neather in the Evening Standard stated that the deliberate policy of ministers from late 2000 until early 2008 was to open up the UK to mass migration.[27][28]

European Union

One of the Four Freedoms of the European Union, of which the United Kingdom is a member, is the right to the free movement of people as codified in the Directive 2004/38/EC and the EEA Regulations (UK).

Since the expansion of the EU on 1 May 2004, the UK has accepted immigrants from Central and Eastern Europe, Malta and Cyprus, although the substantial Maltese and Greek- and Turkish-Cypriot communities were established earlier through their Commonwealth connection. There are restrictions on the benefits that members of eight of these accession countries (A8 nationals) can claim, which are covered by the Worker Registration Scheme.[29] Many other European Union member states exercised their right to temporary immigration control (which must end by 2011)[30] over entrants from these accession states,[31] but some subsequently removed these restrictions ahead of the 2011 deadline.[32]

Research conducted by the Migration Policy Institute for the Equality and Human Rights Commission suggests that, between May 2004 and September 2009, 1.5 million workers migrated from the new EU member states to the UK, but that many have returned home, with the result that the number of nationals of the new member states in the UK increased by some 700,000 over the same period.[34][35] Migration from Poland in particular has become temporary and circular in nature.[36] In 2009, for the first time since the enlargement, more nationals of the eight Central and Eastern European states that joined the EU in 2004 left the UK than arrived.[37] Research commissioned by the Regeneration and Economic Development Analysis Expert Panel suggested migrant workers leaving the UK due to the recession are likely to return in the future and cited evidence of "strong links between initial temporary migration and intended permanent migration".[38]

The Government announced that the same rules would not apply to nationals of Romania and Bulgaria (A2 nationals) when those countries acceded to the EU in 2007. Instead, restrictions were put in place to limit migration to students, the self-employed, highly skilled migrants and food and agricultural workers.[39]

In February 2011, the Leader of the Labour Party, Ed Miliband, stated that he thought that the Labour government's decision to permit the unlimited immigration of eastern European migrants had been a mistake, arguing that they had underestimated the potential number of migrants and that the scale of migration had had a negative impact on wages.[40][41]

A report by the Department for Communities and Local Government (DCLG) entitled International Migration and Rural Economies, suggests that intra-EU migration since enlargement has resulted in migrants settling in rural locations without a prior history of immigration. It also notes that while, at the national level, "evidence so far suggests that it is unlikely that migration has had a significant impact on the wages or employment prospects of local workers...there is some evidence that suggests immigration has had a significant but small impact on wages of previous waves of lower-skilled migrant workers and that when the occupational structure of the UK workforce is taken into account, there is a negative impact on the wages of UK workers at the bottom of the occupational distribution".[42] Other research indicates that migration from the new EU member states may have helped improve labour market efficiency and hence increase average wages, although with a potentially small negative impact at the bottom of the income scale.[34]

Research published by University College London in July 2009 showed that EU migrants made a "substantial net contribution to the UK fiscal system", paying 37 per cent more in taxes than they received in welfare payments. However, "EEA national(s) who are economically inactive, including A8 and A2 nationals will not generally be entitled to income-related benefits".[43] Researchers found that, on average, A8 migrants were younger and better educated than the native population, and that if they had the same demographic characteristics of natives, would be 13 per cent less likely to claim benefits and 28 per cent less likely to live in social housing.[44][45]

Managed migration

"Managed migration" is the term for all legal labour and student migration from outside of the European Union and this accounts for a substantial percentage of overall immigration figures for the UK. Many of the immigrants who arrive under these schemes bring skills which are in short supply in the UK. This area of immigration is managed by the UK Border Agency, a department within the Home Office. Applications are made at UK embassies or consulates or directly to the UK Border Agency, depending upon the type of visa or permit required.

In April 2006 changes to the managed migration system were proposed that would create one points-based immigration system for the UK in place of all other schemes. Tier 1 in the new system - which replaced the Highly Skilled Migrant Programme - gives points for age, education, earning, previous UK experience but not for work experience. The points-based system was phased in over the course of 2008, replacing previous managed migration schemes such as the work permit system and the Highly Skilled Migrant Programme.[46][47]

The points-based system is composed of five tiers, described by the UK Border Agency as follows:

In June 2010, Britain's new Conservative-Liberal Democrat Coalition government brought in a temporary cap on immigration of those entering the UK from outside the EU, with the limit set as 24,100, in order to stop an expected rush of applications before a permanent cap is imposed in April 2011.[49] The cap has caused tension within the coalition, with business secretary Vince Cable arguing that it is harming British businesses.[50] Others have argued that the cap will have a negative impact on Britain's status as a centre for scientific research.[51]

For family relatives of European Economic Area nationals living in the UK, there is the EEA family permit which enables those family members to join their relatives already living and working in the UK.

Though immigration is a matter that is reserved to the UK government under the legislation that established devolution for Scotland in 1999, the Scottish Government was able to get an agreement from the Home Office for their Fresh Talent Initiative which was designed to encourage foreign graduates of Scottish universities to stay in Scotland to look for employment.[52] Fresh Talent is now closed following the introduction of the points-based system.[53]

Refugees and asylum seekers

The UK is a signatory to the United Nations Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees, which means that it has a responsibility under international law not to return (or refoule) refugees to the place where they would face persecution.

Nonetheless the issue of immigration has been a controversial political issue since the late 1990s. Both the Labour Party and the Conservatives have suggested policies perceived as being "tough on asylum"[56] (although the Conservatives have dropped a previous pledge to limit the number of people who could claim asylum in the UK, which would likely have breached the UN Refugee Convention)[57] and the tabloid media frequently print headlines about an "immigration crisis".[58]

This is denounced by those seeking to ensure that the UK upholds its international obligations as disproportionate. Critics suggest that much of the opposition to high levels of immigration by refugees is based on racism. Concern is also raised about the treatment of those held in detention and the practice of dawn raiding families, and holding young children in immigration detention centres for long periods of time.[59][60] The policy of detaining children asylum-seeking children was to be abandoned as part of the coalition agreement between the Conservatives and the Liberal Democrats, who formed a government in May 2010.[61] However, in July 2010 the government was accused of back-tracking on this promise after the Immigration Minister Damian Green announced that the plan was to minimise, rather than end, child detention.[62]

However, critics of the UK's asylum policy often point out the "safe third country rule" - the convention that asylum seekers must apply in the first free nation they reach, not go "asylum shopping" for the nation they prefer. EU courts have upheld this policy.[63] Research conducted by the Refugee Council suggests that most asylum seekers in the UK had their destination chosen for them by external parties or agents, rather than choosing the UK themselves.[64]

In February 2003, Prime Minister Tony Blair promised on television to reduce the number of asylum seekers by half within 7 months,[65] apparently catching unawares the members of his own government with responsibility for immigration policy. David Blunkett, the then Home Secretary, called the promise an objective rather than a target.[66]

It was met according to official figures,[67] despite increase world instability caused by the Iraq War. There is also a Public Performance Target to remove more asylum seekers who have been judged not to be refugees under the internation definition than new anticipated unfounded applications. This target was met early in 2006.[68] Official figures for numbers of people claiming asylum in the UK were at a 13 year low by March 2006.[69]

Human rights organisations such as Amnesty International have argued that the government's new policies, particularly those concerning detention centres, have detrimental effects on asylum applicants[70] and their children,[71] and those facilities have seen a number of hunger strikes and suicides. Others have argued that recent government policies aimed at reducing 'bogus' asylum claims have had detrimental impacts on those genuinely in need of protection.[72]

In addition to offering asylum, the UK operates a small refugee resettlement scheme in co-operation with the UNHCR known as the Gateway Protection Programme.[73]

Illegal immigration

Illegal (sometimes termed irregular) immigrants in the UK include those who have:

Although it is difficult to know how many people reside in the UK illegally, a Home Office study released in March 2005 estimated a population of between 310,000 and 570,000.[74] Migration Watch UK has criticised the Home Office figures for not including the UK-born dependent children of unauthorised migrants. They suggest the Home Office has underestimated the numbers of unauthorised migrants by between 15,000 and 85,000.[75] In 2002 the Home office stated that the figures Migration Watch produces should be treated with 'considerable caution', because of the intrinsic difficulty of quantifying undocumented immigration.[76] The UK Immigration Advisory Service has referred to these estimates as "idle speculaton".[76]

A recent study into irregular immigration states that "most irregular migrants have committed administrative offences rather than a serious crime".[77]

Jack Dromey, Deputy General of the Transport and General Workers Union and Labour Party treasurer, suggested in May 2006 that there could be around 500,000 illegal workers. He called for a public debate on whether an amnesty should be considered.[78] David Blunkett has suggested that this might be done once the identity card scheme is rolled out.[79]

London Citizens, a coalition of community organisations, is running a regularisation campaign called Strangers into Citizens, backed by figures including the former leader of the Catholic Church in England and Wales, the Cardinal Cormac Murphy-O'Connor.[80] Analysis by the Institute for Public Policy Research suggested that an amnesty would net the government up to £1.038 billion per year in fiscal revenue.[81] However, analysis by MigrationWatch UK suggests that if the migrants granted amnesty were given access to healthcare and other benefits, the net cost to the exchequer would be £5.530 billion annually.[82]

It has since been suggested that to deport all of the irregular migrants from the UK would take 20 years and cost up to £12 billion.[83] Current Mayor of London Boris Johnson has commissioned a study into a possible amnesty for illegal immigrants, citing larger tax gains within the London area which is considered to be home to the majority of the country's population of such immigrants.[84]

In February 2008, the government introduced new £10,000 fines for employers found to be employing illegal immigrants where there is negligence on the part of the employer, with unlimited fines or jail sentences for employers acting knowingly.[85]

Comparison with other countries from European Union

According to Eurostat 47.3 million people lived in the European Union in 2010 who were born outside their resident country. This corresponds to 9.4% of the total EU population. Of these, 31.4 million (6.3%) were born outside the EU and 16.0 million (3.2%) were born in another EU member state. The largest absolute numbers of people born outside the EU were in Germany (6.4 million), France (5.1 million), the United Kingdom (4.7 million), Spain (4.1 million), Italy (3.2 million), and the Netherlands (1.4 million).[86]

Country Total population (1000) Total Foreign-born (1000) % Born in other EU state (1000) % Born in a non EU state (1000) %
EU 27 501'098 47'348 9.4 15'980 3.2 31'368 6.3
Germany 81'802 9'812 12.0 3'396 4.2 6'415 7.8
France 64'716 7'196 11.1 2'118 3.3 5'078 7.8
United Kingdom 62'008 7'012 11.3 2'245 3.6 4'767 7.7
Spain 45'989 6'422 14.0 2'328 5.1 4'094 8.9
Italy 60'340 4'798 8.0 1'592 2.6 3'205 5.3
Netherlands 16'575 1'832 11.1 428 2.6 1'404 8.5
Greece 11'305 1'256 11.1 315 2.8 940 8.3
Sweden 9'340 1'337 14.3 477 5.1 859 9.2
Austria 8'367 1'276 15.2 512 6.1 764 9.1
Belgium (2007) 10'666 1'380 12.9 695 6.5 685 6.4
Portugal 10'637 793 7.5 191 1.8 602 5.7
Denmark 5'534 500 9.0 152 2.8 348 6.3

See also


  1. ^ The name of the country was formally changed in 1927 from the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland to United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland by the Royal and Parliamentary Titles Act. However, the change had effectively taken place when the Anglo-Irish Treaty had established the Irish Free State in 1922, granting near-independence to 26 of the 32 counties of Ireland.
  2. ^ Foreign-born population National Statistics Online, 24 October 2006.
  3. ^ "Net migration to UK rose in 2009, statistics show". BBC News. 26 August 2010. Retrieved 28 August 2010. 
  4. ^ "Provisional estimates of long-term international migration, year ending December 2009: Frequently asked questions". Office for National Statistics. August 2010. Retrieved 28 August 2010. 
  5. ^ John Freelove Mensah, Persons Granted British Citizenship United Kingdom, 2006, Home Office Statistical Bulletin 08/07, 22 May 2007, accessed 21 September 2007
  6. ^ Home Office, Control of Immigration: Statistics United Kingdom 2006, Norwich: TSO, August 2007, accessed 21 September 2007
  7. ^ a b c HC Deb 19 March 2003 vol 401 cc270-94WH.
  8. ^ HC Deb 09 February 1965 vol 706 cc178-82.
  9. ^ HC Deb 16 November 1961 vol 649 cc687-819.
  10. ^ a b The National Archives, "Commonwealth Immigration control and legislation".
  11. ^ HL Deb 29 February 1968 vol 289 cc917-1217.
  12. ^ a b Brah, Avtar (1996). Cartographies of Diaspora: Contesting Identities. London: Routledge. p. 37. ISBN 9780415121262. 
  13. ^ Migration Watch UK, "History of Immigration".
  14. ^ "Ireland Act 1949". Office of Public Sector Information. 2 June 1949. Retrieved 20 August 2010. 
  15. ^ Layton-Henry, Zig (2001). "Patterns of privilege: Citizenship rights in Britain". In Kondo, Atsushi. Citizenship in a Global World: Comparing Citizenship Rights for Aliens. Basingstoke: Palgrave. pp. 116–135. ISBN 0333802659. 
  16. ^ Diana Kay and Robert Miles (1998) Refugees or migrant workers? The case of the European Volunteer Workers in Britain (1946–1951), Journal of Refugee Studies 1(3-4), pp. 214-236
  17. ^ Colin Holmes (1988) John Bull's Island: Immigration and British Society 1871-1971, Basingstoke: Macmillan
  18. ^ Kathy Burrell (2002) Migrant memories, migrant lives: Polish national identity in Leicester since 1945, Transactions of the Leicestershire Archaeological and Historical Society 76, pp. 59-77
  19. ^ "1972: Asians given 90 days to leave Uganda". BBC On This Day. 7 August 1972. Retrieved 2008-05-17. 
  20. ^ UNHCR (2006) 'A matter of the heart': How the Hungarian crisis changed the world of refugees, Refugees 114(3), pp. 4-11
  21. ^ "British Conservative Sees Foreign Influx as Threat". Eugene Register-Guard: p. 4A. 22 December 1968.,5784764. 
  22. ^ ""We back Enoch" march by dockers; He is being victimised, they say", Evening Times: 1, 23 April 1968,,7221622 
  23. ^ "More Call For Britain To Shut Out Nonwhites". Schenectady Gazette: p. 1. 25 April 1968.,5257610. 
  24. ^ Focus on People and Migration: 2005, National Statistics UK
  25. ^ Immigration staff can ask Muslim women to remove veils, 26 October 2006
  26. ^
  27. ^ Neather, Andrew (23 October 2009). "Don't listen to the whingers - London needs immigrants". Evening Standard (London). Retrieved 2009-11-26. 
  28. ^ Whitehead, Tom (23 October 2009). "Labour wanted mass immigration to make UK more multicultural, says former adviser". Daily Telegraph (London). Retrieved 2009-10-28. 
  29. ^ The Worker Registration Scheme Home Office
  30. ^ Freedom of movement for workers after enlargement Europa
  31. ^ Barriers still exist in larger EU, BBC News, 1 May 2005
  32. ^ EU free movement of labour map, BBC News, 4 January 2007, accessed 26 August 2007
  33. ^ "Table 1.01: Long-term international migration, time series 1991 to 2008: Components and adjustments used to estimate LTIM". Office for National Statistics. Retrieved 29 November 2009. 
  34. ^ a b Sumption, Madeleine; Somerville, Will (January 2010). The UK's new Europeans: Progress and challenges five years after accession. Equality and Human Rights Commission. p. 13. ISBN 9781842062524. Retrieved 17 January 2010. 
  35. ^ Doward, Jamie; Rogers, Sam (17 January 2010). "Young, self-reliant, educated: portrait of UK's eastern European migrants". The Observer (London). Retrieved 17 January 2010. 
  36. ^ "Migrants to UK 'returning home'". BBC News. 2009-09-08. Retrieved 2009-09-08. 
  37. ^ "UK sees shift in migration trend". BBC News. 27 May 2010. Retrieved 28 May 2010. 
  38. ^ Anne E. Green (March 2011). "Impact of Economic Downturn and Immigration". Institute for Employment Research, University of Warwick. Retrieved 12 March 2011. 
  39. ^ Reid outlines new EU work curbs, BBC News, 24 October 2006. Retrieved 24 October 2006.
  40. ^ "Labour accused of covering up warnings about immigration". The Daily Telegraph. 1 March 2011. Retrieved 12 March 2011. 
  41. ^ "Video: Miliband - 'Immigration hit wages'". The Independent. 28 February 2011. Retrieved 12 March 2011. 
  42. ^ Experian Plc (March 2011). "International Migration and Rural Economies". Department for Communities and Local Government. Retrieved 12 March 2011. 
  43. ^ "The National Archives: Directgov - Benefits for non-UK nationals". 27 Sep 2010. Retrieved 12 March 2011. 
  44. ^ Dustmann, Christian; Frattini, Tommaso; Halls, Caroline (July 2009). "Assessing the fiscal costs and benefits of A8 migration to the UK". CReAM Discussion Paper. Centre for Research and Analysis of Migration, Department of Economics, University College London. Retrieved 2009-11-08. 
  45. ^ Doyle, Jack (24 July 2009). "EU migrants 'good for UK economy'". The Independent (London). Retrieved 2009-07-25. 
  46. ^ "The points-based system". Border & Immigration Agency. Retrieved 2008-03-09. 
  47. ^ "Timetable for PBS launch". Border & Immigration Agency. Retrieved 2008-03-09. 
  48. ^ "How the points-based system works". UK Border Agency. Retrieved 6 February 2010. 
  49. ^ Boxell, James (28 June 2010). "Tories begin consultation on cap for migrants". The Financial Times. Retrieved 7 October 2010. 
  50. ^ "Vince Cable: Migrant cap is hurting economy". The Guardian. Press Association. 17 September 2010. Retrieved 7 October 2010. 
  51. ^ "Nobel laureates urge rethink over immigration cap". The Guardian. Press Association. 7 October 2010. Retrieved 7 October 2010. 
  52. ^ New Scots: Attracting Fresh Talent to meet the Challenge of Growth, accessed 4 November 2008
  53. ^ "Fresh Talent: Working in Scotland". UK Border Agency. Retrieved 6 February 2010. 
  54. ^ Heath, Tina; Jeffries, Richard; Purcell, James (24 August 2004). "Asylum Statistics: United Kingdom 2003". Home Office. p. 28. Retrieved 18 May 2010. 
  55. ^ "Control of Immigration: Statistics United Kingdom 2008". Home Office. August 2009. p. 2a. Retrieved 18 May 2010. 
  56. ^ Tom Bentley Please, not again! openDemocracy, 11 February 2005
  57. ^ Q&A: Conservatives and Immigration, BBC News, 9 November 2006, accessed 13 December 2007
  58. ^ Roy Greenslade Seeking scapegoats: The coverage of asylum in the UK press (PDF), Institute for Public Policy Research, May 2005
  59. ^ "Nicol Stephen condemns dawn raids". BBC News. 1 February 2007. Retrieved 29 November 2009. 
  60. ^ "Migrant children held 'too long' in detention, MPs say". BBC News. 29 November 2009. Retrieved 29 November 2009. 
  61. ^ "Detention of asylum-seeker children to be scrapped". The Times (London). 13 May 2010. Retrieved 17 May 2010. 
  62. ^ McVeigh, Karen; Taylor, Matthew (9 September 2010). "Government climbdown on detention of children in immigration centres". The Guardian. Retrieved 10 September 2010. 
  63. ^ First Aid for asylum seekers
  64. ^ Travis, Alan (14 January 2010). "Chance brings refugees to Britain not choice, says report". The Guardian (London). Retrieved 14 January 2010. 
  65. ^ Blair's asylum gamble BBC News 7 February 2003
  66. ^ Ministers back down on asylum pledge BBC News 10 February 2003
  67. ^ Blair's asylum target met BBC News 27 November 2003
  68. ^ Public performance target: removing more failed asylum seekers than new anticipated unfounded applications Home Office
  69. ^ UK asylum claims at '13-year low' BBC News 17 March 2006
  70. ^ Seeking asylum is not a crime: Detention of people who have sought asylum (PDF) Amnesty International, 20 June 2005
  71. ^ McVeigh, Karen (2009-08-31). "Ministers under fire for locking up immigrant children". The Guardian (London): p. 1. Retrieved 2009-08-31. 
  72. ^ Cooley, Laurence; Rutter, Jill (2007). "Turned away? Towards better protection for refugees fleeing violent conflict". Public Policy Research 14 (3): 176–180. doi:10.1111/j.1744-540X.2007.00485.x. 
  73. ^ "Gateway Protection Programme". UK Border Agency. Retrieved 2009-07-18. 
  74. ^ The thorny issue of illegal migrants BBC News, 17 May 2006.
  75. ^ The illegal Migrant Population in the UK Migration Watch UK, Briefing paper 9.15,Migration Trends.
  76. ^ a b Immigration: Fact or hype? By Dominic Casciani, BBC News, 5 August 2002.
  77. ^ Irregular migration in the UK: An ippr factfile Institute for Public Policy Research, April 2006, p. 5.
  78. ^ Amnesty call over illegal workers BBC News, 20 May 2006.
  79. ^ Blunkett: Immigration amnesty on cards, 14 June 2006
  80. ^ Joe Boyle, Migrants find a voice in the rain, BBC News, 7 May 2007, accessed 21 May 2007
  81. ^ "Jacqui Smith should back amnesty for illegal workers". Institute for Public Policy Research. 2007-07-15. Retrieved 2009-05-05. 
  82. ^ "The true cost of an amnesty for illegal immigrants". MigrationWatch UK. 2007-08-30. Retrieved 2009-05-05. 
  83. ^ "Tighter immigration controls could enable an amnesty for illegal immigrants say IPPR". Institute for Public Policy Research. 2009-05-03. Retrieved 2009-05-05. 
  84. ^ "Johnson ponders immigrant amnesty". BBC News. 2008-11-22. Retrieved 2008-11-24. 
  85. ^ Richard Ford (2008-02-29). "£10,000 fines for employing illegal migrant without check". London: The Times. Retrieved 2008-03-22. 
  86. ^ 6.5% of the EU population are foreigners and 9.4% are born abroad, Eurostat, Katya VASILEVA, 34/2011.

External links