Imam Khomeini Relief Committee

Imam Khomeini's Relief Foundation
Founder(s) Ruhollah Khomeini, Habibollah Asgaroladi, Mehdi Karroubi, et. al.
Founded March 1979
Location Tehran

Imam Khomeini's Relief Committee (also Imam Khomeini's Relief Foundation) was founded in March 1979 as a charity organization to provide support for poor families. The aim is to help such families regain financial stability.


Sources of Funding

This foundation is supported by Iranian government and also receives the Islamic taxes of Khums and Zakat, as well as Zakat al-fitr.[1] Also, the foundation has charity boxes installed all across the country to gather donations.


The history of such committee goes back to 1964, 15 years before Iran's revolution. At that time, the objective of the smaller committee was to support the families of political prisoners.[2]

See also


  1. ^ " Introduction". Retrieved 2009-04-17. 
  2. ^ "The date of establishing imam Khomeini relief foundation (IKRF)". Retrieved 2009-04-17.