Ignatian Center for Jesuit Education

The Ignatian Center for Jesuit Education is a center of distinction at Santa Clara University. It was created in 2005 through the merger of Bannan Center for Jesuit Education and the Arrupe Center for Community-based Learning, which today represent two of the three departments within the center.[1]


Bannan Institute

The first department, created in 1982 is named for Louis I. Bannan, S.J.. Originally the mandate of the institute was to improve and enhance the Ignatian spirit in the whole University community: faculty, students, staff, alumni and friends.[1]

A number of programs at SCU today started at the institute including: the Eastside Project; graduate programs in Catechetics, Pastoral Liturgy, Liturgical Music and Spirituality which is now are part of SCU ECPPM; departmental retreats Christian Life Community (CLC) that are a part of Campus Ministry.

The Bannan Institute awards Bannan Fellowships to Jesuit scholars to Santa Clara.;[2] over the years, their books, research projects, lectures, and conferences spanned a variety of topics. These Fellows are spend one, two, or three quarters on campus at Santa Clara as the guest of a University Department. In collaboration with other units of the University, they engage in teaching, research, and/or other educational activities, in an area related to the mission of the Ignatian Center's Bannan Institute.[3]

In early 1997 the Bannan Institute expanded its efforts to keep Santa Clara’s Catholic and Jesuit vision relevant. Its work today includes: Bannan Grants, explore journal , Bannan Visitors, Bannan Fellowships, Santa Clara Lectures, Bannan Retreats, a series of Justice Conferences, Western Conversations. The continuing mission is to promote the Catholic identity and Jesuit mission of the University.[1]

Arrupe Partnerships

The second department, created in 1986 is named for Pedro Arrupe, S.J.. The mandate of the Arrupe Partnership program is to establish a mutually beneficial partnership between Santa Clara University and the Eastside neighborhood of San Jose, California in order to emphasize the Jesuit concern for justice within the University’s curriculum.[1]

Today the partnership has yielded more than 50 community-based learning (CBL) sites at schools, parishes, and agencies across Silicon Valley where approximately 1,200 students and faculty interact face-to-face with members of the community in programs including: homeless shelters, multilingual/ESL educational programs, law clinics, immigrant service centers, schools, church parishes, health care agencies, and senior centers.[1]

Kolvenbach Solidarity Program

The third department, created in 2005 is named for Peter Hans Kolvenbach, S.J.. The mandate of the Kolvenbach Solidarity Program was to enhance and expand immersion opportunities which had developed across campus since the early 1990s, which had previously been a part of Campus Ministries. The purpose of the immersion experiences is to reflect upon vocational discernment and their place in the world. The program facilitates immersion experiences for approximately 325 participants each year. Immersion experiences occur internationally in El Salvador and Ecuador as well as domestically in New Orleans, Louisiana San Francisco, California, Los Angeles, California, the state of Mississippi, the Appalachia region, and the Navajo Nation in the southwestern United States.


  1. ^ a b c d e Ignatian Center History
  2. ^ [1]
  3. ^ Holy Names University Professor receives Bannan Fellowship

External links