In Greek mythology, Iasus (Ἰάσος) or Iasius (Ἰάσιος) was the name of several individuals:
- Iasus, king of Argos. His genealogy is confused; according to different sources, he was:
- Iasus (Iasius), father of Atalanta[9] by Clymene, daughter of Minyas; he was the son of King Lycurgus of Arcadia by either Eurynome or Cleophyle. His brothers were Ancaeus, Epochus and Amphidamas.[10][11]
- Iasus (Iasius), one of the Dactyli[12] or Curetes.[13]
- Iasius, son of Eleuther and father of Chaeresilaus.[14]
- Iasus, son of Sphelus (son of Bucolus), leader of the Athenians, was killed by Aeneas in the Trojan War.[15]
- Iasus, king of Cyprus, father of Dmetor. In the Odyssey, he appears in a story told (and made up) by Odysseus.[16]
- Iasus, father of Palinurus[17] and Iapis.[18]
- Iasus, father of Phaedimus. His son was killed by Amyntas in the battle of Seven Against Thebes.[19]
- Iasus, father of Nepeia, who married King Olympus and gave her name to the plain of Nepeia near Cyzicus.[20]
- Iasus (Iasius), possible father of Amphion.[21][22]
- Iasius, winner of the horse-racing contest at the Olympic games held by Heracles.[23]
- Iasius, same as Iasion.[24]
- ^ Scholia on Homer, Iliad, 3. 75
- ^ Eustathius on Homer, 385. 40
- ^ Scholia on Euripides, Phoenician Women, 1147, 1151; on Orestes, 930, 1248, 1252
- ^ Apollodorus, Bibliotheca, 2. 1. 3
- ^ Scholia on Odyssey, 18. 246
- ^ Eustathius on Iliad, 1845
- ^ Pausanias, Desription of Greece, 2. 16. 1
- ^ Scholia on Euripides, Orestes, 932
- ^ Callimachus, Hymn to Artemis, 217
- ^ Apollodorus, Bibliotheca, 3. 9. 2
- ^ Hyginus, Fabulae, 70 & 99
- ^ Pausanias, Description of Greece, 5. 14. 7
- ^ Pausanias, Description of Greece, 5. 7. 6
- ^ Pausanias, Description of Greece, 9. 20. 2
- ^ Homer, Iliad, 15. 332, 338
- ^ Homer, Odyssey, 17. 443
- ^ Virgil, Aeneid, 5. 843
- ^ Virgil, Aeneid, 12. 392
- ^ Statius, Thebaid, 8. 438
- ^ Scholia on Apollonius Rhodius, Argonautica, 1. 1116
- ^ Homer, Odyssey, 11. 233
- ^ Pausanias, Description of Greece, 9. 36. 8
- ^ Pausanias, Description of Greece, 8. 48. 1
- ^ The form "Iasion" was also used by Pausanias and Aelian to refer to the father of Atalante.