International Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans and Intersex Association

International Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans and Intersex Association
Abbreviation ILGA
Formation August 8, 1978 (1978-08-08) (33 years ago)
Legal status UN Ecosoc Consultative Status
Purpose/focus LGBT rights
Headquarters Brussels, Belgium[1]
Region served 110 countries
Membership 750+ organizations worldwide
Official languages English, French, Spanish, Portuguese
Director Sebastian Rocca

The International Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans and Intersex Association (ILGA) is an international organization bringing together more than 750 LGBTI groups from around the world. It continues to be active in campaigning for LGBT rights on the international human rights and civil rights scene and regularly petitions the United Nations and governments. ILGA is represented in 110+ countries across the world. ILGA is accredited by the United Nations and has been granted Ecosoc consultative status.



According to its constitution[2] ILGA Has various administrative positions:

ILGA is divided into the following regions:


ILGA was founded as the International Gay Association (IGA) on 8 August 1978 during the conference of the Campaign for Homosexual Equality in Coventry, England, at a meeting attended by 30 men representing 17 organisations from 14 countries. It changed its name to the International Lesbian and Gay Association (ILGA) in 1986.

The Coventry conference also called upon Amnesty International (AI) to take up the issue of persecution of lesbians and gays. After a campaign that lasted 13 years AI in 1991 made the human rights of lesbians and gays part of its mandate and today is a passionate advocate for LGBT rights on the international level.[5]

ILGA was also instrumental in getting the World Health Organisation to drop homosexuality from its list of illnesses.

ILGA was the first lesbian and gay rights organisation to gain "consultative status" as a non-governmental organisation at the United Nations. Statements were made in the name of ILGA in the 1993 and 1994 sessions of the United Nations Sub-Commission on Prevention of Discrimination and Protection of Minorities and in the 1994 session of the United Nations Commission on Human Rights. ILGA’s NGO status was suspended in September 1994. However, in July 2011 ILGA regained its ECOSOC consultative status with the United Nations [6] [7]allowing ILGA to attend UN conferences and events, submit written statements, make oral interventions, and host panels in UN buildings.

The United Nations Aids Program, UNAIDS, indicated that it would not give funding to any project linked to ILGA because of the controversy.

The Council of Europe responded to ILGA's long standing request for consultative status with an inquiry about the reasons for the suspension by the United Nations. The Council of Europe granted consultative status in late 1997. ILGA's European section is also accredited at and partially financed by the European Commission.

Since its founding years, ILGA has evolved from a loose organisation of volunteers and an emphasis on the conferences as the main platform for information exchange, inspiration and co-operation initiatives into a more professional lobby organisation with (some) paid staff members. Of all the ILGA regions, ILGA Europe is most developed as a professional organisation; even more than the World ILGA organisation.

In 2005, it issued a press release stating that the election of Benedict XVI as Pope caused hurt and pain among LGBT people.[8]

Controversy and loss of UN consultative status

In the summer of 1993 the ILGA gained consultative status on the UN Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) as a Non-Governmental-Organization, joining 3,000 organisations throughout the world. However, that status was suspended in 1994 after a campaign led by Jesse Helms focussing on NAMBLA's membership of ILGA.

Following this ILGA, by a vote of 214-30 expelled North American Man/Boy Love Association (NAMBLA) and two other groups (Vereniging MARTIJN and Project Truth) in early 1994 because they were judged to be "groups whose predominant aim is to support or promote pedophilia." In October 1994, the executive committee of ILGA suspended the membership of VSG (Association for Sexual Equality), a gay group in Munich, Germany, due to its vocal solidarity with NAMBLA and its refusal to purge pedophile members. Its membership was suspended until the next Annual Conference of ILGA in June 1995 when the matter could be dealt with in accordance to ILGA's constitution, namely, expulsion. VSG left ILGA in April 1995 and in 1998 dissolved itself.

ILGA applied to have its consultative status reinstated in 2000,[9] but on 30 April 2002 the United Nations' Economic & Social Council voted 29-17 not to grant this application, [10] "based on concerns raised about its member organizations or subsidiaries that promoted or condoned paedophilia". [11]

One of the issues of concern was whether it was possible to verify that links with NAMBLA had effectively been severed due to ILGA not publishing its organisation membership list given fears for the safety of members living in countries where homosexuality is still criminalised.

On 3 May 2003, ECOSOC voted to again decline consultative status to ILGA. ILGA submitted another application, along with another LGBT rights organisation but it was rejected on 23 January 2006 at the Committee of NGOs. [12] ILGA keeps the view that the summary dismissal of LGBT rights organisations' applications was influenced by Egypt and OIC. [13]

However in the subsequent vote on the candidature of ILGA-Europe, the U.S. reversed its position, though the proposal was still defeated, with:

ILGA continued to state its opposition to pedophilia[15] and continued to seek ECOSOC Consultative status with the UN, applying once more in May 2009. The UN NGO Committee discussed ILGA's most recent application during its sessions in May 2010 and February 2011. During this session, the Belgian Mission at the UN asked for a vote on ILGA's application, because "The organization had applied for over ten years and met all prerequisites under the resolution. While aware of the divergent views on the organization, he asked that, given the NGO’s lengthy history, the Committee make a decision during the current session." [16] A "no-action" motion, presented by the Sudanese Representative to counter Belgium's request for a vote, passed with nine Committee members voting in favour (Burundi, China, Morocco, Nicaragua, Pakistan, Russian Federation, Senegal, Sudan and Venezuela), seven voting against (Belgium, Bulgaria, India, Israel, Turkey, Peru and United States), with Kyrgyzstan abstaining and Mozambique and Cuba not present. [16]

On December 11 2006, ILGA-Europe (along with LSVD and LBL) were successful in being granted ECOSOC consultative status.[17]

On July 25 2011, ILGA as a whole were successful in being granted ECOSOC consultative status, with a vote of 30 in favour, 13 against and 5 abstentions.

World conference

According to its constitution [18] ILGA has a world conference in which all of its member organisations can attend. The world conference normally sets the time and place for the next conference.[19] However, the Executive Board has used its power under the constitution to set an alternative venue, in the event the venue originally set becomes unviable, as was the case in 2008, when the originally chosen venue of Quebec had to be abandoned due to difficulties encountered by the local organizing committee in raising the necessary funds and the conference had to be held in Vienna instead. The 2010 ILGA world conference took place in São Paulo, Brazil, and the 2012 Conference will take place in Stockholm.

Protests often made the conferences that the organization held more dramatic and having more negative attention then would've been wanted. A problem encountered was financial in nature which recently came to a head when an ILGA conference actually had to be postponed because of lack of funding.[20]

2011 State Sponsored Homophobia Report

In 2011, ILGA released its State Sponsored Homophobia Report[21] and map that brings to light 76 countries that still criminalize same-sex relationships between two consenting adults. These countries are namely in Africa and in Asia. The report is currently available in English and French. Translations of the report in Spanish and Portuguese are expected to be released.


  1. ^ [1]
  2. ^ ILGA Constitution, clause C8
  3. ^ Governed by ILGA Constitution, clause C6.1.1
  4. ^ Governed by ILGA Constitution, clause C6.2
  5. ^ [2]
  6. ^ "ECOSOC Council vote grants consultative status to ILGA". Retrieved 2011-07-27. 
  7. ^ "ILGA Granted UN Consultative Status". Freedom House. 
  8. ^ "The Election of Benedict XVI as Pope Causes Hurt and Pain among LGBT People". Retrieved 2011-07-27. 
  9. ^ "International Lesbian and Gay Association (ILGA)". glbtq. 2005-11-14.,2.html. Retrieved 2011-07-27. 
  10. ^ [3]
  11. ^ "Economic And Social Council Decides Not To Grant Consultative Status To International Lesbian And Gay Association". 2002-04-30. Retrieved 2011-07-27. 
  13. ^ "ECOSOC unfairly dismisses ILGA and LBL". ILGA. Retrieved 2011-07-27. 
  14. ^ "ECOSOC Report May 2006". 2006-05-17. Retrieved 2011-07-27. 
  15. ^ "ILGA’s Public Stance Against Paedophilia and Commitment to the Protection of Children". Retrieved 2011-07-27. 
  16. ^ a b "Committee on Non-Governmental Organizations Recommends Special Consultative Status for 12 Groups, Roster Status for Another, Postpones 16 Applications". 2011-02-04. Retrieved 2011-07-27. 
  17. ^ "Economic And Social Council Approves Consultative Status For Three Non-Governmental Organizations Focusing On Gay, Lesbian Rights Non-Governmental Organizations Focusing On Gay, Lesbian Rights". Retrieved 2011-07-27. 
  18. ^ ILGA World Constitution, clause 7
  19. ^ ILGA World Constitution, clause 7.2
  20. ^ "ILGA decided to postpone the Conference". 2008-03-07. Retrieved 2011-07-27. 
  21. ^ "State Sponsored Homophobia Report 2011: Homo- & Transphobia Soon Rejected just like Sexism & Racism". Retrieved 2011-07-27. 


Bibliographic references

External links