After eight years of successful cooperation in 1977 iron foundry from Kikinda, Serbia and Opel signs contract about joint venture and long-term cooperation in manufacturing valid for 15 years. 78,5 millions of US dollars (51% by iron foundry from Kikinda and 49% by General Motors) have been invested in new established factory IDA-Kikinda.
First delivery of labored parts from two new factories in Kikinda (Livac and Metalac), took part in December 1979, starting official long-term cooperation in manufacturing.
By exporting half labored and fully labored components for first installment in Opel vehicles, import in ratio 1:1 has been enabled. Until economic sanctions imposed on SFRJ in April 1992, 38.700 units of Opel vehicles and large number of spare parts worth around 100 million German Marks have been imported. During 12 years of IDA-Opel manufacturing cooperation over 1,3 billions of German marks have been made from this trade (exchange).