
Classification and external resources
DiseasesDB 20764
MedlinePlus 003048
eMedicine ent/629
MeSH D012798

Hypersalivation (also called ptyalism[1] and sialorrhea[2] ) is excessive production of saliva. It has also been defined as increased amount of saliva in the mouth, which may also be caused by decreased clearance of saliva.[3]

Hypersalivation can contribute to drooling if there's inability to keep the mouth closed or in difficulty in swallowing the excess saliva.



Excessive production

Conditions that can cause saliva overproduction include:[3]

Medications that can cause overproduction of saliva include:[3]

Toxins that can cause hypersalivation include:[3]

Decreased clearance

Causes of decreased clearance of saliva include:[3]


Hypersalivation is optimally treated by treating or avoiding the underlying cause.[3] Mouthwash and tooth brushing may have significantly drying effects.[3]


  1. ^ thefreedictionary.com > ptyalism Citing:
    • Dorland's Medical Dictionary for Health Consumers. 2007
    • Mosby's Medical Dictionary, 8th edition. 2009
    • Saunders Comprehensive Veterinary Dictionary, 3 ed. 2007
  2. ^ thefreedictionary.com > sialorrhea Citing:
    • The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition, Updated in 2009.
  3. ^ a b c d e f g Medscape > Hypersalivation By Erica Brownfield. Posted: 05/19/2004
  4. ^ thefreedictionary.com > water brash Citing: Dorland's Medical Dictionary for Health Consumers. 2007