
HyperCITY has 10 stores operational across 7 cities viz. Mumbai (Malad, Thane & Vashi), Amritsar, Jaipur, Bengaluru, Bhopal, Ludhiana, Ahmedabad & Hyderabad. It offers a wide range of product in categories like Fresh produce, Foods and Grocery, Home, Bakery, electronics, Furniture, Sports, Toys & Apparel


HyperCITY Retail (India) Ltd. is part of the K. Raheja Corp. Group, a leader in the Indian retail sector. K Raheja Corp helped create retail boom in India with Shopper's Stop, Inorbit Mall and Crossword apart from their successes in realty and hospitality.

HyperCITY also offers other value added services like consumer finance, ATM facility, telecom services, pharmacy, Bakery and Restaurants etc under one roof. HyperCITY launched its first store in Malad, Mumbai, which is spread over 1,200,000 sq ft. Today, HyperCITY has accomplished a total of 12 stores since inception and have marked its presence in cities like Mumbai, Hyderabad, Bengaluru, Bhopal, Ludhiana, Amritsar, Ahmedabad and Jaipur,Pune & Ahemdabad. It offers over 44,000 products sourced from both local & global markets.


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