
Hydnangium carneum
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Fungi
Division: Basidiomycota
Class: Agaricomycetes
Order: Agaricales
Family: Hydnangiaceae
Gäum. & C.W.Dodge (1928)
Type genus
Wallr. (1839)


The Hydnangiaceae are a family of fungi in the order of mushrooms known as the Agaricales. Widespread in temperate and tropical regions throughout the world, the family contains approximately 30 species amongst 4 genera.[1] Species in the Hydnangiaceae form ectomycorrhizal relationships with various species of trees in both coniferous and deciduous forests.[2]



Taxa may have fruiting bodies with stems and caps (pileate-stipiate), or gasteroid (with internal spore production, like puffballs). When pileate the cap is glabrous to scaly, sometimes striate, typically orange-brown or violet in color; the gills are widely spaced, thick and waxy. In gasteroid forms, fruit body shape is irregular, with thin walls. Also, the peridium (the outer layer of the spore-bearing organ) is sometimes short-lasting (evanescent). Columella (the central, sterile part of the sporangium) may be absent or present, the hymenium are not gelatinized, and are formed in locules. Basidia are club-shaped (clavate), with two or four sterigmata, sometimes with accompanying cheilocystidia (cystidia on the edges of gills). Taxa have a widespread distribution in both temperate and tropical zones.[3]

Genera and species

Hydnangium have hypogeal fruiting bodies like truffles, with no stem, nor a columella.

  • Hydnangium carneum, Wallr. (1839) sometimes considered a truffle associated with Eucalyptus trees.

Laccaria have a 'typical' mushroom shape (pileate-stipiate)

  • Laccaria alba Zhu L. Yang & Lan Wang (2004)[4]
  • Laccaria amethystina
  • L. angustilamella Zhu L. Yang & Lan Wang (2004)[4]
  • Laccaria bicolor
  • L. fraterna, (Cooke & Massee) Pegler.
  • Laccaria laccata
  • L. maritima
  • L. proxima
  • L. pumila
  • L. purpureobadia
  • L. tetraspora
  • L. tortilis


  • Maccagnia carnica, Mattir. 1922

Podohydnangium have subepigeal fruiting bodies, with partially exposed gleba at the base, and have stem columella

  • Podohydnangium australe

See also


Beaton G, Pegler DN, Young TWK. 1984. Gasteroid Basidiomycota of Victoria State, Australia. I. Hydnangiaceae. Kew Bulletin 39(3):499-508.

  1. ^ Matheny PB, Curtis JM, Hofstetter V, et al. (2006). "Major clades of Agaricales: a multilocus phylogenetic overview". Mycologia 98 (6): 982–95. doi:10.3852/mycologia.98.6.982. PMID 17486974. 
  2. ^ Cannon PF, Kirk PM. (2007). Fungal Families of the World. Wallingford: CABI. p. 164. ISBN 0-85199-827-5. 
  3. ^ Mueller GM. (1997). "Distribution and species composition of Laccaria (Agaricales) in tropical and subtropical America". Revta Biol. Trop. 44: 131–5. 
  4. ^ a b Wang L, Yang ZL, Liu JH. (2004). Two new species of Laccaria (Basidiomycetes) from China". Nova Hedwiga 79 (3–4): 511–7.