
Evangelische Humiliatenorden (the Evangelical Order of Humiliati) is a German High Church Lutheran religious order, founded in 1921.

The foundation of the Humiliatenorden was inspired by Friedrich Heiler.[1] It is third orderlike with temporal vows. The order is Lutheran in its accentuation of sola gratia, while it is Catholic in its position on the sacrament and the church.[2] Under the direction of Abbot Richard Walter the Order was 1946 "placed completely in the services of the Una Sancta idea",[3] working for Lutheran - Roman Catholic ecumenism.


  1. ^ (German) "Diese 1921 gegründete Gemeinschaft geht auf Impulse Freidrich Heilers zurück"
  2. ^ Meland, Bernard E.: Friedrich Heiler and the High Church Movement in Germany (JSTOR)
  3. ^ Swidler, Leonard J.: The Ecumenical Vanguard: The History of the Una Sancta Movement