Home repair

Home repair involves the diagnosis and resolution of problems in a home, and is related to home maintenance to avoid such problems. Many types of repairs are "do it yourself" (DIY) projects, while others may be so complicated, time-consuming or risky as to suggest the assistance of a qualified handyman, property manager, contractor/builder, or other professionals. Repair is not necessarily the same as home improvement, although many improvements can result from repairs or maintenance. Often the costs of larger repairs will justify the alternative of investment in full-scale improvements. It may make just as much sense to upgrade a home system (with an improved one) as to repair it or incur ever-more-frequent and expensive maintenance for an inefficient, obsolete or dying system. For a DIY project, it is also useful to establish limits on how much time and money you're willing to invest before deciding a repair (or list of repairs) is overwhelming and discouraging, and less likely to ever be completed.


Worn, consumed, dull, dirty, clogged

Repairs often mean simple replacement of worn or used components intended to be periodically renewed by a homeowner, such as burnt out light bulbs, worn out batteries, or overfilled vacuum cleaner bags. Another class of home repairs relates to restoring something to a useful condition, such as sharpening tools or utensils, replacing leaky faucet washers, cleaning out plumbing traps, rain gutters. Because of the required precision, specialized tools, or hazards, some of these are best left to experts such as a plumber. One emergency repair that may be necessary in this area is overflowing toilets. Most of them have a shutoff valve on a pipe beneath or behind them so that the water supply can be turned off while repairs are made, either by removing a clog or repairing a broken mechanism.

Broken or damaged

Perhaps the most perplexing repairs facing a homeowner are broken or damaged things. In today's era of built-in obsolescence for many products, it is often more convenient to replace something rather than attempt to repair it. A repairman is faced with the tasks of accurately identifying the problem, then finding the materials, supplies, tools and skills necessary to sufficiently effect the repair. Some things, such as broken windows, appliances or furniture can be carried to a repair shop, but there are many repairs that can be performed easily enough, such as patching holes in plaster and drywall, cleaning stains, repairing cracked windows and their screens, or replacing a broken electrical switch or outlet. Other repairs may have some urgency, such as a broken water pipes, broken doors, latches or windows, or a leaky roof or water tank, and this factor can certainly justify calling for professional help. A home handyman may become adept at dealing with such immediate repairs, to avoid further damage or loss, until a professional can be summoned.


Periodic maintenance also falls under the general class of home repairs. These are inspections, adjustments, cleanings, or replacements that should be done regularly to ensure proper functioning of all the systems in a house, and to avoid costly emergencies. Examples include annual testing and adjustment of alarm systems, central heating or cooling systems (electrodes, thermocouples, and fuel filters), replacement of water treatment components or air-handling filters, purging of heating radiators and water tanks, defrosting a freezer, vacuuming refrigerator coils, refilling dry floor-drain traps with water, cleaning out rain gutters, downspouts and drains, touching up worn house paint and weather seals, and cleaning accumulated creosote out of chimney flues, which may be best left to a chimney sweep.

Examples of less frequent home maintenance that should be regularly forecast and budgeted include repainting or staining outdoor wood or metal, repainting masonry, waterproofing masonry, cleaning out septic systems, replacing sacrificial electrodes in water heaters, replacing old washing machine hoses (preferably with stainless steel hoses less likely to burst and cause a flood), and other home improvements such as replacement of obsolete or aging systems with limited useful lifetimes (water heaters, wood stoves, pumps, and asphaltic or wooden roof shingles and siding.

Often on the bottom of people's to-do list is home maintenance chores, such as landscaping, window and gutter cleaning, power washing the siding and hard-scape, etc. However, these maintenance chores pay for themselves over time. Often, injury could occur when operating heavy machinery or when climbing on ladders or roofs around your home, so if an individual is not in the proper physical condition to accomplish these chores, then they should consult a professional. Lack of maintenance will cost more due to higher costs associated with repairs or replacements to be made later. It requires discipline and learning aptitude to repair and maintain the home in good condition, but it is a satisfying experience to perform even seemingly minor repairs.

Fall Home Maintenance Checklist

When the summer ends and the weather is beginning to cool, there are important home maintenance tasks to tackle.
• Clean out gardens and trim back trees and shrubs as necessary
• Plant trees and turn over soil in vegetable garden
• Fertilize grass and reseed as necessary
• Inspect the chimney cap and vents for your fireplace and dryer to remove any debris
• Open septic tank and check the level - if it’s high or approaching a high level, call a pumping contractor (this should be done every three years regardless)
• Clean out gutters and drainpipes and ensure that downspouts are working well
• Drain and store outdoor hoses and hose bibs and turn off interior valves leading to outdoor faucets
• Cover the air conditioner and set to “off”. Or if it's a window air conditioning unit, remove and store for next summer.
• Remove screens and check the weather stripping around all windows and doors, repair and replace if necessary
• Disconnect the furnace power and inspect the forced-air fan belt for signs of wear and looseness
• For central sir systems, check that the drain pain under the cooling coil in your furnace plenum is clean and working well
• Change your furnace filter – this should be done each month during the winter as well
• Remove the floor grilles and vacuum out the ducts
• Vacuum around and in electric baseboard heaters to remove dust and debris
• Test your furnace by turning it to heat (don’t forget to light the pilot, if necessary) and raising the temperature until the system comes on – turn down to the desired level afterward
• Bleed the air from your hot water radiators
• Inspect the ducts from your furnace and throughout your home, repairing any cracks, tears and other damage
• Check that your sump pump is operating well and clean out any debris in the pit
• Check that your bathroom and range hood exhaust are working well and that the dampers open properly outside
• Test your smoke detectors, carbon monoxide detectors and security systems, replacing batteries as needed

Winter Home Maintenance Checklist

Once you have battened down the hatches in the fall, winter is a more restful time. Besides changing your furnace filter on a monthly basis, you need to do a few other things on a regular basis throughout the cold months. It’s also a good time to look at the plumbing and safety systems and the air flow in your home.
• Remove snow and ice as they build up in front of vents, gas meters, on walkways, and near basement windows and emergency exits
• Shovel driveway and keep clear of ice
• Watch roof for ice dams and dangerous icicles
• Furnace air filters need to be changed monthly, ventilation system filters can be done every other month
• Check your firewood supply and remove ash buildup in a wood burning appliance as necessary
• Clean your humidifier
• Pull out the refrigerator and freezer, vacuum out the radiator grilles and clean the floor underneath
• Go over the fire escape routes with your family and make sure the emergency exits are not blocked
• Replace washers on leaky faucets and replace any faucets necessary
• Clean out all the drains in your house
• Keep basement floor drain trap filled with water
• Run water through pipes that are used infrequently to prevent freezing and problems
• Inspect windows and doors for excessive condensation and ice buildup
• Note any drafts or cold air leaks that you find for repair in the warmer weather

Spring Home Maintenance Checklist

As the seasons change and the nice weather returns, more home maintenance tasks crop up.
• Clean out winter debris from the gardens and de-thatch the lawn
• Fertilize the grass, trees and the garden as necessary
• Mulch the gardens to reduce weeds and maintain moisture levels
• Watch for pests, their nests, and any damage that they may be causing around the home
• Clean out drains and ditches of debris
• Clean out gutters and drainpipes and ensure that downspouts are working well
• Level out any heaved deck or fence posts, as well as patio stones and stairs
• Stain or paint any wood decks or fences once they have had time to dry out, but before the heat sets in
• Inspect the foundation for cracks, splits, leaks, and any other damage
• After the last threat of frost has passed, open up hose valves and bibs and reattach the hoses
• Take off storm windows and put in screens, replacing or repairing wherever necessary
• Turn off the gas furnace heat and extinguish pilot light if applicable
• Clean the air conditioning filter or replace if necessary
• Switch on the air conditioning system and test in a similar fashion to the furnace test done in the fall
• Check dehumidifier and drain if necessary
• Turn off, clean out, and drain furnace humidifier if applicable and close the damper if you have central air
• Test your smoke detectors, carbon monoxide detectors, and security systems, replacing batteries as needed
• Change the furnace filter (monthly)
• Check that your sump pump is operating well and clean out any debris in the pit

Summer Home Maintenance Checklist

You may want to enjoy the summer and not be stuck doing home maintenance, but many of these jobs are fast and are best done in the warmth of this season.
• Repair or replace driveways, patios, and walkways
• Repaint wood frames on doors and windows
• Maintain the gardens, ensuring vines, roots and branches are not growing dangerously close to the house
• Keep vegetable garden, trees, flower gardens, and potted plants watered and fed
• Inspect the roof for any damage, wear and problems that may have arisen over the winter
• Inspect the siding and repair or replace as necessary
• Lubricate garage door openers and repair any hinges, handles, and locks on all doors
• Check all caulking and weather stripping around mechanical and electrical services, paying special attention to the main door in the garage
• Check the stability of railings and guardrails
• Check the operation of all windows
Deep clean rugs, carpets, and draperies
• Monitor the humidity in the basement, maintaining it at 60 percent
• Change the furnace filter (monthly)
• Keep basement floor drain trap filled with water

Good operations

Another related issue for avoiding costly repairs (or disasters) is the proper operation of a home, including systems and appliances, in a way that prevents damage or prolongs their usefulness. For example, at higher latitudes, even a clean rain gutter can suddenly build up an ice dam in winter, forcing melt water into unprotected roofing, resulting in leaks or even flooding inside walls or rooms. This can be prevented by installing moisture barrier beneath the roofing tiles. A wary homeowner should be alert to the conditions that can result in larger problems and take remedial action before damage or injury occurs. It may be easier to tack down a bit of worn carpet than repair a large patch damaged by prolonged misuse. Another example is to seek out the source of unusual noises or smells when mechanical, electrical or plumbing systems are operating -- sometimes they indicate incipient problems. One should avoid overloading or otherwise misusing systems, and a recurring overload may indicate time for an upgrade.

Water infiltration is one of the most insidious sources of home damage. Small leaks can lead to water stains, and rotting wood. Soft, rotten wood is an inviting target for termites and other wood-damaging insects. Left unattended, a small leak can lead to significant structural damage, necessitating the replacement of beams and framing.

With a useful selection of tools, typical materials and supplies on hand, and some home repair information or experience, a homeowner or handyman should be able to carry out a large number of DIY home repairs and identify those that will need the specialized attention of others.

Remediation of environmental problems

When a home is sold, inspections are performed that may reveal environmental hazards such as radon gas in the basement or water supply or friable asbestos materials (both of which can cause lung cancer), peeling or disturbed lead paint (a risk to children and pregnant women), inground heating oil tanks that may contaminate ground water, or mold that can cause problems for those with asthma or allergies. Typically the buyer or mortgage lender will require these conditions to be repaired before allowing the purchase to close. An entire industry of environmental remediation contractors has developed to help home owners resolve these types of problems.

See also


  1. ^ http://www.homeinspector.com/home-maintenance-guide.html

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