HollyŁódź (Polish pronunciation: [ˌxɔliˈwut͡ɕ], word-play consisting of Hollywood and Łódź, O.S.T.R.'s native city) is an album released by polish rapper O.S.T.R. in 2007.
Track listing
- "Intro"
- "Brzydki, zły i szczery" (Ugly, Bad and Sincere)
- "Brother on the run" (feat. Craig G)
- "Daj mi pracę" (Give me some Work)
- "Do tego bitu" (To this Beat)
- "Historia stylu" (Style History)
- "Cokolwiek ziom" (Whatever, Dude/Homie)
- "Czarna miłość" (feat. Dirty Diggers) (Black Love)
- "Szkoła latania" (Flying School)
- "Czysty biznes" (Pure Business)
- "LWC" (feat. LWC - O.S.T.R. & Afront)
- "Afery kosztem nas" (Affairs at our cost)
- "Reprezentuj" (feat. Zeus & Kochan) (Represent)
- "Chciwość" (Greed)
- "15 metrów kwadratowych" (15 Square Meters)
- "Haem bracie to zabija" (Haem Brother this Kills)
- "Ostatni taki sort" (The Last Sort of its Kind)
- "Powrót do przeszłości" (A Return to the Past)
- "Po co?" (feat. Dan Fresh (Skill Mega) & Modry (Koncept)) (What For?)
- "Brat, nikt mi tego nie zabroni..." (Brother, No one can forbid me from doing this)
- "Chwila na refleksje" (A Moment to Reflect)
- "Dzięki" (Thanks)