Hokuriku dialect

The Hokuriku dialect (北陸方言 Hokuriku hōgen?) is a Japanese dialect group spoken in Hokuriku region, consists of Fukui Prefecture, Ishikawa Prefecture, Toyama Prefecture, and Sado Island in Niigata Prefecture. Grammar is related to Kansai dialect, for example, ya copula and n negative form are also used in Hokuriku.



The dialects of Fukui Prefecture are Fukui dialect (福井弁 Fukui-ben?) spoken in the northern part, and the Wakasa dialect (若狭弁 Wakasa-ben?) spoken in the southern part. Because Fukui close to Kansai on the south, Wakasa-ben resembles Kansai-ben closely, while Fukui-ben exhibits changes in pronouncing the sounds of words to make the pronunciation more convenient.

Fukui dialect Standard Japanese English meaning (rough translation)
ほやほや はい or そうですよ "Yes," or "That's true."
つるつるいっぱい used when a cup is very full, almost overflowing
もつけねー かわいそう "That's too bad."
てきねー きぶんがわるい "I don't feel good."
ぎょうさん たくさん many
おおきに ありがとう "Thank you."
きんの きのう yesterday
ものごい or えらい つらい painful
ねまる すわる sit down
おぞい ふるい or よくない old, or not good
じゃみじゃみ すなあらし TV static (onomatopoeia)
てなわん いじわるい or やんちゃな naughty or mischievous
えん いない is not (people or animals only)
もたもた ぐずぐず slowly
よさり よる night
なげる すてる throw away
おとましい もったいない wasteful


The dialects of Ishikawa Prefecture are Kaga dialect (加賀弁 Kaga-ben?), spoken in the southern part, and the Noto dialect (能登弁 Noto-ben?), spoken in the northern part. Kaga-ben has the Kanazawa dialect (金沢弁 Kanazawa-ben?) spoken in Kanazawa and the Shiramine dialect (白峰弁 Shiramine-ben?), also Gige dialect (ジゲ弁 Gige-ben?) spoken in Shiramine, a village at the foot of Mount Haku. Kanazawa is a capital of Ishikawa, so Kanazawa-ben is a influential dialect.

The most famous phrase in Kanazawa-ben is the soft imperative suffix -masshi (~まっし), meaning -nasai (~なさい) in standard Japanese. This phrase is often used in catch phrases for visitors of Kanazawa, for example, Kimasshi Kanazawa! (来まっし、金沢! Come to Kanazawa!).

Recent works on Kanazawa-ben


The dialects of Toyama is called Toyama dialect (富山弁 Toyama-ben?) or Etchu dialect (越中弁 Etchu-ben?) and consists of West (Gosei, 呉西), East (Gotō, 呉東) and Gokayama.

Instead of the colloquial shitte iru ka? (知っているか? Do you know?), speakers of the Toyama-ben will ask, shittokke? (知っとっけ?).

When expressing that something is incorrect, instead of saying the standard phrase iie (いいえ), users of the dialect will say naan (なあん), with a rising tone.

Other regional distinctions include words like kitokito (キトキト fresh or delicious) and ikiiki (イキイキ energetic).

Other features : "kore" (これ "this")/"ka" or "ko", "sore" (それ "that")/"sa" or "so".

Toyama-ben speakers sometimes put "ze" instead of "ne" at the end of the sentence.


In Sado lsland, the Sado dialect (佐渡弁 Sado-ben?) is spoken.

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