Hitchin functional

The Hitchin functional is a mathematical concept with applications in string theory that was introduced by the British mathematician Nigel Hitchin.[1]

As with Hitchin's introduction of generalized complex manifolds, this is an example of a mathematical tool found useful in theoretical physics.


Formal definition

This is the definition for 6-manifolds. The definition in Hitchin's article is more general, but more abstract.

Let M be a compact, oriented 6-manifold with trivial canonical bundle. Then the Hitchin functional is a functional on 3-forms defined by the formula:

\Phi(\Omega) = \int_M \Omega \wedge * \Omega,

where \Omega is a 3-form and * denotes the Hodge star operator.


The proof of the theorem in Hitchin's article [1] is relatively straightforward. The power of this concept is in the converse statement: if the exact form \Phi(\Omega) is known, we only have to look at its critical points to find the possible complex structures.

Use in string theory

Hitchin functionals arise in many areas of string theory. An example is the compactifications of the 10-dimensional string with a subsequent orientifold projection \kappa using an involution \nu. In this case, M is the internal 6 (real) dimensional Calabi-Yau space. The couplings to the complexified Kähler coordinates \tau is given by

g_{ij} = \tau \text{im} \int \tau i^*(\nu \cdot \kappa \tau).

The potential function is the functional V[J] = \int J \wedge J \wedge J, where J is the almost complex structure. Both are Hitchin functionals.[2]


  1. ^ a b The original article by Hitchin http://arxiv.org/abs/math/0010054
  2. ^ Hitchin functional in orientifold projections http://arxiv.org/abs/hep-th/0412277