History of Wikipedia

The earliest known proposal for an online encyclopedia was made by Rick Gates in 1993,[1] but the concept of an open source web-based online encyclopedia was proposed by Richard Stallman around 1999.[2] Wikipedia was formally launched on 15 January 2001 by Jimmy Wales and Larry Sanger, using the concept and technology of a wiki pioneered by Ward Cunningham. Initially, Wikipedia was created to complement Nupedia, an online encyclopedia project edited solely by experts, by providing additional draft articles and ideas for it. Wikipedia quickly overtook Nupedia, becoming a global project in multiple languages and inspiring a wide range of additional reference projects. As of December 2011, Wikipedia includes over 20 million freely usable articles in 282 languages,[3] written by over 31 million registered users and countless anonymous contributors worldwide[4][5][6] and visited monthly by around 14.5% of all internet users.[7]


History overview


The thought of gathering all of the world's knowledge in a single place goes back to the ancient Library of Alexandria and Pergamon, but the modern concept of a general purpose, widely distributed, printed encyclopedia dates from shortly before Denis Diderot and the 18th century encyclopedists. The idea of using automated machinery beyond the printing press to build a more useful encyclopedia can be traced to Paul Otlet's book Traité de documentation (1934; Otlet also founded the Mundaneum institution, 1910), H. G. Wells' book of essays World Brain (1938) and Vannevar Bush's future vision of the microfilm based Memex in As We May Think (1945).[8] Another milestone was Ted Nelson's hypertext design Project Xanadu, begun in 1960.[8]

While previous encyclopedias, notably the Encyclopædia Britannica were book-based, Microsoft's Encarta published in 1993, was available on CD-ROM, and hyperlinked.

With the development of the web, many people attempted to develop Internet encyclopedia projects. An early proposal was Interpedia in 1993 by Rick Gates;[1] but this project died before generating any encyclopedic content. Free software exponent Richard Stallman described the usefulness of a "Free Universal Encyclopedia and Learning Resource" in 1999.[2] His published document "aims to lay out what the free encyclopedia needs to do, what sort of freedoms it needs to give the public, and how we can get started on developing it." On 17 January 2001, two days after the start of Wikipedia, the Free Software Foundation's GNUPedia project went online, competing with Nupedia,[9] but today the FSF encourages people "to visit and contribute to [Wikipedia]".[10]

Formulation of the concept

Wikipedia was initially conceived as a feeder project for Nupedia, an earlier project to produce a free online encyclopedia, volunteered by Bomis, a web-advertising-selling firm owned by Jimmy Wales, Tim Shell and Michael E. Davis.[11][12][13] Nupedia was founded upon the use of highly qualified volunteer contributors and an elaborate multi-step peer review process. Despite its mailing-list of interested editors, and the presence of a full-time editor-in-chief, Larry Sanger, a graduate philosophy student hired by Wales,[14] the writing of content was extremely slow with only 12 articles written during the first year.[13]

Wales and Sanger discussed various ways to create content more rapidly.[12] The idea of a wiki-based complement originated from a conversation between Larry Sanger and Ben Kovitz.[15][16][17] Ben Kovitz was a computer programmer and regular on Ward Cunningham's revolutionary wiki "the WikiWikiWeb". He explained to Sanger what wikis were, at that time a difficult concept to understand, over a dinner on 2 January 2001.[15][16][17][18] Wales first stated, in October 2001, that "Larry had the idea to use Wiki software",[19] though he later claimed in December 2005 that Jeremy Rosenfeld, a Bomis employee, introduced him to the concept.[20][21][22][23] Sanger thought a wiki would be a good platform to use, and proposed on the Nupedia mailing list that a wiki based upon UseModWiki (then v. 0.90) be set up as a "feeder" project for Nupedia. Under the subject "Let's make a wiki", he wrote:

No, this is not an indecent proposal. It's an idea to add a little feature to Nupedia. Jimmy Wales thinks that many people might find the idea objectionable, but I think not. (…) As to Nupedia's use of a wiki, this is the ULTIMATE "open" and simple format for developing content. We have occasionally bandied about ideas for simpler, more open projects to either replace or supplement Nupedia. It seems to me wikis can be implemented practically instantly, need very little maintenance, and in general are very low-risk. They're also a potentially great source for content. So there's little downside, as far as I can determine.

Wales set one up and put it online on 10 January 2001.[24]

Founding of Wikipedia

There was considerable resistance on the part of Nupedia's editors and reviewers to the idea of associating Nupedia with a wiki-style website. Sanger suggested giving the new project its own name, Wikipedia, and Wikipedia was soon launched on its own domain, wikipedia.com, on 15 January 2001.

The bandwidth and server (located in San Diego) used for these projects were donated by Bomis. Many current and past Bomis employees have contributed some content to the encyclopedia: notably Tim Shell, co-founder and current CEO of Bomis, and programmer Jason Richey.

In December 2008, Wales stated that he made Wikipedia's first edit, a test edit with the text "Hello, World!".[25] The oldest article still preserved is the article UuU, created on 16 January 2001, at 21:08 UTC.[26][27]

The project received many new participants after being mentioned on the Slashdot website in July 2001,[28] with two minor mentions in March 2001.[29][30] It then received a prominent pointer to a story on the community-edited technologies and culture website Kuro5hin on 25 July.[31] Between these relatively rapid influxes of traffic, there had been a steady stream of traffic from other sources, especially Google, which alone sent hundreds of new visitors to the site every day. Its first major mainstream media coverage was in the New York Times on 20 September 2001.[32]

The project passed 1,000 articles around 12 February 2001, and 10,000 articles around 7 September. In the first year of its existence, over 20,000 encyclopedia entries were created—a rate of over 1,500 articles per month. On 30 August 2002, the article count reached 40,000.

Wikipedia's earliest edits were long believed lost, since the original UseModWiki software deleted old data after about a month. On the eve of Wikipedia's 10th anniversary, December 14, 2010, developer Tim Starling found backups on SourceForge containing every change made to Wikipedia from its creation in January 2001 to August 17, 2001.[33]

Namespaces, subdomains, and internationalization

Early in Wikipedia's development, it began to expand internationally, with the creation of new namespaces, each with a distinct set of usernames. The first subdomain created for a non-English Wikipedia was deutsche.wikipedia.com (created on 16 March 2001, 01:38 UTC),[34] followed after a few hours by Catalan.wikipedia.com (at 13:07 UTC).[35] The Japanese Wikipedia, started as nihongo.wikipedia.com, was created around that period,[36][37] and initially used only Romanized Japanese. For about two months Catalan was the one with the most articles in a non-English language,[38][39] although statistics of that early period are imprecise.[40] The French Wikipedia was created on or around 11 May 2001,[41] in a wave of new language versions that also included Chinese, Dutch, Esperanto, Hebrew, Italian, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, and Swedish.[42] These languages were soon joined by Arabic[43] and Hungarian.[44][45] In September 2001, an announcement pledged commitment to the multilingual provision of Wikipedia,[46] notifying users of an upcoming roll-out of Wikipedias for all major languages, the establishment of core standards, and a push for the translation of core pages for the new wikis. At the end of that year, when international statistics first began to be logged, Afrikaans, Norwegian, and Serbian versions were announced.[47]

In January 2002, 90% of all Wikipedia articles were in English. By January 2004, less than 50% were English, and this internationalization has continued to increase. As of 2007, around 75% of all Wikipedia articles are contained within non-English Wikipedia versions.


In March 2002, following the withdrawal of funding by Bomis during the dot-com bust, Larry Sanger left both Nupedia and Wikipedia.[48] By 2004 Sanger and Wales had differences in their views on how best to manage open encyclopedias. Both still supported the open-collaboration concept, but the two differed on how best to handle disruptive editors, specific roles for experts, and the best way to guide the project to success.

Wales, a believer in communal governance and "hands off" executive management, went on to establish self-governance and bottom-up self-direction by editors on Wikipedia. He made it clear that he would not be involved in the community's day-to-day management, but would encourage it to learn to self-manage and find its own best approaches. As of 2007, Wales mostly restricts his own role to occasional input on serious matters, executive activity, advocacy of knowledge, and encouragement of similar reference projects.

Sanger says he is an "inclusionist" and is open to almost anything.[49] He proposed that experts still have a place in the Web 2.0 world. He returned briefly to academia, then after joining the Digital Universe Foundation, went on in 2006 to found Citizendium, an open encyclopedia which used real names for contributors intended to reduce disruptive editing, and hoped to facilitate "gentle expert guidance" to increase the accuracy of its content. Decisions about article content were to be up to the community, but the site was to include a statement[50] about "family-friendly content." He stated early on that he intended to leave in a few years, by which time the project and its management should be established.[51]


The Wikipedia project has grown rapidly in the course of its life, at several levels. Individual wikis have grown organically through the addition of new articles, new wikis have been added in English and non-English languages, and entire new projects replicating these growth methods in other related areas (news, quotations, reference books and so on) have been founded as well. Respectively, Wikipedia itself has grown, with the creation of the Wikimedia Foundation to act as an umbrella body and the growth of software and policies to address the needs of the editorial community. These are documented below:

Foundation–late 2001  
December 6, 2001 –October 12, 2003  
October 13, 2003–May 13, 2010  
May 13, 2010–present  

Historical overview by year

Articles summarizing each year are held within the Wikipedia project namespace and are linked to below. Additional resources for research are available within the Wikipedia records and archives, and are listed at the end of this article.


In March 2000, the Nupedia project was started. Its intention was to have articles written by experts which would be licensed as free content. Nupedia was founded by Jimmy Wales, with Larry Sanger as editor-in-chief, and funded by Bomis.[52]


In January 2001, Wikipedia began as a side-project of Nupedia, to allow collaboration on articles prior to entering the peer-review process.[53] The wikipedia.com and wikipedia.org domain names were registered on 12 January 2001[54] and 13 January 2001,[55] respectively, with wikipedia.org being brought online on the same day.[56] The project formally opened on 15 January ("Wikipedia Day"), with the first international Wikipedias – the French, German, Catalan, Swedish, and Italian editions – being created between March and May. The "neutral point of view" (NPOV) policy was officially formulated at this time, and Wikipedia's first slashdotter wave arrived on 26 July.[28] The first media report about Wikipedia appeared in August 2001 in the newspaper Wales on Sunday.[57] The 11 September 2001 terrorist attacks spurred the appearance of breaking news stories on the homepage, as well as information boxes linking related articles.[58]


2002 saw the end of funding from Bomis and the departure of Larry Sanger. The forking of the Spanish Wikipedia also took place with the establishment of the Enciclopedia Libre. The first portable Mediawiki software went live on 25 January. Bots were introduced, Jimmy Wales confirmed that Wikipedia would never run commercial advertising, and the first sister project (Wiktionary) and first formal Manual of Style were launched. A separate board of directors to supervise the project was proposed and initially discussed at Meta-Wikipedia.


The English Wikipedia passed 100,000 articles in 2003, while the next largest edition, the German Wikipedia, passed 10,000. The Wikimedia Foundation was established, and Wikipedia adopted its jigsaw world logo. Mathematical formulae using TeX were reintroduced to the website. The first Wikipedian social meeting took place in Munich, Germany, in October. The basic principles of Wikipedia's Arbitration system and committee (known colloquially as "Arbcom") were developed, mostly by Florence Devouard, Fred Bauder and other early Wikipedians.


The worldwide Wikipedia article pool continued to grow rapidly in 2004, doubling in size in 12 months, from under 500,000 articles in late 2003 to over 1 million in over 100 languages by the end of 2004. The English Wikipedia accounted for just under than half of these articles. The website's server farms were moved from California to Florida, Categories and CSS style configuration sheets were introduced, and the first attempt to block Wikipedia occurred, with the website being blocked in China for two weeks in June. The formal election of a board and Arbitration Committee began. The first formal projects were proposed to deliberately balance content and seek out systemic bias arising from Wikipedia's community structure.

Bourgeois v. Peters,[59] (11th Cir. 2004), a court case decided by the United States Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit was one of the earliest court opinions to cite and quote Wikipedia. It stated: "We also reject the notion that the Department of Homeland Security's threat advisory level somehow justifies these searches. Although the threat level was "elevated" at the time of the protest, "to date, the threat level has stood at yellow (elevated) for the majority of its time in existence. It has been raised to orange (high) six times."[59]


In 2005, Wikipedia became the most popular reference website on the Internet, according to Hitwise, with the English Wikipedia alone exceeding 750,000 articles. Wikipedia's first multilingual and subject portals were established in 2005. A formal fundraiser held in the first quarter of the year raised almost US$100,000 for system upgrades to handle growing demand. China again blocked Wikipedia in October 2005.

The first major Wikipedia scandal occurred in 2005, when a well-known figure was found to have a vandalized biography which had gone unnoticed for months. In the wake of this and other concerns,[60] the first policy and system changes specifically designed to counter this form of abuse were established. These included a new Checkuser privilege policy update to assist in sock puppetry investigations, a new feature called semi-protection, a more strict policy on biographies of living people and the tagging of such articles for stricter review. A restriction of new article creation to registered users only was put in place in December 2005.[61]


The English Wikipedia gained its 1 millionth article, Jordanhill railway station, on 1 March 2006. The first approved Wikipedia article selection was made freely available to download, and "Wikipedia" became registered as a trademark of the Wikimedia Foundation. The congressional aides biography scandals – multiple incidents in which congressional staffers and a campaign manager were caught trying to covertly alter Wikipedia biographies – came to public attention, leading to the resignation of the campaign manager. Nonetheless, Wikipedia was rated as one of the top 2006 global brands.[62]

Jimmy Wales indicated at Wikimania 2006 that Wikipedia had achieved sufficient volume and calls for an emphasis on quality, perhaps best expressed in the call for 100,000 feature-quality articles. A new privilege, "oversight", was created, allowing specific versions of archived pages with unacceptable content to be marked as non-viewable. Semi-protection against anonymous vandalism, introduced in 2005, proved more popular than expected, with over 1,000 pages being semi-protected at any given time in 2006.


Wikipedia continued to grow rapidly in 2007, possessing over 5 million registered editor accounts by August 2011.[63] The 250 language editions of Wikipedia contained a combined total of 7.5 million articles, totalling 1.74 billion words in approximately 250 languages, by 13 August.[64] The English Wikipedia gained articles at a steady rate of 1,700 a day,[65] with the wikipedia.org domain name ranked the 10th-busiest on the Internet (See Wikipedia:Statistics). Wikipedia continued to garner visibility in the press – the Essjay controversy broke when a prominent member of Wikipedia was found to have lied about his credentials. Citizendium, a competing online encyclopedia, launched publicly. A new trend developed in Wikipedia, with the encyclopedia addressing people whose notability stemmed from being a participant in a news story by adding a redirect from their name to the larger story, rather creating a distinct biographical article.[66]


Various WikiProjects in many areas continued to expand and refine article contents within their scope. In April 2008, the 10-millionth overall Wikipedia article was created, and by the end of the year the English Wikipedia exceeded 2.5 million articles.


In August 2009, the number of articles in all Wikipedia editions totalled 14 million.[4] The three-millionth article on the English Wikipedia was created on 17 August 2009 at 04:05 UTC.[67] On 27 December 2009, the German Wikipedia exceeded one million articles, becoming the second edition after the English Wikipedia to do so. A TIME magazine article listed Wikipedia among 2009's best websites.[68]

The Arbitration Committee of the English Wikipedia decided in May 2009 to restrict access to its site from Church of Scientology IP addresses, to prevent self-serving edits by Scientologists.[69][70][71] A "host of anti-Scientologist editors" were also topic-banned.[70][71] The committee concluded that both sides had "gamed policy" and resorted to "battlefield tactics", with articles on living persons being the "worst casualties".[70] Wikipedia content became licensed under Creative Commons in 2009.


On March 24, the European Wikipedia servers went offline due to an overheating problem. Failover to servers in Florida turned out to be broken, causing DNS resolution for Wikipedia to fail across the world. The problem was resolved quickly, but due to DNS caching effects, some areas were slower to regain access to Wikipedia than others.[72][73]

On May 13, the site released a new interface. New features included an updated logo, new navigation tools, and a link wizard.[74] However, the classic interface remained available for those who wished to use it. On December 12, the English Wikipedia passed the 3.5-million-article mark, while the French Wikipedia's millionth article was created on 21 September. The 1,000,000,000th Wikimedia project edit was performed on April 16.[75]


Wikipedia and its users held hundreds of celebrations worldwide to commemorate the site's 10th anniversary on 15 January.[76] The site began efforts to expand its growth in India, holding its first Indian conference in Mumbai in November 2011.[77][78] The English Wikipedia passed the 3.6-million-article mark on 2 April, and reached 3.8 million articles on 18 November. On 7 November 2011, the German Wikipedia exceeded 100 million page edits, becoming the second language edition to do so after the English edition, which attained 500 million page edits on 24 November 2011. The Dutch Wikipedia exceeded 1 million articles on 17 December 2011, becoming the fourth Wikipedia edition to do so.

Between 4 October and 6 October 2011, the Italian Wikipedia became intentionally inaccessible in protest against the Italian Parliament's proposed DDL intercettazioni law, which, if approved, would allow any person to force websites to remove information that is perceived as untrue or offensive, without the need to provide evidence.[79]


As of January 2012, Wikipedia is the world's sixth-most-popular website according to Alexa Internet,[7] with a combined total of 20.7 million articles across all language editions.[3] It is estimated that Wikipedia receives more than 10 billion global pageviews every month,[80] of which 2.7 billion are from the United States alone.[81]

History by subject area

Hardware and software

The software that runs Wikipedia, and the hardware, server farms and other systems upon which Wikipedia relies.

Look and feel

The external face of Wikipedia, its look and feel, and the Wikipedia branding, as presented to users.

Internal structures

Landmarks in the Wikipedia community, and the development of its organization, internal structures, and policies.
  • The policy for "Checkuser" (a MediaWiki extension to assist detection of abuse via internet sock-puppetry) was established in November 2005.[100] Checkuser function had previously existed, but was viewed more as a system tool at the time, so there had been no need for a policy covering use on a more routine basis.[101]
  • Creation of new pages on the English Wikipedia was restricted to editors who had created a user account.[102]
  • The introduction and rapid adoption of the policy Wikipedia:Biographies of living people, giving a far tighter quality control and fact-check system to biographical articles related to living people.
  • The "semi-protection" function and policy,[103] allowing pages to be protected so that only those with an account could edit.

The Wikimedia Foundation and legal structures

Legal and organizational structure of the Wikimedia Foundation, its executive, and its activities as a foundation.

Projects and milestones

Sister projects and milestones related to articles, user base, and other statistics.


Every year, Wikipedia runs a fundraising campaign to support its operations.

External impact

Effect of biographical articles

Because Wikipedia biographies are often updated as soon as new information comes to light, they are often used as a reference source on the lives of notable people. This has led to attempts to manipulate and falsify Wikipedia articles for promotional or defamatory purposes (see Controversies). It has also led to novel uses of the biographical material provided. Some notable people's lives are being affected by their Wikipedia biography.

Early roles of Wales and Sanger

Both Wales and Sanger played important roles in the early stages of Wikipedia. Sanger initially brought the wiki concept to Wales and suggested it be applied to Nupedia and then, after some initial skepticism, Wales agreed to try it.[16] To Wales is ascribed the broader idea of an encyclopedia to which non-experts could contribute, i.e. Wikipedia; Sanger wrote, "To be clear, the idea of an open source, collaborative encyclopedia, open to contribution by ordinary people, was entirely Jimmy's, not mine" (emphasis in original text). He also wrote, "Jimmy, of course, deserves enormous credit for investing in and guiding Wikipedia."[13] Wales stated in October 2001 that "Larry had the idea to use Wiki software."[19] Sanger coined the portmanteau "Wikipedia" as the project name.[13] In review, Larry Sanger conceived of a wiki-based encyclopedia as a strategic solution to Nupedia's inefficiency problems.[136] In terms of project roles, Sanger spearheaded and pursued the project as its leader in its first year, and did most of the early work in formulating policies (including "Ignore all rules"[137] and "Neutral point of view"[48]) and building up the community.[136] Upon departure in March 2002, Sanger emphasized the main issue was purely the cessation of Bomis' funding for his role, which was not viable part-time, and his changing personal priorities;[14] however, by 2004, the two had drifted apart and Sanger became more critical. Two weeks after the launch of Citizendium, Sanger criticized Wikipedia, describing the latter as "broken beyond repair."[138] In 2002 Sanger parted ways with Wikipedia; by 2005 Wales began to dispute Sanger's role in the project, three years after Sanger left.[139][140][141]

In 2005, Wales described himself simply as the founder of Wikipedia;[139] however, according to Brian Bergstein of the Associated Press, "Sanger has long been cited as a co-founder."[136] There is evidence that Sanger was called co-founder, along with Wales, as early as 2001, and he is referred to as such in early Wikipedia press releases and Wikipedia articles and in a September 2001 New York Times article for which both were interviewed.[142] In 2006, Wales said, "He used to work for me [...] I don't agree with calling him a co-founder, but he likes the title";[143] nonetheless, before January 2004, Wales did not dispute Sanger's status as co-founder[144] and, indeed, identified himself as "co-founder" as late as August 2002.[145]

As of March 2007: Wales emphasized this employer–employee relationship and his ultimate authority, terming himself Wikipedia's sole founder; and Sanger emphasized their statuses as co-founders, referencing earlier versions of Wikipedia pages (2004, 2006), press releases (2002–2004), and media coverage from the time of his involvement routinely terming them in this manner.[136][142][146][147]


Notable forks and derivatives

See this page for a partial list of Wikipedia mirrors and forks. No list of sites utilizing the software is maintained. A significant number of sites use the MediaWiki software and concept, popularized by Wikipedia.

Specialized foreign language forks using the Wikipedia concept include Enciclopedia Libre (Spanish), Wikiweise (German), WikiZnanie (Russian), Susning.nu (Swedish), and Baidu Baike (Chinese). Some of these (such as Enciclopedia Libre) use GFDL or compatible licenses as used by Wikipedia, leading to exchange of material with their respective language Wikipedias.

In 2006, Larry Sanger founded Citizendium, based upon a modified version of MediaWiki.[173] The site cited its aims were 'to improve on the Wikipedia model with "gentle expert oversight", among other things'.[51][174] (see also Nupedia).

Publication on other media

The German Wikipedia was the first to be partly published also using other media (rather than online on the internet), including releases on CD in November 2004[175] and more extended versions on CDs or DVD in April 2005 and December 2006. In December 2005, the publisher Zenodot Verlagsgesellschaft mbH, a sister company of Directmedia, published a 139 page book explaining Wikipedia, its history and policies, which was accompanied by a 7.5 GB DVD containing 300,000 articles and 100,000 images from the German Wikipedia.[176] Originally, Directmedia also announced plans to print the German Wikipedia in its entirety, in 100 volumes of 800 pages each. Publication was due to begin in October 2006, and finish in 2010. In March 2006, however, this project was called off.[177]

In September 2008, Bertelsmann published a 1000 pages volume with a selection of popular German Wikipedia articles. Bertelsmann paid voluntarily 1 Euro per sold copy to Wikimedia Deutschland.[178]

The first CD version containing a selection of articles from the English Wikipedia was published in April 2006 by SOS Children as the 2006 Wikipedia CD Selection.[179] In April 2007, "Wikipedia Version 0.5", a CD containing around 2000 articles selected from the online encyclopedia was published by the Wikimedia Foundation and Linterweb. The selection of articles included was based on both the quality of the online version and the importance of the topic to be included. This CD version was created as a test-case in preparation for a DVD version including far more articles.[180][181] The CD version can be purchased online, downloaded as a DVD image file or Torrent file, or accessed online at the project's website.

A free software project has also been launched to make a static version of Wikipedia available for use on iPods. The "Encyclopodia" project was started around March 2006 and can currently be used on 1st to 4th generation iPods.[182]


In limited ways, the Wikimedia Foundation is protected by Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act. In the defamation action Bauer et al. v. Glatzer et al., it was held that Wikimedia had no case to answer due to the provisions of this section.[183] A similar law in France caused a lawsuit to be dismissed in October 2007.[184]

See also


  1. ^ a b "PACS-L Listserv message "The Internet Encyclopedia", Oct 25, 1993". Listserv.uh.edu. 25 October 1993. http://listserv.uh.edu/cgi-bin/wa?A2=ind9310d&L=pacs-l&T=0&P=1418. Retrieved 13 April 2010. 
  2. ^ a b "The Free Universal Encyclopedia and Learning Resource". http://www.gnu.org/encyclopedia/free-encyclopedia.html. 
  3. ^ a b Wikimedia List of Wikipedias - Grand Total. Retrieved 21 November 2011.
  4. ^ a b "Wikipedia Statistics, Article count (official)", Wikimedia.org. Retrieved 2011-11-21.
  5. ^ "Wikipedia Statistics, Site Map", Wikimedia.org. Retrieved 2011-10-15.
  6. ^ "Wikipedia Statistics, All Languages", Wikimedia.org. Retrieved 2011-10-15.
  7. ^ a b Site Info. Alexa.com. Retrieved 2012-01-04.
  8. ^ a b Reagle, Joseph: Good Faith Collaboration. The Culture of Wikipedia. MIT Press 2010, ISBN 978-0-262-01447-2. Chapter 2: "The Pursuit of the Universal Encyclopedia"
  9. ^ "Slashdot Comments | GNUPedia Project Starting". Slashdot.org. 17 January 2001. http://slashdot.org/comments.pl?sid=9990&threshold=1&commentsort=0&mode=thread&cid=502603. Retrieved 13 April 2010. 
  10. ^ "The Free Encyclopedia Project". http://www.gnu.org/encyclopedia/. 
  11. ^ Poe, Marshall (September 2006). "The Hive". The Atlantic Monthly. http://www.theatlantic.com/doc/200609/wikipedia/. Retrieved 25 March 2007. "Wales and Sanger created the first Nupedia wiki on 10 January 2001. The initial purpose was to get the public to add entries that would then be “fed into the Nupedia process” of authorization. Most of Nupedia’s expert volunteers, however, wanted nothing to do with this, so Sanger decided to launch a separate site called “Wikipedia.” Neither Sanger nor Wales looked on Wikipedia as anything more than a lark. This is evident in Sanger’s flip announcement of Wikipedia to the Nupedia discussion list. “Humor me,” he wrote. “Go there and add a little article. It will take all of five or ten minutes.” And, to Sanger’s surprise, go they did. Within a few days, Wikipedia outstripped Nupedia in terms of quantity, if not quality, and a small community developed. In late January, Sanger created a Wikipedia discussion list (Wikipedia-L) to facilitate discussion of the project." 
  12. ^ a b Sidener, Jonathan (6 December 2004). "Everyone's Encyclopedia". The San Diego Union-Tribune. http://www.signonsandiego.com/uniontrib/20041206/news_mz1b6encyclo.html. Retrieved 25 March 2007. 
  13. ^ a b c d "The Early History of Nupedia and Wikipedia: A Memoir – Part I" and "Part II", Slashdot, April 2005. Retrieved on 25 March 2007. "The actual development of this encyclopedia was the task he gave me to work on. So I arrived in San Diego in early February, 2000, to get to work. One of the first things I asked Jimmy is how free a rein I had in designing the project. What were my constraints, and in what areas was I free to exercise my own creativity? He replied, as I clearly recall, that most of the decisions should be mine; and in most respects, as a manager, Jimmy was indeed very hands-off. Nevertheless, I always did consult with him about important decisions, and moreover, I wanted his advice. Now, Jimmy was quite clear that he wanted the project to be in principle open to everyone to develop, just as open source software is (to an extent). Beyond this, however, I believe I was given a pretty free rein. So I spent the first month or so thinking very broadly about different possibilities." —Larry Sanger.
  14. ^ a b My resignation: Larry Sanger (meta.wikimedia.com) – "I was more or less offered the job of editing Nupedia when I was, as an ABD philosophy graduate student, soliciting Jimbo's (and other friends') advice on a website I was thinking of starting. It was the first I had heard of Jimbo's idea of an open content encyclopedia, and I was delighted to take the job."
  15. ^ a b "Ben Kovitz". WikiWikiWeb. http://c2.com/cgi/wiki?BenKovitz. Retrieved 25 March 2007.  - see also Ben Kovitz' fuller account which he links from there.
  16. ^ a b c Moody, Glyn (13 July 2006). "This time, it'll be a Wikipedia written by experts". The Guardian. http://technology.guardian.co.uk/weekly/story/0,,1818630,00.html. Retrieved 25 March 2007. -- While casting around for a way to speed up article production, Sanger met with Ben Kovitz, an old friend, in January 2001. Kovitz introduced Sanger to the idea of the wiki, invented in 1995 by Ward Cunningham: web pages that anyone could write and edit. "My first reaction was that this really could be what would solve the problem," Sanger explains, "because the software was already written, and this community of people on WikiWikiWeb" – the first wiki – "had created something like 14,000 pages". Nupedia, by contrast, had produced barely two dozen articles. Sanger took up the idea immediately: "I wrote up a proposal and sent it [to Wales] that evening, and the wiki was then set up for me to work on." But this was not Wikipedia as we know it. "Originally it was the Nupedia Wiki – our idea was to use it as an article incubator for Nupedia. Articles could begin life on this wiki, be developed collaboratively and, when they got to a certain stage of development, be put it into the Nupedia system."
  17. ^ a b Sidener, Jonathan (23 September 2006). "Wikipedia co-founder looks to add accountability, end anarchy". The San Diego Union-Tribune. http://www.signonsandiego.com/uniontrib/20060923/news_lz1n23wiki.html. Retrieved 25 March 2007. "The origins of Wikipedia date to 2000, when Sanger was finishing his doctoral thesis in philosophy and had an idea for a Web site." 
  18. ^ Poe, Marshall (September 2006). "The Hive". The Atlantic Monthly. p. 3. http://www.theatlantic.com/doc/200609/wikipedia/3. Retrieved 25 March 2007. -- Over tacos that night, Sanger explained his concerns about Nupedia’s lack of progress, the root cause of which was its serial editorial system. As Nupedia was then structured, no stage of the editorial process could proceed before the previous stage was completed. Kovitz brought up the wiki and sketched out “wiki magic,” the mysterious process by which communities with common interests work to improve wiki pages by incremental contributions. If it worked for the rambunctious hacker culture of programming, Kovitz said, it could work for any online collaborative project. The wiki could break the Nupedia bottleneck by permitting volunteers to work simultaneously all over the project. With Kovitz in tow, Sanger rushed back to his apartment and called Wales to share the idea. Over the next few days he wrote a formal proposal for Wales and started a page on Cunningham’s wiki called “WikiPedia.”
  19. ^ a b Wales, Jimmy (30 October 2001). "LinkBacks?" (Email). wikipedia-l archives (Bomis). http://lists.wikimedia.org/pipermail/wikipedia-l/2001-October/000671.html. Retrieved 25 March 2007. 
  20. ^ "Assignment Zero First Take: Wiki Innovators Rethink Openness". Wired News. 3 May 2007. http://www.wired.com/techbiz/media/news/2007/05/assignment_zero_citizendium. Retrieved 1 November 2007. Wired.com states: "Wales offered the following on-the-record comment in an e-mail to NewAssignment.net editor [and NYU Professor] Jay Rosen ...'Larry Sanger was my employee working under my direct supervision during the entire process of launching Wikipedia. He was not the originator of the proposal to use a wiki for the encyclopedia project – that was Jeremy Rosenfeld'."
  21. ^ Rogers Cadenhead. "Wikipedia Founder Looks Out for Number 1". http://www.cadenhead.org/workbench/news/2828/wikipedia-founder-looks-out-number-1. Retrieved 15 October 2006. 
  22. ^ Also stated on Wikipedia, on 2 December 2005 permanent reference
  23. ^ Stated on Wikipedia on 14 March 2005: reference
  24. ^ Larry Sanger (10 January 2001). "Let's make a wiki". Nupedia mailing list. Archived from the original on 14 April 2003. http://web.archive.org/web/20030414014355/http://www.nupedia.com/pipermail/nupedia-l/2001-January/000676.html. 
  25. ^ Message by Jimmy Wales, 17 December 2008. Retrieved 30 January 2010.
  26. ^ "Wikipedia:Wikipedia's oldest articles", Wikipedia. Retrieved on 30 January 2007.
  27. ^ The Wikipedia Revolution, by Andrew Lih
  28. ^ a b "Britannica and Free Content". Slashdot. 26 July 2001. http://slashdot.org/articles/01/07/26/0312258.shtml. 
  29. ^ "Nupedia and Project Gutenberg Directors Answer". Slashdot. 5 March 2001. http://slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=01/03/02/1422244&tid=99. 
  30. ^ "Everything2 Hits One Million Nodes". Slashdot. 29 March 2001. http://slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=01/03/29/2035230&tid=95. 
  31. ^ Britannica or Nupedia? The Future of Free Encyclopedias 25 July 2001
  32. ^ "Fact driven? Collegial? This site wants you", New York Times, 20 September 2001
  33. ^ Announcement of finding of Wikipedia's earliest history
  34. ^ "Alternative language Wikipedias". Lists.wikimedia.org. 15 March 2001. http://lists.wikimedia.org/pipermail/wikipedia-l/2001-March/000049.html. Retrieved 13 April 2010. 
  35. ^ "History of the Catalan Homepage". Wikipedia.com. Archived from the original on 13 April 2001. http://web.archive.org/web/20010413083954/catalan.wikipedia.com/wiki.cgi?action=history&id=HomePage. Retrieved 13 April 2010. 
  36. ^ The Wayback Machine: An early Japanese Wikipedia HomePage (revision #3), dated 20 March 2001 23:00. Retrieved 4 November 2008.
  37. ^ An Internet Archive's snapshot of English Wikipedia HomePage, dated 30 March 2001, showing links to the three first sister projects, "Deutsch (German)", "Catalan", and "Nihongo (Japanese)".
  38. ^ Multilingual monthly statistics
  39. ^ "First edition in the Catalan Wikipedia" (in (Catalan)). Ca.wikipedia.org. http://ca.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=%C3%80bac&oldid=1. Retrieved 13 April 2010. 
  40. ^ This table, for instance, misses Japanese and German articles such as this one and this one, both dated 6 April 2001.
  41. ^ The Documentation on the French Wikipedia mentions the date of 23 March 2001, but this date is not supported by Wikipedia snapshots on the Internet Archive, nor by Jason Richney's letter, which was dated 11 May 2001 (see below).
  42. ^ Letter of Jason Richey to wikipedia-l mailing list 11 May 2001
  43. ^ "HomePage from the Internet Archive". Wikipedia.com. Archived from the original on 18 November 2001. http://web.archive.org/web/20011118054300/ar.wikipedia.com/wiki.cgi?HomePage. Retrieved 13 April 2010. 
  44. ^ Wikipedia:Announcements May 2001
  45. ^ "International_Wikipedia". Wikipedia.org. http://www.wikipedia.org/w/wiki.phtml?title=International_Wikipedia&action=history. Retrieved 13 April 2010. 
  46. ^ Wikipedia: Announcements 2001
  47. ^ "International Wikipedias statistics". Wikipedia.org. http://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:International_wikipedias_statistics. Retrieved 13 April 2010. 
  48. ^ a b Schiff, Stacy (31 July 2006). "Know It All". The New Yorker. http://www.newyorker.com/fact/content/articles/060731fa_fact. Retrieved 25 April 2009. 
  49. ^ Anderson, Nate (2007-02-25). "Citizendium: building a better Wikipedia". Ars Technica. http://arstechnica.com/articles/culture/citizendium.ars/3. Retrieved 2011-10-22. 
  50. ^ This statement may be found at en.citizendium.org
  51. ^ a b Anderson, Nate (25 February 2007). "Citizendium: building a better Wikipedia". Ars Technica. http://arstechnica.com/articles/culture/citizendium.ars. Retrieved 25 March 2007. 
  52. ^ Poe, Marshall (September 2006). "The Hive". The Atlantic. http://www.theatlantic.com/doc/200609/wikipedia/. Retrieved January 1, 2007. 
  53. ^ Larry Sanger (January 10, 2001). "Let's make a wiki". Nupedia-l mailing list (Internet Archive). Archived from the original on 14 April 2003. http://web.archive.org/web/20030414014355/http://www.nupedia.com/pipermail/nupedia-l/2001-January/000676.html. 
  54. ^ Network Solutions (2007) WHOIS domain registration information results for wikipedia.com from Network Solutions'.' Retrieved 27 July 2007.
  55. ^ Network Solutions (2007) WHOIS domain registration information results for wikipedia.org from Network Solutions'.' Retrieved 27 July 2007.
  56. ^ "Wikipedia.org Site Info". Alexa Internet. http://www.alexa.com/siteinfo/http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Main_Page. Retrieved 2010-09-06. 
  57. ^ Wales on Sunday (26 August 2001) Knowledge at your fingertips. Game On : Internet Chat.(writing, "Both Encarta and Britannica are official publications with well-deserved reputations. But there are other options, such as the homemade encyclopaedias. One is Wikipedia (www.wikipedia.com) which uses clever software to build an encyclopaedia from scratch. Wiki is software installed on a web server that allows anyone to edit any of the pages. At the Wikipedia, anyone can write about any subject they know about. The idea is that over time, enough experts will offer their knowledge for free and build up the world's ultimate hand-built database of knowledge. The disadvantage is that it's still an ongoing project. So far about 8,000 articles have been written and the editors are aiming for 100,000.")
  58. ^ October, 2001 snapshot of the homepage shows the "Breaking News" header up top as well as the 11 September 2001 block of articles under "Current events"; the 9/11 page shows the activist nature of the page, as well as the large number of subtopics created to cover the event.
  59. ^ a b 387 F.3d 1303
  60. ^ a b WP:BLP was started on 17 December 2005, with the narrative "I started this due to the Daniel Brandt situation". Wikipedia:Biographies of living persons
  61. ^ "Growing pains for Wikipedia". CNET. Retrieved July 16, 2010.
  62. ^ Similar Search Results: Google Wins 29 January 2007
  63. ^ See the special page: Special:Statistics: 5,078,036 registered user accounts as at 13 August 2007, excluding anonymous editors who have not created accounts.
  64. ^ Source: Wikipedia:Size comparisons as of 13 August 2007
  65. ^ From around Q3 2006 Wikipedia's growth rate has been approximately linear, source: Wikipedia:Statistics – new article count by month 2006–2007.
  66. ^ E.g., cases such as Crystal Gail Mangum and Daniel Brandt.
  67. ^ million articles "Three million articles", Wikipedia Signpost
  68. ^ "Wikipedia - 50 Best Websites 2009". TIME, 24 August 2009. Retrieved 2011-11-24.
  69. ^ Telegraph 30 May 2009 20:30: Church of Scientology members banned from editing Wikipedia
  70. ^ a b c Shea, Danny (29 May 2009). "Wikipedia Bans Scientology From Site". The Huffington Post. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2009/05/29/wikipedia-bans-scientolog_n_208967.html. Retrieved 29 May 2009. 
  71. ^ a b Metz, Cade (29 May 2009). "Wikipedia bans Church of Scientology". The Register. http://www.theregister.co.uk/2009/05/29/wikipedia_bans_scientology/. Retrieved 29 May 2009. 
  72. ^ Bergsma, Mark (24 March 2010). "Global Outage (cooling failure and DNS)". Wikimedia Technical Blog. http://techblog.wikimedia.org/2010/03/global-outage-cooling-failure-and-dns/. Retrieved 30 March 2010. 
  73. ^ Perez, Juan Carlos (25 March 2010). "Wikipedia Suffers Global Collapse". PC World. http://www.pcworld.com/businesscenter/article/192410/wikipedia_suffers_global_collapse.html. Retrieved 30 March 2010. 
  74. ^ a b "New features". Wikipedia. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Special:UsabilityInitiativePrefSwitch. Retrieved 2010-09-06. 
  75. ^ Total edits in Wikimedia projects - 1 billionth edit screenshot. Retrieved 2011-11-19.
  76. ^ Wikipedia celebrates a decade of edit wars, controversy and Internet dominance networkworld.com
  77. ^ "Wikipedia hosts India conference amid expansion push". BBC News, 19 November 2011.
  78. ^ "Wikipedia, 10 years old, targets India". Reuters. 12/1/11. http://www.reuters.com/article/idUSN1116765620110112. Retrieved 13 January 2011. 
  79. ^ http://www.pcmag.com/article2/0,2817,2394150,00.asp#fbid=pWeBqlxi4Fc PC Magazine. Retrieved 2011-10-06.
  80. ^ http://stats.wikimedia.org/wikimedia/squids/SquidReportPageViewsPerCountryOverview.htm Wikimedia Statistics, 2011-04-20. Retrieved 2011-10-14.
  81. ^ http://techcrunch.com/2011/02/05/wikipedia-affiliate-links/ TechCrunch.com, 2011-02-05. Retrieved 2011-09-24.
  82. ^ "Server swapping soon". http://lists.wikimedia.org/pipermail/wikitech-l/2004-February/008418.html. Retrieved 10 February 2007. 
  83. ^ "Wikipedia:Categorization", Wikipedia. Retrieved on 30 January 2007.
  84. ^ "Wikipedia:Template namespace", Wikipedia. Retrieved on 17 September 2007.
  85. ^ "Wikipedia:Featured articles", Wikipedia. Retrieved on 30 January 2007.
  86. ^ "International logo vote/Finalists". Meta-Wiki. Wikimedia. http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/International_logo_vote/Finalists. Retrieved 8 July 2006. 
  87. ^ "Portal:Biology", English Wikipedia. Retrieved on 31 January 2007.
  88. ^ Portals on German Wikipedia ordered by date of creation.
  89. ^ "NeutralPointOfView". Wikipedia.org. Archived from the original on 16 April 2001. http://web.archive.org/web/20010416035757/http://www.wikipedia.com/wiki/NeutralPointOfView. Retrieved 13 April 2010. 
  90. ^ "A few things are absolute and non-negotiable, though. NPOV for example." in statement by Jimbo Wales in November 2003 and, in this thread reconfirmed by Jimbo Wales in April 2006 in the context of lawsuits.
  91. ^ Nupedia.com editorial policy guidelines. Version 3.31 (16 November 2000). Retrieved 7 September 2007.
  92. ^ "Nupedia articles are, in terms of their content, to be unbiased. There may be respectable reference works that permit authors to take recognizable stands on controversial issues, but this is not one of them ... "On every issue ... is it very difficult or impossible for the reader to determine what the view is to which the author adheres?" ... for each controversial view discussed, the author of an article (at a bare minimum) mention various opposing views that are taken seriously by any significant minority of experts (or concerned parties) on the subject ... In a final version of the article, every party to the controversy in question must be able to judge that its views have been fairly presented, or as fairly as is possible in a context in which other, opposing views must also be presented as fairly as possible." web.archive.org
  93. ^ "Wikipedia:WikiProject proposal – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia". English Wikipedia. 18 May 2008. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:WikiProject_proposal. Retrieved 13 April 2010. 
  94. ^ 'Why we are here and not in Wikipedia (in Spanish, under GFDL)
  95. ^ "Estadísticas – Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre" (in (Spanish)). Es.wikipedia.org. http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Especial:Statistics. Retrieved 13 April 2010. 
  96. ^ First substantial edit to Wikipedia:Manual of Style, Wikipedia (23 August 2002). Retrieved on 30 January 2007.
  97. ^ "Wikimedia News/2002 – Meta". Meta.wikimedia.org. http://meta.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?title=Wikimedia_News/2002&oldid=486954. Retrieved 13 April 2010. 
  98. ^ "Wikipedia:Autobiography – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia". En.wikipedia.org. 30 July 2003. http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Wikipedia:Autobiography&oldid=1220207. Retrieved 13 April 2010. 
  99. ^ "Wikipedia:Community Portal", Wikipedia. Retrieved on 30 January 2007.
  100. ^ "CheckUser policy", Meta-Wiki. Retrieved on 25 January 2007. Checkuser function had previously existed, but was known as Espionage – for example, in the Arbitration Committee case of JarlaxleArtemis.
  101. ^ Checkuser proposal
  102. ^ "Page creation restrictions", Wikipedia Signpost / English Wikipedia. Retrieved on 31 January 2007.
  103. ^ "Semi-protection policy", Wikipedia Signpost / English Wikipedia. Retrieved on 30 January 2007.
  104. ^ Esperanza organization disbanded after deletion discussion 2 January 2007
  105. ^ a b "Wikipedia:Miscellany for deletion/Wikipedia:Esperanza – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia". En.wikipedia.org. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WP:MFD/EA. Retrieved 13 April 2010. 
  106. ^ New group aims to promote Wiki-Love 19 September 2005
  107. ^ Riehle, Dirk. "How and Why Wikipedia Works: An Interview with Angela Beesley, Elisabeth Bauer, and Kizu Naoko", www.riehle.org, 2006.
  108. ^ "Wikipedia:Wikipedia Signpost/2006-01-16/Trademark registered". Wikipedia. 16 January 2006. http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Wikipedia:Wikipedia_Signpost/2006-01-16/Trademark_registered&oldid=35499220. Retrieved 14 January 2007. 
  109. ^ "Angela Beesley resigns from Wikimedia Foundation board", Wikimedia Foundation press release, 7 July 2006.
  110. ^ One million Wikipedia articles
  111. ^ "Wikipedia Publishes 500,000th English Article". Wikimediafoundation.org. http://wikimediafoundation.org/wiki/Press_releases/500k_English_articles. Retrieved 13 April 2010. 
  112. ^ a b While this article was announced as the milestone on the Main Page, multiple articles qualified due to the continuous creation and deletion of pages on the site.
  113. ^ Wikimedia Foundation: English Wikipedia Announces Thousandth Featured Article
  114. ^ Welcome speech, Jimbo Wales, Wikimania 2006 (audio)
  115. ^ "A Schools Global Citizen Resource from SOS Children". Fixedreference.org. http://fixedreference.org/2006-Wikipedia-CD-Selection. Retrieved 13 April 2010. 
  116. ^ "Fund drives/2005/Q1", Wikimedia Foundation. Retrieved on 25 January 2007.
  117. ^ "Fund drives/2005/Q4", Wikimedia Foundation. Retrieved on 25 January 2007.
  118. ^ UPDATED: Analysis: Wikipedia's 2008 fund raising campaign. TGDaily, 9 January 2009. Retrieved 4 January 2012.
  119. ^ MSNBC.msn.com
  120. ^ Huffingtonpost.com
  121. ^ News.softpedia.com
  122. ^ Wikipedia hits $16 million fundraising target. TGDaily, 3 January 2011. Retrieved 17 May 2011.
  123. ^ Wikimedia donations total $20 million for 2011. TGDaily, 2 January 2012. Retrieved 4 January 2012.
  124. ^ In deciding the trademark of F1 racing, the UK Intellectual Property Office considered both the reliability of Wikipedia, and its usefulness as a reliable source of evidence:
    "Wikipedia has sometimes suffered from the self-editing that is intrinsic to it, giving rise at times to potentially libellous statements. However, inherently, I cannot see that what is in Wikipedia is any less likely to be true than what is published in a book or on the websites of news organisations. [Formula One's lawyer] did not express any concerns about the Wikipedia evidence [presented by the plaintiff]. I consider that the evidence from Wikipedia can be taken at face value."
    The case turned substantively upon evidence cited from Wikipedia in 2006 as to the usage and interpretation of the term "F1".
  125. ^ On Wikipedia, Debating 2008 Hopefuls' Every Facet, Washington Post, 17 September 2007; Page A01 – "...at the same time, it's hard to find a more up-to-date, detailed, thorough article on Obama than Wikipedia's. As of Friday, Obama's article – more than 22 pages long, with 15 sections covering his personal and professional life – had a reference list of 167 sources."
  126. ^ Source: Wikipedia emerges as key source for Virginia Tech shootingscyberjournalist.net citing the New York Times nytimes.com, stating: "Even The Roanoke Times, which is published near Blacksburg, Va., where the university is located, noted on Thursday that Wikipedia 'has emerged as the clearinghouse for detailed information on the event'."
  127. ^ Child, Maxwell L.,"Professors Split on Wiki Debate", The Harvard Crimson, by: Maxwell L. Child, Monday, 26 February 2007.
  128. ^ "Atze muss zahlen", Klemperts blog "recent changes" on 27 June 2007: recentchanges.de
  129. ^ "Caught in the deadly web of the internet", Robert Fisk, The Independent, 21 April 2007. Retrieved 24 July 2007.
  130. ^ "A question of authority", by Paul Jay, 22 June 2007, CBC News. Retrieved 24 July 2007.
  131. ^ News release of Vereniging Wikimedia Nederland. Retrieved 10 December 2008.
  132. ^ Wikimedia Deutschland press release, ORF Futurezone, both seen on 2010‑05‑27.
  133. ^ Welt.de: Wie ich im Internet zum Juden erklärt wurde.
  134. ^ Schwartz, John (November 12, 2009). "Two German Killers Demanding Anonymity Sue Wikipedia's Parent". New York Times. http://www.nytimes.com/2009/11/13/us/13wiki.html. Retrieved 2009‑11‑13. 
  135. ^ Copy of cease and desist letter
  136. ^ a b c d Bergstein, Brian (25 March 2007). "Sanger says he co-started Wikipedia". msnbc.com. Associated Press. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/17798723/. Retrieved 28 March 2007. "The nascent Web encyclopedia Citizendium springs from Larry Sanger, a philosophy Ph.D. who counts himself as a co-founder of Wikipedia, the site he now hopes to usurp. The claim doesn't seem particularly controversial – Sanger has long been cited as a co-founder. Yet the other founder, Jimmy Wales, isn't happy about it."  — Brian Bergstein.
  137. ^ "Rules To Consider". Ignore all rules (Internet Archive). http://web.archive.org/web/20010416035716/www.wikipedia.com/wiki/RulesToConsider. Retrieved 25 March 2007. 
  138. ^ Thomson, Iain (13 April 2007). "Wikipedia 'broken beyond repair' says co-founder". Information World Review. http://www.iwr.co.uk/information-world-review/news/2187709/wikipedia-broken-beyond-repair. Retrieved 15 April 2007. 
  139. ^ a b Mitchell, Dan (24 December 2005). "Insider Editing at Wikipedia". The New York Times. http://www.nytimes.com/2005/12/24/technology/24online.ready.html?ex=1293080400&en=431aff478b00239e&ei=5090&partner=rssuserland&emc=rss. Retrieved 25 March 2007. 
  140. ^ Hansen, Evan (19 December 2005). "Wikipedia Founder Edits Own Bio". Wired (Wired News). http://www.wired.com/news/culture/0,1284,69880,00.html. Retrieved 25 March 2007. 
  141. ^ Finkelstein, Seth (12 February 2009). "What's in a name? Everything, when you're talking wiki value". The Guardian. http://www.guardian.co.uk/technology/2009/feb/12/wiki-answers-wikia. Retrieved 12 February 2009. 
  142. ^ a b Peter Meyers (20 September 2001). "Fact-Driven? Collegial? This Site Wants You". The New York Times. http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?res=9800E5D6123BF933A1575AC0A9679C8B63&n=Top%2fReference%2fTimes%20Topics%2fSubjects%2fC%2fComputer%20Software. Retrieved 18 April 2007. "It's kind of surprising that you could just open up a site and let people work," said Jimmy Wales, Wikipedia's co-founder and the chief executive of Bomis, a San Diego search engine company that donates the computer resources for the project. "There's kind of this real social pressure to not argue about things." Instead, he said, "there's a general consensus among all of the really busy volunteers about what an encyclopedia article needs to be like." 
  143. ^ James Niccolai, Wikipedia taking on the vandals in Germany, PC Advisor, 26 September 2006.
  144. ^ Bishop, Todd. (26 January 2004) Seattle Post-Intelligencer. Microsoft Notebook: Wiki pioneer planted the seed and watched it grow. Section: Business; Page D1.
  145. ^ Wales, Jimmy (6 August 2002). "3apes open content web directory". Yahoo! Tech Groups forum post (WebCite). Archived from the original on 1 April 2009. http://www.webcitation.org/5fhXjrexf. Retrieved 3 April 2009. "I'm Jimmy Wales, co-founder of Nupedia and Wikipedia, the open content encyclopedias." 
  146. ^ Heim, Judy (4 September 2001). "Free the Encyclopedias!". Technology Review. http://www.technologyreview.com/Infotech/12586/. Retrieved 25 March 2007. 
  147. ^ Nature. "Internet encyclopaedias go head to head". Nature.com. http://www.nature.com/news/2005/051212/full/438900a.html. Retrieved 13 April 2010. 
  148. ^ "The (Nature) peer review". Nature. http://www.nature.com/news/2005/051212/multimedia/438900a_m1.html. Retrieved 13 April 2010. 
  149. ^ Britannica: Fatally Flawed. Refuting the recent study on encyclopedic accuracy by the journal Nature (PDF)
  150. ^ Nature's responses to Encyclopædia Britannica, Nature (23 March 2006). Retrieved on 25 January 2007.
  151. ^ See for example: this article on the scandal. The activities documented were:
    Politician Editing undertaken Sources
    Marty Meehan Replacement with staff-written biography Congressional staffers edit boss's bio on Wikipedia
    Norm Coleman Rewrite to make more favorable, claimed to be "correcting errors") "Web site's entry on Coleman revised Aide confirms his staff edited biography, questions Wikipedia's accuracy". St. Paul Pioneer Press(Associated Press). http://www.twincities.com/mld/pioneerpress/news/local/13750990.htm. 
    Conrad Burns
    Removal of quoted pejorative statements the Senator had made, and replacing them with "glowing tributes" as "the voice of the farmer") Williams, Walt (1 January 2007). "Burns' office may have tampered with Wikipedia entry". Bozeman Daily Chronicle. http://www.bozemandailychronicle.com/articles/2006/02/09/news/wikipedia.txt. Retrieved 13 February 2007. 
    Joe Biden Removal of unfavorable information Congressional staffers edit boss's bio on Wikipedia
    Gil Gutknecht Staff rewrite and removal of information evidencing broken campaign promise.

    (Multiple attempts)

    On 16 August 2006, the Minneapolis-St. Paul Star Tribune reported that the office of Representative Gil Gutknecht tried twice — on 24 July 2006 and 14 August 2006 — to remove a 128-word section in the Wikipedia article on him, replacing it with a more flattering 315-word entry taken from his official congressional biography. Most of the removed text was about the 12-year term-limit Gutknecht imposed on himself in 1995 (Gutknecht ran for re-election in 2006, breaking his promise). A spokesman for Gutknecht did not dispute that his office tried to change his Wikipedia entry, but questioned the reliability of the encyclopedia. ("Gutknecht joins Wikipedia tweakers", Minneapolis-St. Paul Star Tribune, 16 August 2006, accessed 17 August 2006).

    Multiple attempts, first using a named account, then an anonymous IP account.

  152. ^ Information included the mention of an opponent's son's arrest in a fatal drunk driving accident, and the allegation of questionable business practices of another seattletimes.nwsource.com. See article Morton Brilliant for detailed citations.
  153. ^ "Wikipedia Founder Refutes Claims That It Banned Qatar" by Thomas Claburn, InformationWeek, 2 January 2007
  154. ^ Bergstein, Brian (23 January 2007). "Microsoft offers cash for Wikipedia edit". MSNBC. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/16775981/. Retrieved 1 February 2007. 
  155. ^ Schiff, Stacy (24 July 2006). "Annals of Information: Know It All: Can Wikipedia conquer expertise?". The New Yorker. http://www.newyorker.com/fact/content/articles/060731fa_fact. Retrieved 16 April 2007. 
  156. ^ Finkelstein, Seth (8 March 2007). "Read me first". Technology. The Guardian. http://technology.guardian.co.uk/weekly/story/0,,2028328,00.html. Retrieved 16 April 2007. 
  157. ^ Braindead obituarists hoaxed by Wikipedia Andrew Orlowski, The Register, 3 October 2007
  158. ^ "Bauer v. Wikimedia et al. | Electronic Frontier Foundation". Eff.org. http://www.eff.org/cases/bauer-v-glatzer. Retrieved 13 April 2010. 
  159. ^ "EFF and Sheppard Mullin Defend Wikipedia in Defamation Case | Electronic Frontier Foundation". Eff.org. 2 May 2008. http://www.eff.org/press/archives/2008/05/02. Retrieved 13 April 2010. 
  160. ^ EFF.org
  161. ^ "Bauer v. Wikimedia | Citizen Media Law Project". Citmedialaw.org. 31 January 2008. http://www.citmedialaw.org/threats/bauer-v-wikimedia. Retrieved 13 April 2010. 
  162. ^ Maev Kennedy Legal row over National Portrait Gallery images placed on Wikipedia The Guardian 14 July 2009
  163. ^ "National Portrait Gallery receives support from BAPLA in its legal fight against Wikipedia". Bjp-online.com. http://www.bjp-online.com/public/showPage.html?page=865802. Retrieved 13 April 2010. 
  164. ^ BBC Gallery in Wikipedia legal threat
  165. ^ "National Portrait Gallery sues Wikipedia". Metro.co.uk. 14 July 2009. http://www.metro.co.uk/news/article.html?National_Portrait_Gallery_sues_Wikipedia&in_article_id=702647&in_page_id=34. Retrieved 13 April 2010. 
  166. ^ BBC Wikipedia painting row escalates 17 July 2009
  167. ^ "Wikipedia's porn purge, and cleaning up for the iPad". guardian.co.uk. 12 May 2010. http://www.guardian.co.uk/technology/2010/may/10/ipad-apple. Retrieved 24 October 2010. 
  168. ^ "EXCLUSIVE: Wikipedia's Parent Company Starts Purging Porn From Its Websites". Fox News. 7 May 2010. http://www.foxnews.com/scitech/2010/05/07/wikipedia-purges-porn/. Retrieved 24 October 2010. 
  169. ^ "Wikimedia pornography row deepens as Wales cedes rights". BBC. 10 May 2010. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/technology/10104946.stm. Retrieved 24 October 2010. 
  170. ^ "Jimmy Wales - Where things stand now". 8 May 2010. http://www.mail-archive.com/foundation-l@lists.wikimedia.org/msg10574.html. Retrieved 28 November 2010. 
  171. ^ "Wikimedia pornography row deepens as Wales cedes rights". BBC. 10 May 2010. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/10104946. Retrieved 28 November 2010. 
  172. ^ Cohen, Jason Z (3 March 2008). "Citizendium's Larry Sanger: Experts Make It Better". LinuxInsider (ECT News Network). http://www.linuxinsider.com/rsstory/61983.html?welcome=1205003304&welcome=1205003861&wlc=1234584689&wlc=1235641480. Retrieved 8 March 2008. 
  173. ^ McCarthy, Caroline (23 January 2007). "Citizendium: Wikipedia co-founder Sanger's Wikipedia rival". CNET News. http://news.cnet.com/8301-17939_109-9680301-2.html. Retrieved 5 April 2007. 
  174. ^ "Wikipedia, Die freie Enzyklopädie" (in German). http://www.digitale-bibliothek.de/scripts/ts.dll?s=1&id=E0016306&mp=/art/1266/&sc=Wikipedia.htm. Retrieved 25 April 2007. 
  175. ^ "Neue Wikipedia-DVD im Handel und zum Download" (in German). http://www.heise.de/newsticker/result.xhtml?url=/newsticker/meldung/67137&words=Wikipedia%20DVD. Retrieved 25 April 2007. 
  176. ^ "Wikipedia wird noch nicht gedruckt" (in German). http://www.heise.de/newsticker/meldung/71231. Retrieved 25 April 2007. 
  177. ^ Titelinformationen, Bertelsmann site. Retrieved 7 October 2008.
  178. ^ "SOS Children releases 2006 Wikipedia CD Selection". SOS Children. 4 June 2006. http://www.soschildrensvillages.org.uk/charity-news/education-cd.htm. Retrieved 25 April 2007. 
  179. ^ "Wikipedia 0.5 available on a CD-ROM". April 2007. http://wikipediaondvd.com/site.php. Retrieved 25 April 2007. 
  180. ^ "Wikipedia maakt cd voor internetlozen" (in Dutch). tweakers.net. 25 April 2007. http://tweakers.net/nieuws/47253/Wikipedia-maakt-cd-voor-internetlozen.html. Retrieved 25 April 2007. 
  181. ^ Encyclopodia site "Encyclopodia – the encyclopedia on your iPod". Sourceforge. http://encyclopodia.sourceforge.net/en/index.html Encyclopodia site. Retrieved 25 April 2007. 
  182. ^ "Judge tosses Matawan literary agent's defamation lawsuit against Wikipedia – Asbury Park Press". M.app.com. http://m.app.com/news.jsp?key=81411. Retrieved 13 April 2010. 
  183. ^ Wikipedia:Wikipedia Signpost/2007-11-05/French lawsuit 5 November 2007

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