
The Hispano-Bretón is a Spanish breed of horse developed by crossing native Pura Raza Española horses with imported Breton draught horses. The breed is found mainly in two separate areas of northern Spain: Castilla y León and parts of neighbouring Cantabria; and the Pyrenees of Cataluña. The Hispano-Bretón is listed in the Catálogo Oficial de Razas de Ganado de España in the group of autochthonous breeds in danger of extinction.[1]

See also


  1. ^ "Ganaderia: Clasificación de Razas". Ministerio de Medio Ambiente y Medio Rural y Marino. (in Spanish). http://www.mapa.es/app/Zootecnia/Fichas.aspx?pag=HispanoBreton. Retrieved Apr 2011.