Hindi Blogosphere

Hindi Blogosphere (Hindi:हिन्दी चिट्ठाजगत) is a term used to describe the online community of Hindi weblogs that are a part of the larger Indian Blogosphere.



Alok Kumar is known as the first Hindi blogger. His blog नौ दौ ग्यारह (9-2-11) was the first known Hindi blog. He coined the term Chittha (Hindi:चिट्ठा) for blog which was quickly adopted by other bloggers and later became the standard Hindi term for it. Because of the difficulties involved in typing Hindi script, very few people used it online, but later on, due to the availability of Hindi typing tools, the number of Hindi bloggers began growing.

In 2007, the number of Hindi blogs increased rapidly. This was due to the advent of Indic Unicode support in various blogging services, and the advent of new Hindi typing tools like Google Indic Transliteration tool in Blogger and the promotion of Hindi blogging in the mainstream media.

Types of blogs

During the beginning days, most Hindi blogs were personal, and there were few topic focused blogs. During 2007, the number of Hindi blogs increased rapidly and blogs focused on various topics like cinema, technology, science, hobbies, photoblogs began.

Various community services

See also